(IN0014, IN2107, IN4906_4) Practical Workshop Data Protection for StartUps

Lecturer (assistant)
  • Dirk Heckmann
  • Fabian Wiedemann
Duration2 SWS
TermWintersemester 2023/24
Language of instructionGerman
Position within curriculaSee TUMonline
DatesSee TUMonline

Admission information

See TUMonline
Note: Note: Seminar place allocation via the IN matching system http://docmatching.in.tum.de/


After participating in the module, students understand the basic concepts of data protection law, can relate these concepts to various concrete business models/applications and are familiar with initial approaches to processing personal data in a data protection-compliant manner.


The seminar is aimed at student start-ups or students with the necessary entrepreneurial spirit. In the seminar, the basics and pitfalls of data protection law are taught in a practical manner and solutions tailored to the concrete needs and business ideas of the students are developed. Organisational matters: - The seminar is based on fortnightly dates for the theoretical introduction to the application of data protection law, a written presentation of the results of a data protection law audit of the respective start-up by the students and a block event in which the students can present their business models as well as the concrete implementation of the learned data protection law requirements and work through further data protection law problems in the discussion. The individual dates will probably be held in the period from October to December and the block event on a date in the period from mid-January to early February. The exact dates will be announced later. - There will be no general preliminary discussion. Interested students are welcome to contact us to arrange an individual meeting date. Content: - In the seminar, we will deal with the topic of data protection law and privacy policy in a strongly application-oriented manner. The students will receive a basic introduction to the legal material, especially with regard to questions that regularly arise in smaller internet companies. - The students then examine their concrete application, project or (fictitious) business idea to determine which data protection challenges arise from this and how these could be overcome, summarise the results of the investigation in writing and also present the results as part of a block event. Number of participants and application: - The seminar is limited to a maximum of ten applications / projects. Several students can apply per application / project. - Please apply by 15 September 2023 via email to office.elaw@sot.tum.de with the following information: (1) Description of the project, (2) In which phase is the project?, (3) Is there already experience with the topic of data protection law?

Teaching and learning methods

Lecture, presentation, discussions, group work, active participation, term paper, application to concrete business models
