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  • Heckmann, Dirk (Ed.): JurisPraxiskommentar Internetrecht. juris (derzeit: 8. edn.), 2024 more… BibTeX
  • Aishuak Kerimzhanova: Empirical Investigation of User’s Behavior in Crowd-funding for the MobilityCoin System. Master thesis, 2024 more… BibTeX
  • Alvarez-Ossorio Martinez, Santiago; Schatzmann, Thomas; Loder, Allister; Axhausen, Kay. W.; Bogenberger, Klaus: Exploring Mode Choice Behaviour in a Tradable Mobility Credit Scheme. IATBR - 17th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research, 2024 more… BibTeX
  • Bewersdorff, Arne; Hartmann, Christian; Hornberger, Marie; Seßler, Kathrin; Bannert, Maria; Kasneci, Enkelejda; Kasneci, Gjergji; Zhai, Xiaoming; Nerdel, Claudia: Taking the Next Step with Generative Artificial Intelligence: The Transformative Role of Multimodal Large Language Models in Science Education. , 2024 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Bliemer, Michiel C.J.; Loder, Allister; Zheng, Zuduo: A novel mobility consumption theory for road user charging. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 2024, 102998 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Bodonhelyi, Anna; Bozkir, Efe; Yang, Shuo; Kasneci, Enkelejda; Kasneci, Gjergji: User Intent Recognition and Satisfaction with Large Language Models: A User Study with ChatGPT. arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.02136, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI ) Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Bronner, Pascal; Rachut, Sarah; Ziegler, Nicolas: Der „Digital Power Gap“ des Arbeitskreis Digitales. Junge Wissenschaft im Öffentlichen Recht, JuWissBlog Nr. 2/2024 v. 11.01.2024 (Berlin) , 2024, more… BibTeX
  • Csehi, Robert: Democracy Unmoored: Populism and the Corruption of Popular Sovereignty <i>by Samuel Issacharoff</i>. Political Science Quarterly 139 (2), 2024, 316-317 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Elsten, Yannick: Analyse der Störungen im Münchner S-Bahn System auf Basis von Social-Media-Daten. Bachelor thesis, 2024 more… BibTeX
  • Fritz, Manuela; Grimm, Michael; My Hanh, Hoang Thi; Koot, Jaap A R; Nguyen, Giang Hoang; Nguyen, Thi-Phuong-Lan; Probandari, Ari; Widyaningsih, Vitri; Lensink, Robert: Effectiveness of community-based diabetes and hypertension prevention and management programmes in Indonesia and Viet Nam: a quasi-experimental study. BMJ Global Health 9 (5), 2024, e015053 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Gasser, Urs; Mayer-Schönberger, Viktor: Guardrails: Guiding Human Decisions in the Age of AI. Princeton University Press, 2024 more… BibTeX
  • Gasser, Urs; De Jong, Eline; Kop, Mauritz: A call for responsible quantum technology. Nature Physics 20 (4), 2024, 525-527 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Haffert, Lukas; Langenbach, Pascal; Rommel, Tobias: Even in the Best of Both Worlds, You Can’t Have It All: How German Voters Navigate the Trilemma of Mixed-member Proportionality. Electoral Studies, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Heckmann, Dirk: Kommentierung des Art. 16 DGA - Nationale Regelungen für Datenaltruismus. In: Paschke, Anne; Rücker, Daniel (Ed.): Data Governance Act – Kommentar. C.H.Beck (1. edn.), 2024 more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann, Dirk; Brand, Thimo; Paschke, Anne; Scheurer, Martin: Kommentierung der Kapitel 1.1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 9 im JurisPraxiskommentar Internetrecht 2021. In: Heckmann, Dirk (Ed.): JurisPraxiskommentar Internetrecht. Juris Verlag (derzeit:8. edn.), 2024 more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann, Dirk; Rachut, Sarah: Rechtssichere Hochschulprüfungen mit und trotz generativer KI. Ordnung der Wissenschaft, 2024, 85-100 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Heckmann, Dirk; Rachut, Sarah: Kapitel 5 – Digitale Verwaltung. In: Heckmann, Dirk; Paschke, Anne (Ed.): juris PraxisKommentar Internetrecht. juris GmbH (8. edn.), 2024 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Heckmann, Dirk; Streubel, Susanna: Datennutzung im European Health Data Space Chancen und Risiken für Forschung und Innovation – BAdW-Tagungsbericht und Handlungsempfehlungen. BAdW, 2024, more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann, Dirk; Ziegler, Nicolas: Der Cyber Resilience Act: Ein Gesetz „mit digitalen Elementen“. ITRB, 2024, S. 159 - 161 more… BibTeX
