Alisha Ogidan

Project manager

Phone: +49 (0) 89/ 907793 - 274



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Alisha Ogidan is project manager for the Quantum Social Lab at the TUM Think Tank since March 2023. Since 2023, she has been working on her PhD in philosophy in the field of epistemology. Alisha holds an B.A. and M.A. in philosophy from the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich.

Before working as a project manager at the Quantum Social Lab, she worked as a business journalist at the FOCUS MONEY publishing house, where she was also responsible for the video format and the blog "Kleingeldhelden". Alisha gained further work experience in project management and communication while working at Infineon Technologies AG and Siemens AG in Munich. Since February 2023, Alisha has also been working in a law firm in Munich.

In addition to her professional and academic activities, Alisha volunteers as a lecturer at SOS Kinderdorf e.V. and educates students on topics such as family, children's rights and career information.

Office hours are Monday (9 am – 6 pm), Tuesday (9 am – 12 pm) and Wednesday (9 am – 1 pm).