Dr. rer. pol. Raphael Max

Research Associate


Mail address: Arcisstraße 21
D-80333 München
Email: r.max(at)tum.de

Research Interests

Raphael Max is an economist with a philosophical background who studies the political, economic and social conditions of human behavior in a modern globalized world. A particular focus of his research is the discrepancy between moral judgment and human action. Raphael’s current project is the analysis of the normative perception of economic activities under uncertainty and moral evaluation of investment decisions.

In order to understand the challenges in practice, Raphael regularly organizes a round table with Munich Airport to discuss current issues in a discourse between politics, business and science.

Academic CV

since 2019 Lecturer for Ethics of Digitization and Business Ethics
at the University of Applied Sciences for Management & Communication Vienna
since 2017 Research Associate
at the Peter Löscher-Chair of Business Ethics and Global Governance, TUM School of Governance, TU Munich
2011-2016   Academic career
Economics and Philosophy at the University of Venice, Harvard Summer School, Venice International University, Munich School of Philosophy SJ and LMU Munich