AI Governance

The professorship, in collaboration with the TUM Think Tank and international partners, engages in a broad range of research and teaching activities in the field of (Generative) AI Governance. 

The team currently assists national government agencies in Latin America and Asia on AI policy and governance issues, in addition to working with international organizations such as UNESCO, ITU and OECD on AI ethics and regulation. 

Prof. Gasser is co-chair of the TUM Think Tank Generative AI Task Force. The task force brings together over 20 professorships across TUM, weighs in on policy debates, and runs a challenges forum with partners for the private sector.

The seminar Governing Innovative Technologies: GenAI in Theory and Practice offers an introduction to the challenges of governing Generative AI. Students learn about the different regulatory approaches such as the EU AI Act or the US Algorithmic Accountability Act 2022 and familiarize themselves with technical solutions such as coding and working with APIs.