  • Heldt, Eugenia C.; Ríos Camacho, Elena; Mueller, Tony: In Europe we trust: selecting and empowering EU institutions in disruptive circumstances. Journal of European Integration 46 (2), 2024, 235-255 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Heldt, Eugénia C.: Time in International Organizations and International Organizations in Time. In: Goetz, Klaus H. (Ed.): The Oxford Handbook of Time and Politics. Oxford University Press (2.. edn.), 2024 more… BibTeX
  • Helfensdörfer, Dominik: Nutzung von Social Media Meldungen zur Störungsanalyse und -prognose im öffentlichen Verkehr. Master thesis, 2024 more… BibTeX
  • Hong, Chenglin; Mammadli, Tural; Lunchenkov, Nikolay; Garner, Alex; Howell, Sean; Holloway, Ian W.: Changes in alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, and other substance use and its association with mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic among sexual minority men in Eastern European and Central Asian countries. Journal of Affective Disorders (359), 2024, 302-307 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Jin, Soyeon; Zilinsky, Jan; Pradel, Franziska; Theocharis, Yannis: Beliefs in Conspiracy Theories and Online News Consumption during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Quantitative Description: Digital Media 4, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Kim, Seo-young Silvia; Zilinsky, Jan; Brew, Brian: Donate to help us fight back: Political fundraising and toxic rhetoric online. Party Politics, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Kirkizh, Nora; Ulloa, Roberto; Stier, Sebastian; Pfeffer, Jürgen: Predicting political attitudes from web tracking data: a machine learning approach. Journal of Information Technology &amp; Politics, 2024, 1-14 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Kop, Mauritz; Aboy, Mateo; De Jong, Eline; Gasser, Urs; Minssen, Timo; Cohen, I Glenn; Brongersma, Mark; Quintel, Teresa; Floridi, Luciano; Laflamme, Raymond: Ten principles for responsible quantum innovation. Quantum Science and Technology 9 (3), 2024, 035013 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Kourtidis Ploutarchos, Sternberg Henrike, Steinert Janina Isabel, Büthe Tim, Veltri Guiseppe A, Fasolo Barbara, Galizzi Matteo M: Psychological and Behavioural Aspects of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Systematic Evidence and Takeaways – 10. In: Joan Costa-Font & Matteo M. Galizzi (Ed.): Behavioural Economics and Policy for Pandemics. Cambridge University Press & Assessment, 2024, 191-219 more… BibTeX
  • Kurz, Chantal: Crowdfunding in the Public Sector: Infrastructure Development based on the MobilityCoin System. Master thesis, 2024 more… BibTeX
  • Loder, Allister: Recent Public Transport Fare Policy Innovations in Germany: Insights from a Year-long GPS-Tracking Study. Presentation at the Workshop on Mobility Transitions in Europe Perspectives from Munich, Brussels, and Vienna, TUM, Munich, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Loder, Allister; Bogenberger, Klaus: Modeling MobilityCoins—Charges, Incentives and Multi-period Budgets in Multimodal Transportation Networks. Data Science for Transportation 6 (10), 2024 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Loder, Allister; Cantner, Fabienne; Adenaw, Lennart; Nachtigall, Nico; Ziegler, David; Gotzler, Felix; Siewert, Markus B.; Wurster, Stefan; Goerg, Sebastian; Lienkamp, Markus; Bogenberger, Klaus: Observing