Prof. Dr. Urs Gasser


Telefon: +49 (0) 89/ 907793 - 270


Raum: B.458

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Prof. Dr. Urs Gasser ist Inhaber der Professur für Public Policy, Governance and Innovative Technology sowie Rektor der Hochschule für Politik (HfP) und Dekan der TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology. Sein Forschungsschwerpunkt liegt auf den gesellschaftlichen und regulatorischen Implikationen neuer Technologien wie Cloud Computing, Künstliche Intelligenz und Quantentechnologie.

Von 2009 bis 2021 war er Executive Director des Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society an der Harvard University und ab 2013 an der dortigen Harvard Law School Professor of Practice. Von 2005 bis 2008 hatte er eine Förderungsprofessur des Schweizerischen Nationalfonds an der Universität St. Gallen inne und war gleichzeitig Direktor der Forschungsstelle für Informationsrecht (FIR-HSG). Mit einem Landon H. Gammon Fellowship absolvierte Prof. Gasser zuvor das LL.M.-Programm der Harvard Law School, nach Studium und Promotion an der Universität St. Gallen.

Neben seinen Aufgaben an der TUM ist Urs Gasser u.a. in beratender Funktion im World Economic Forum, bei der OECD und bei UNICEF tätig und wirkte als Mitglied des Digitalrats der Deutschen Bundesregierung unter der Leitung Dr. Angela Merkel. Aktuell ist er u.a. Mitglied der Expertenkommission KI des kolumbianischen Präsidenten. Darüber hinaus war er Visiting Professor u.a. an der KEIO University Japan, der Singapore Management University sowie an der Universität Zürich.


Remembering and Forgetting in the Digital Age

Publications, Key Publications Prof. Gasser |

Challenges long-established but questionable principles of data protection law that are unfit for the digital age. Covers topics of remembering and forgetting, data protection and privacy from a holistic, future-oriented and interdisciplinary approach. Analyzes the present legal framework with a view to shaping future legislation, considering how legislators and rule-makers should approach today’s data.

by Florent Thouvenin, Peter Hettich, Herbert Burkert and Urs Gasser, Springer 2018

This book examines the fundamental question of how legislators and other rule-makers should handle remembering and forgetting information (especially personally identifiable information) in the digital age. It encompasses such topics as privacy, data protection, individual and collective memory, and the right to be forgotten when considering data storage, processing and deletion. The authors argue in support of maintaining the new digital default, that (personally identifiable) information should be remembered rather than forgotten.

The book offers guidelines for legislators as well as private and public organizations on how to make decisions on remembering and forgetting personally identifiable information in the digital age. It draws on three main perspectives: law, based on a comprehensive analysis of Swiss law that serves as an example; technology, specifically search engines, internet archives, social media and the mobile internet; and an interdisciplinary perspective with contributions from various disciplines such as philosophy, anthropology, sociology, psychology, and economics, amongst others.. Thanks to this multifaceted approach, readers will benefit from a holistic view of the informational phenomenon of “remembering and forgetting”.

This book will appeal to lawyers, philosophers, sociologists, historians, economists, anthropologists, and psychologists among many others. Such wide appeal is due to its rich and interdisciplinary approach to the challenges for individuals and society at large with regard to remembering and forgetting in the digital age.

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