Art-Driven Innovation Meets Quantum Technologies Seminar

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This semester the Quantum Social Lab which is part of the TUM Think Tank invites students to work on a human-centered perspective on technology with a special focus on quantum computing. The winners will present their project at PUZZLE X Barcelona 2023! Are you ready for a challenge integrating creativity, abstraction and complexity?

Art-Driven Innovation Meets Quantum Technologies

Within this seminar, we want to use art to change the view on quantum technologies. The interplay of art and technology is an emerging topic in society: Immersive technologies can bring traditional artworks to life. Furthermore, these technologies enable to bring culture and knowledge of complexe technologies such as quantum technologies to a new audience.

We invite students of all faculties to sign up for this experience consisting of three phases. The challenge is to design your own project in the intersectional area of art and quantum!

The module consists of three phases: 

  1. Within the module's first phase (17.04. – 15.05.), we will work on different methods and case studies where technology and art come together, e.g., in different ways artists include technology. Furthermore, we will introduce other use cases and mechanisms focusing primarily on opportunities and challenges arising out of the Quantum world that can serve later as the starting point for the student's projects. After the first phase of gaining an overview of state-of-the-art applications and discussions in the intersection between art and technology, we will match you into groups based on your interest in different topics and fields. The groups should be interdisciplinary but homogenous regarding their preferred working styles.
  2. During the second phase (16.05. - 19.07) we will work together on the projects. In your teams, you will develop an application, demonstration, performance, digital art piece, bot, or whatever you want to enable a new view of Quantum technologies. We will provide frequent (group and individual) consultations discussing difficulties in the innovation process as well as discussions on how to deploy abstract thinking and models into something more understandable. During this part of the semester, we will also visit the XR HUB Bavaria, and invite guest speakers on the current state of Quantum Development. The latter include stakeholders from companies, start-ups, and research.
  3. In the project end phase (20.07. - September), you will have more time to complete your projects. The examination will include your project and an essay explaining your initial idea, the theories underlying your framework, and its relevance for the field and further projects.

One highlight for you: Together with the winning team, we will exhibit the most exciting findings at PUZZLE X Barcelona 2023!

Application Deadline: 18.04.2023