Germany’s nationwide public transport fare policy experiment “9-Euro-Ticket” – Empirical findings from a panel study. Case Studies on Transport Policy 15, 2024, 101148 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Lunchenkov, Nikolay; Rinne-Wolf, Susanna; Hughes, Tom; Dwyer, Barrie: The Experience of Chemsex and Accessing Medical Care for Gay, Bisexual and Other MSM in Russia: An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis. The Journal of Sex Research, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Matter, Daniel; Schirmer, Miriam; Grinberg, Nir; Pfeffer, Jürgen: Close to Human-Level Agreement: Tracing Journeys of Violent Speech in Incel Posts with GPT-4-Enhanced Annotations. , 2024 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Maurer, Julian Walter: Staatliche Registrierungspflicht für Influencer in Spanien – Rechtsetzung mit Augenmaß oder überflüssige Verbürokratisierung? MMR-Aktuell (10), 2024, 01487 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Natterer, Elena; Loder, Allister; Bogenberger, Klaus: Effects of the Plan Vélo I and II on vehicular flow in Paris - An Empirical Analysis. Arbeitsberichte Mobility Policy 1, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Nicolas Ziegler: Kommunale Cybersicherheit: Ist der Staat handlungsfähig? Tagesspiegel Background Cybersecurity, 2024 more… BibTeX
  • Nicolas Ziegler: Sektorales Datenzugangsrecht und Personenbezug der Fahrzeugidentifikationsnummer, Anm. zu EuGH, Urt. v. 9.11.2023 - C-319/22. Gewerbe Archiv (03/2024), 2024, 108-114 more… BibTeX
  • Palmtag, Tabea; Paula, Katrin; Rommel, Tobias: Beyond Economic Development? Foreign Direct Investment and Pre-Election Violence. Journal of Peace Research, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Palmtag, Tabea; Paula, Katrin; Rommel, Tobias: Beyond economic development? Foreign direct investment and pre-election violence. Journal of Peace Research, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Pascal Bronner: EuGH: Scoring als „automatisierte Entscheidung im Einzelfall“ nach Art. 22 DSGVO, Anm. zu EuGH, Urt. v. 7.12.2023 - C-634/21. jurisPR-ITR (05/2024, Anm. 4), 2024 more… BibTeX
  • Pascal Bronner: Immaterieller Schadensersatz nach Art. 82 Abs. 1 DSGVO - keine Bagatellgrenze, Anm. zu EuGH, Urt. v. 14.12.2023 - C-456/22. jurisPR-ITR (06/2024, Anm. 6), 2024 more… BibTeX
  • Poszler, Franziska; Lange, Benjamin: The impact of intelligent decision-support systems on humans' ethical decision-making: A systematic literature review and an integrated framework. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 204, 2024, 123403 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Poszler, Franziska; Portmann, Edy; Lütge, Christoph: Formalizing ethical principles within AI systems: experts’ opinions on why (not) and how to do it. AI and Ethics, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Pradel, Franziska: Influence of hate speech about refugees in search algorithms on political attitudes: An online experiment. New Media &amp; Society, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Pradel, Franziska; Haak, Fabian; Proksch, Sven-Oliver; Schaer, Philipp: Dynamics in Search Engine Query Suggestions for European Politicians. ACM Web Science Conference, ACM, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Pradel, Franziska; Zilinsky, Jan; Kosmidis, Spyros; Theocharis, Yannis: Toxic Speech and Limited Demand for Content Moderation on Social Media. American Political Science Review (Volume 118 Number 1), 2024, 1-18 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Rachut, Sarah: Anm. zu VG Berlin, Beschl. v. 24.01.2023 – 36 L 388/22. ZBR – Zeitschrift für Beamtenrecht (1/2), 2024, 64-71 more… BibTeX
  • Rachut, Sarah: „Das ist alles von der Kunstfreiheit gedeckt!“, Anmerkung zu: VG Hannover, Urt. v. 06.09.2023 - 6 A 2084/20. juris – Die Monatszeitschrift, 2024, 199-201 more… BibTeX
