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Recent news

Japanese Translation of The Ethics of Competition

The Japanese translation of "The Ethics of Competition" will be published by Keio University Press. The original  book, written by Prof. Lütge and published in German in 2014, was translated by Itaru Shimazu. The extended edition contains an interview with Prof. Lütge. You can find the link to the…

New Publication of the Chair

We would like to inform you about the following publication of Prof. Lütge: ICIS 2019 SIGHCI Workshop Panel Report: Human–Computer Interaction Challenges and Opportunities for Fair, Trustworthy and Ethical Artificial Intelligence. AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction, 12(2), pp. 96-108…

Lecture by Prof. Lütge at the Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence

On June 22, Prof. Lütge has given an online lecture at the Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence on the topic "AI and Sustainability" in the panel "AI Ethics, Governance and Sustainable Development" (人工智能伦理、治理与可持续发展专题论坛). Click here for further information.

Seminar with Prof. Erik Angner on Zoom

On Monday, 10, Professor Erik Angner (Stockholm University) delivered a zoom-lecture on Epistemic Humility – Knowing Your Limits in a Pandemic and on the implications of the CoVid-19 crisis on the academic debate.

Interview with Prof. Lütge on Morality in the Corona Crisis in the German Tagesschau

On April 3, Prof. Lütge gave an interview in the German Tagesschau, which was dedicated to the issue "morality in the Corona Crisis".

AI against covid-19: Christoph Lütge discusses a new ethics consortium

“Short-term decisions can have a long-term impact on our world” The weapons deployed in the fight against the covid-19 pandemic also include artificial intelligence. AI might be able to recognize patterns in the spread of the disease, for example. These new possibilities raise ethical issues,…

Launch of the Global AI Ethics Consortium on Ethics and the Use of Data and Artificial Intelligence in the Fight Against COVID-19 and other Pandemics

“The time for analysing how AI is deployed -whom it affects, how it affects them, what are its broader social and economic impacts- is now.” The COVID-19 crisis has already changed daily life in innumerable ways, and it will continue to have a significant impact as it shifts global opinion,…

Interview with Prof. Lütge in the ARD Morgenmagazin

April, 4 Prof. Lütge gave an interview in the ARD Morgenmagazin on "morality in the corona crisis" . The interview can be retrieved here.

Interview of Prof. Lütge with the Humain Podcast

On March 3, Prof. Lütge gave an interview on "Explainable AI" in the Humain Podcast. You can find the interview here.

Talking AI Ethics at Lake Starnberg

The Chair of Business Ethics co-hosted the 12th annual Forum for Humane Economic Order „Menschenwürdige Wirtschaftsordnung“ with the Academy for Political Education Tutzing on 6-7 March 2020. Set behind a stunning view of Lake Starnberg and the Alps, this year’s forum focused on the topic “Ethics in…