- Recent Public Transport Fare Policy Innovations in Germany: Insights from a Year-long GPS-Tracking Study. Presentation at the Workshop on Mobility Transitions in Europe Perspectives from Munich, Brussels, and Vienna, TUM, Munich, 2024 mehr…
- Multimodalen Verkehrsnetze: Kapazität und Erreichbarkeit. Presentation at the Sommerakademie "Mobilität der Zukunft" der Schweizerischen Studienstiftung, 2024 mehr…
- Observing natural experiments: lessons learnt from the 9-Euro-Ticket in Germany. Presentation, Transport Strategy Centre Seminar at Imperial College London, London, 2023 mehr…
- The German 9-Euro-Ticket: just a summer night's dream? Presentation at the UNSW Research Centre for Integrated Transport Innovation (rCITI), University of New South Wales, Sydney, 2023, mehr…
- Observing natural experiments: lessons learnt from the 9-Euro-Ticket in Germany. Presentation at the Transport Strategy Centre Seminar at Imperial College London, 2023, mehr…
- Understanding post-COVID-19 road performance outcomes on the TLRN and across London. Transport for London, Munich and Zurich, 2022, mehr…
- How many cars are too many? - A primer. Presentation at the Research Training Group Social Cars, TU Braunschweig, 2022, mehr…
- Understanding and Managing Traffic in the 21st Century. Presentation at the Research Training Group SocialCars,(SCF), Technische Universität Dresden, 2022, mehr…
- Network inefficiency - empirical findings for six European cities. Presentation at the TFTC Webinar Series & Next Generation Transportation Systems Seminar, University of Michigan, 2022, mehr…
- Nutzungen, Strukturen und Verkehr. In: Stadtverkehrsplanung. Springer, Heidelberg, 2021 mehr…
- Pilot Projekt fur Umweltspuren in Ballungraumen - Blue Lane. Presentation at the ITS WorldPilotprojekt für Umweltspuren in Ballungsräumen Congress on behalf of the Bay. Staatsministerium für Wohnen, Bau und Verkehr, Hamburg, 2021, mehr…
- Makroskopische Modellierung des multimodalen Stadtverkehrs. Presentation at the und Verkehr (FGSV) Arbeitskreis (virtual), 2020, mehr…
- Understanding the dynamics of multimodal urban networks. Presentation in the lecture series "From Traffic Modeling to Smart Cities and Digital Democracies" by Prof. Dr. Dirk Helbing (ETH Zurich) (Virtual), 2020, mehr…
- Fahrausweisbesitz ARE Schlussbericht. Bern, Switzerland, 2016, mehr…