  • Rachut, Sarah: Ist das schon von der Pressefreiheit gedeckt? - Anforderungen des Art. 5 Abs. 1 Satz 2 GG für neue Formate der Berichterstattung, Anm. zu VG Minden, Beschl. v. 16.8.2023 – 1 L 729/23. juris PR-ITR (1/2024), 2024 more… BibTeX
  • Rachut, Sarah: Kein Zugang zum Masterstudium wegen Vorlage eines mittels KI erstellten Essays. Anmerkung zu VG München, B. v. 28.11.2023 - M 3 E 23.4371. Neue Juristische Wochenschrift (15/2024), 2024, 1052-1057 more… BibTeX
  • Rachut, Sarah: Staatlicher Zugriff auf Forschungsdaten, Anm. zu BVerfG, Nichtannahmebeschl. v. 25.09.2023 – 1 BvR 2219/20. juris-PR ITR (2/2024), 2024 more… BibTeX
  • Rachut, Sarah: Mensch oder KI? – Untauglichkeit des Anscheinsbeweises zur Bestimmung einer menschlichen Schöpfung. AnwZert ITR (10/2024), 2024 more… BibTeX
  • Rachut, Sarah: Datenaltruismus unter dem Data Governance Act. Verpasste Chance beim Zusammenspiel von DGA und DS-GVO. ZD – Zeitschrift für Datenschutz 14 (5), 2024, 248-253 more… BibTeX
  • Rachut, Sarah: Art. 25 DGA – Europäisches Einwilligungsformular für Datenaltruismus. In: Paschke, Anne; Rücker, Daniel (Ed.): Data Governance Act: DGA. Kommentar. C.H. Beck, 2024, 356-374 more… BibTeX
  • Rachut, Sarah: Art. 24 DGA – Überwachung der Einhaltung. In: Paschke, Anne; Rücker, Daniel (Ed.): Data Governance Act: DGA. Kommentar. C.H. Beck, 2024, 341-355 more… BibTeX
  • Rachut, Sarah: Art. 23 DGA – Für die Registrierung von datenaltruistischen Organisationen zuständige Behörden. In: Paschke, Anne; Rücker, Daniel (Ed.): Data Governance Act: DGA. Kommentar. C.H. Beck, 2024, 331-340 more… BibTeX
  • Rachut, Sarah: Art. 22 DGA – Regelwerk. In: Paschke, Anne; Rücker, Daniel (Ed.): Data Governance Act: DGA. Kommentar. C.H. Beck, 2024 more… BibTeX
  • Rachut, Sarah: Datenschutz und Datennutzung im digitalen Gesundheitswesen – regulatorische und praktische Herausforderungen des verhältnismäßigen Ausgleichs am Beispiel der elektronischen Patientenakte. In: Buchholtz, Gabriele; Hering, Laura (Ed.): Digital Health und Recht – Zu den rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen der Digitalisierung des Gesundheitswesens. Duncker & Humblot, 2024, 65-86 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Rong, Yao; Leemann, Tobias; Nguyen, Thai-Trang; Fiedler, Lisa; Qian, Peizhu; Unhelkar, Vaibhav; Seidel, Tina; Kasneci, Gjergji; Kasneci, Enkelejda: Towards Human-Centered Explainable AI: A Survey of User Studies for Model Explanations. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2024, 1-20 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Shukla, Shruti; Abejirinde, Ibukun-Oluwa Omolade; Meyer, Sarah R.; Shenderovich, Yulia; Steinert, Janina Isabel: Mechanisms behind gender transformative approaches targeting adolescent pregnancy in low- and middle-income countries: a realist synthesis protocol. Systematic Reviews 13 (1), 2024 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Steinert, Janina Isabel; Shukla, Shruti; Vasumati Satish, Rucha: Navigating distress: Exploring factors affecting adolescent girls' wellbeing during and after a violence-focused survey in Maharashtra, India. Child Abuse and Neglect 152, 2024, 106779 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Sternberg, Henrike; Steinert, Janina Isabel; Büthe, Tim: Compliance in the public versus the private realm: Economic preferences, institutional trust and COVID‐19 health behaviors. Health Economics 33 (5), 2024, 1055-1119 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Svitnič, Tibor; Beer, Katrin; Sundmacher, Kai; Böcher, Michael: Optimal design of a sector-coupled renewable methanol production amid political goals and expected conflicts: Costs vs. land use. Sustainable Production and Consumption 44, 2024, 123-150 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Tulin, Marina; Hameleers, Michael; de Vreese, Claes; Aalberg, Toril; Corbu, Nicoleta; Van Erkel, Patrick; Esser, Frank; Gehle, Luisa; Halagiera, Denis; Hopmann, David Nicolas; Koc-Michalska, Karolina; Matthes, Jörg; Mihelj, Sabina; Schemer, Christian; Stetka, Vaclav; Strömbäck, Jesper; Terren, Ludovic; Theocharis, Yannis: Why do Citizens Choose to Read Fact-Checks in the Context of the Russian War in Ukraine? The Role of Directional and Accuracy Motivations in Nineteen Democracies. