Felix Steinbauer


Research assistant, PhD student




Room A2.306 (3rd Floor)
Richard-Wagner-Straße 1
80333 München

Office hours

By appointment


Short CV and Research Interests

In July 2023, I joined the chair for Responsible Data Science as PhD student with the goal of advancing the field of artificial general intelligence.

During my Bachelor's and Master's degree in Computer Science at TUM, I gained broad knowledge in machine learning and artificial neural networks. However, I also started to look at the biological side of intelligence by peaking into neurobiology, computational neuroscience as well as philosophical aspects of human cognition. Since then, I am directing my efforts to the gap between natural and artificial intelligence. I gained some hands-on experience in translating biological concepts to computer science and how to make them useful in real-world applications. For my current research focus, I am pursuing a more holistic view on intelligent systems.

In the future, I hope to transfer respective findings into responsible computational approaches.

Thesis and Project Offers

For a list of modules I am involved see here.

I am always open to discuss potential B.Sc./M.Sc. thesis topics or project proposals (e.g. IDP, guided research). In the best case, your interests overlap with AGI or neuro-symbolic approaches.