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Udupa, Sahana; Koch, Luise: Tackling online misogyny in political campaigns: Promise and limitations of artificial intelligence. Feminist Media Studies, 2024, 1-7 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Veltri, Giuseppe Alessandro; Steinert, Janina Isabel; Sternberg, Henrike; Galizzi, Matteo M.; Fasolo, Barbara; Kourtidis, Ploutarchos; Büthe, Tim; Gaskell, George: Assessing the perceived effect of non-pharmaceutical interventions on SARS-Cov-2 transmission risk: an experimental study in Europe. Scientific Reports 14 (1), 2024 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Waldorf, Isabella; Loder, Allister; Wurster, Stefan; Bogenberger, Klaus: Low-Fare Policies for Economically Marginalized Individuals: A Propensity Score Matching Analysis of Germany’s 9-Euro-Ticket and Deutschlandticket. IATBR - 17th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research, 2024 more… BibTeX
  • Witzenberger, Benedict; Pfeffer, Jürgen: More Inclusive and Wider Sources: A Comparative Analysis of Data and Political Journalists on Twitter (Now X) in Germany. Journalism and Media 5 (1), 2024, 412-431 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Witzenberger, Benedict; Voggenreiter, Angelina; Pfeffer, Jürgen: Popular and on the Rise—But Not Everywhere: COVID-19-Infographics on Twitter. In: Data Science—Analytics and Applications. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Würtenberger, Thomas; Heckmann, Dirk; Tanneberger, Steffen: Polizeirecht in Baden-Württemberg. C.F. Müller (derzeit: 8. edn.), 2024 more… BibTeX
  • Zapko‐Willmes, Alexandra; Theocharis, Yannis: Accounting for the association between socioeconomic status and youth political participation: A twin family study. Political Psychology, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Ziegler, Nicolas: Speicherdauer und Recht auf Löschung personenbezogener Daten nach der JI-RL, Anm. zu EuGH, Urt. v. 30.01.2024, C-118/22. juris Praxisreport IT-Recht, 2024 more… BibTeX
  • Zilinsky, Jan; Theocharis, Yannis; Pradel, Franziska; Tulin, Marina; de Vreese, Claes; Aalberg, Toril; Cardenal, Ana Sofía; Corbu, Nicoleta; Esser, Frank; Gehle, Luisa; Halagiera, Denis; Hameleers, Michael; Hopmann, David Nicolas; Koc-Michalska, Karolina; Matthes, Jörg; Schemer, Christian; Štětka, Václav; Strömbäck, Jesper; Terren, Ludovic; Splendore, Sergio; Stanyer, James; Stępińska, Agnieszka; Van Aelst, Peter; Zoizner, Alon: Justifying an Invasion: When Is Disinformation Successful? Political Communication, 2024, 1-22 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )


  • Heckmann, Dirk; Huber, Karl; Thum, Leopold (Ed.): Landesrecht Bayern. Nomos Verlag (derzeit: 18. edn.), 2023 more… BibTeX
  • Abeshev, Kuat; Koppenborg, Florentine: More than just organics: Boosting separate collection of dry recyclables with door-to-door bio-waste collection in EU capitals. Waste Management 161, 2023, 156-165 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Alitani, Ahmad; Loder, Allister; Kinigadner, Julia: Development of a novel pricing mechanism for road closures based on accessibility losses. Paper presented at the World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR), Montreal, 2023 more… BibTeX
  • Beer, Katrin: Eigendynamiken der Bioenergiepolitik in Deutschland : eine Politikfeldanalyse vor dem Hintergrund von Bioökonomie, Klimaschutz und Kreislaufwirtschaft. 2023 more… BibTeX
  • Besner, Alexander; Maurer, Julian Walter: Künstliche Intelligenz und Immaterialgüterrecht (Teil 2): Rechtsschutz an Produkten und Ergebnissen aus KI- bzw. ML-Systemen. AnwZert ITR (11/2023), 2023 more… BibTeX
  • Betz, Timm; Fortunato, David; O’Brien, Diana Z.: Do Women Make More Protectionist Trade Policy? American Political Science Review, 2023, 1-9 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Bliemer, Michiel C.J.; Loder, Allister; Zheng, Zuduo: A novel mobility consumption theory for road user charging. ITLS Working Paper ITLS-WP-23-16 , 2023 more… BibTeX
  • Blöbaum, Anke; Engel, Lukas; Beer, Katrin; Böcher, Michael; Matthies, Ellen: Nature conservation versus climate protection: a basic conflict of goals regarding the acceptance of climate protection measures? Frontiers in Psychology 14, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Boechat, Gabriela; Cunha, Maria Alexandra; Gasser, Urs: Public procurement and technology: a research agenda. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance, ACM, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Carathanassis, Fay: Steuerung privater Onlinekommunikation auf Social Media - Auslotung der Grenzen der Äußerungsfreiheit angesichts neuer Regulierungen. DSRITB, 2023, 681-701 more… BibTeX
  • Carathanassis, Fay; Bronner, Pascal; Hilsberg, Anne; Thimo Brand: Social Media Leitfaden für Beschäftigte im Öffentlichen Dienst. 2023 more… BibTeX
  • Cravens, Amanda E.; Goolsby, Julia B.; Jedd, Theresa; Bathke, Deborah J.; Crausbay, Shelley; Cooper, Ashley E.; Dunham, Jason; Haigh, Tonya; Hall, Kimberly R.; Hayes, Michael J.; McEvoy, Jamie; Nelson, Rebecca L.; Poděbradská, Markéta; Ramirez, Aaron; Wickham, Elliot; Zoanni, Dionne: The patchwork governance of ecologically available water: A case study in the Upper Missouri Headwaters, Montana, <scp>United States</scp>. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Csehi, Robert: The challenge populist governments pose for the process and theory of European integration. West European Politics 46 (1), 2023, 219-240 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Dafe, Florence; Kaltenbrunner, Annina; Kvangraven, Ingrid Harvold; Weigandi, Iván: Local Currency Bond Markets in Africa: Resilience and Subordination. Development and Change, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Deininger, Hannah; Lavelle-Hill, Rosa; Parrisius, Cora; Pieronczyk, Ines; Colling, Leona; Meurers, Detmar; Trautwein, Ulrich; Nagengast, Benjamin; Kasneci, Gjergji: Can You Solve This on the First Try? – Understanding Exercise Field Performance in an Intelligent Tutoring System. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Deininger, Hannah; Lavelle-Hill, Rosa; Parrisius, Cora; Pieronczyk, Ines; Colling, Leona; Meurers, Detmar; Trautwein, Ulrich; Nagengast, Benjamin; Kasneci, Gjergji: Can You Solve This on the First Try?--Understanding Exercise Field Performance in an Intelligent Tutoring System. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, 2023 more… BibTeX
  • Dirk Heckmann, Nicolas Ziegler: Verschlüsselte Kommunikation mit dem Staat: Der richtige Weg ist nicht der einfache Weg! Tagesspiegel Background Cybersecurity, 2023 more… BibTeX
  • Donnelly, Shawn; Ríos Camacho, Elena; Heidebrecht, Sebastian: Digital sovereignty as control: the regulation of digital finance in the European union. Journal of European Public Policy, 2023, 1-24 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Eger, Jens; Kaplan, Lennart C.; Sternberg, Henrike: How to reduce vaccination hesitancy? The relevance of evidence and its communicator. Vaccine 41 (27), 2023, 3964-3975 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Fabian Wiedemann: Zulässigkeit markenbasierten Keyword-Advertisings angesichts einer geänderten Gestaltung der Google-Suche. jurisPR-ITR (13), 2023, Anm. 5 more… BibTeX
  • Fabian Wiedemann, Alexander Besner, Dirk Heckmann: Untersuchung des bayerischen Landesrechts auf Digitalisierungshemmnisse und -potentiale (Normenscreening). 2023 more… BibTeX
  • Falkenberg, Max; Zollo, Fabiana; Quattrociocchi, Walter; Pfeffer, Jürgen; Baronchelli, Andrea: Affective and interactional polarization align across countries. , 2023 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Florentine Koppenborg: Japan’s Nuclear Disaster and the Politics of Safety Governance. Cornell University Press, 2023 more… BibTeX
  • Fotopoulos, Nikolaos; Riedmiller, Clara; Bozkir, Efe; Tsinganos, Panagiotis; Ampeliotis, Dimitris; Kasneci, Gjergji; Kasneci, Enkelejda; Skodras, Athanassios: Could Human Gaze Augment Detectors of Synthetic Images? 2023 24th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP), IEEE, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Gasser, Urs: An EU landmark for AI governance. Science 380 (6651), 2023, 1203-1203 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Ghawi, Raji; Benzinger, Michael; Pfeffer, Jürgen: Approximating Temporal Networks from Aggregated Network Data. 2023 Tenth International Conference on Social Networks Analysis, Management and Security (SNAMS), IEEE, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Gregory Eady, Tom Paskhalis, Jan Zilinsky, Richard Bonneau, Jonathan Nagler & Joshua A. Tucker: Exposure to the Russian Internet Research Agency foreign influence campaign on Twitter in the 2016 US election and its relationship to attitudes and voting behavior. Nature Communications 14 (62), 2023 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Haffert, Lukas; Langebach, Pascal; Rommel, Tobias: Even in the Best of Both Worlds You Can’t Have It All: How German Voters Navigate the Trilemma of Mixed-member Proportionality. Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods, Discussion Paper 2023/7, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Halim, Noha Lea; Gasser, Urs: Vectors of AI Governance - Juxtaposing the U.S. Algorithmic Accountability Act of 2022 with The EU Artificial Intelligence Act. SSRN Electronic Journal, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Hamm, Lisa S; Bogenberger, Klaus; Loder, Allister; Weikl, Simone; Schatzmann, Thomas; Axhausen, Kay W.: MobilityCoins: First empirical findings on the user-oriented system design for tradable credit schemes. 102nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB 2023), 2023 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Hanssen, Ulv; Koppenborg, Florentine: More Weapons than Windmills: Japan’s Military and Energy Policy Response to Russia’s Attack on Ukraine. Czech Journal of International Relations, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Heckmann, Dirk: 3 Fragen an… Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dirk Heckmann. Artikel in Österreichisches AnwBl, S. 288, 2023 more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann, Dirk: ChatGPT, XR und Co. vor Gericht - Plädoyer für einen Rechtskulturwandel bei digitalen Innovationen. ifo Schnelldienst 8, 2023, S. 22-25 more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann, Dirk; Auer Jakob: Kommentierung des Stichworts „Datenschutz“. In: Maties, Martin (Ed.): StichwortKommentar eSport-Recht. Nomos (1. edn.), 2023 more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann, Dirk; Gogoll, Jan; Pretschner, Alexander: Endlich neue Prüfungen dank ChatGPT! F.A.Z. Verlagsspezial Künstliche Intelligenz, 2023 more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann, Dirk; Rachut, Sarah: Editorial 15/2023 - Bayerisches Digitalgesetz am 01.08.2023 ein Jahr in Kraft. jurisPR-ITR (15/2023), 2023 more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann, Dirk; Rachut, Sarah: E-Klausur und Elektronische Fernprüfung – Rechtsfragen der Umstellung von Hochschulprüfungen auf zeitgemäße, digitale Prüfungsformate. Volume Internetrecht und Digitale Gesellschaft (IDG), Band 40. Duncker & Humblot, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Heckmann, Dirk; Schmid-Petri, Hannah; Doseva, Steliyana; Schillmöller, Jan: Stellungnahme zum geplanten Gesetz gegen digitale Gewalt. 2023 more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann, Dirk; Schmid-Petri, Hannah; Doseva, Steliyana; Schillmöller, Jan: Interdisziplinäre Forschung als möglicher Impulsgeber für eine evidenzbasierte Regulierung – Programmatische Überlegungen am Beispiel des Urheberrechts im digitalen Zeitalter. OdW, 2023, S. 139-146 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Heckmann, Dirk; Wiedemann, Fabian: Plattformregulierung und digitale Souveränität im Kontext der europäischen Rechts- und Werteordnung. In: Markus Ferber (Ed.): Digitale Souveränität für Europa - Herausforderung und Zielsetzung. Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung / Haufe, 2023, S. 111-124 more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann, Dirk; Ziegler, Nicolas: Verschlüsselte Kommunikation mit dem Staat: Der richtige Weg ist nicht der einfache Weg! Tagesspiegel Background Cybersecurity, 2023 more… BibTeX
  • Hegelich, Simon: Die Covid-Analyse des GegenStandpunkts: Ziemlich töricht. Political Data Science at TUM, 2023, more… BibTeX
  • Hegelich, Simon: Kritik der “Konkurrenz der Kapitalisten”. Political Data Science at TUM, 2023, more… BibTeX
  • Hegelich, Simon: Wie der Twitter-Algorithmus funktioniert ... und wie wir das nutzen können. Political Data Science at TUM, 2023, more… BibTeX
  • Hegelich, Simon: Die Corona-Warn-App: Ein 220-Millionen-€-Flopp, der die Meldeinzidenz erhöht. Political Data Science at TUM, 2023, more… BibTeX
  • Hegelich, Simon; Dhawan, Saurabh; Sarhan, Habiba: Twitter as political acclamation. Frontiers in Political Science 5, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Heldt, Eugénia C.: Europe’s Global Gateway: A New Instrument of Geopolitics. Politics and Governance 11 (4), 2023 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Herre, Bastian; Rommel, Tobias: Government Ideology and Social Policy: Evidence from New Global Data. Social Policy Worldwide, 2023 more… BibTeX
  • Jens Marquardt and Miranda Schreurs: Governing the Climate Crisis: Three Challenges for SDG 13. In: The Environment in Global Sustainability Governance: Perceptions, Actors, Innovations. Bristol Univ. Press, 2023 more… BibTeX
  • Kasneci, Enkelejda; Sessler, Kathrin; Küchemann, Stefan; Bannert, Maria; Dementieva, Daryna; Fischer, Frank; Gasser, Urs; Groh, Georg; Günnemann, Stephan; Hüllermeier, Eyke; Krusche, Stepha; Kutyniok, Gitta; Michaeli, Tilman; Nerdel, Claudia; Pfeffer, Jürgen; Poquet, Oleksandra; Sailer, Michael; Schmidt, Albrecht; Seidel, Tina; Stadler, Matthias; Weller, Jochen; Kuhn, Jochen; Kasneci, Gjergji: ChatGPT for good? On opportunities and challenges of large language models for education. Learning and Individual Differences 103, 2023, 102274 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Kasneci, Enkelejda; Sessler, Kathrin; Küchemann, Stefan; Bannert, Maria; Dementieva, Daryna; Fischer, Frank; Gasser, Urs; Groh, Georg; Günnemann, Stephan; Hüllermeier, Eyke; Krusche, Stepha; Kutyniok, Gitta; Michaeli, Tilman; Nerdel, Claudia; Pfeffer, Jürgen; Poquet, Oleksandra; Sailer, Michael; Schmidt, Albrecht; Seidel, Tina; Stadler, Matthias; Weller, Jochen; Kuhn, Jochen; Kasneci, Gjergji: ChatGPT for good? On opportunities and challenges of large language models for education. Learning and Individual Differences 103, 2023, 102274 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Kasneci, Enkelejda; Sessler, Kathrin; Küchemann, Stefan; Bannert, Maria; Dementieva, Daryna; Fischer, Frank; Gasser, Urs; Groh, Georg; Günnemann, Stephan; Hüllermeier, Eyke; Krusche, Stephan; Kutyniok, Gitta; Michaeli, Tilman; Nerdel, Claudia; Pfeffer, Jürgen; Poquet, Oleksandra; Sailer, Michael; Schmidt, Albrecht; Seidel, Tina; Stadler, Matthias; Weller, Jochen; Kuhn, Jochen; Kasneci, Gjergji: ChatGPT for good? On opportunities and challenges of large language models for education. Learning and Individual Differences 103, 2023, 102274 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Kasneci, Enkelejda; Seßler, Kathrin; Küchemann, Stefan; Bannert, Maria; Dementieva, Daryna; Fischer, Frank; Gasser, Urs; Groh, Georg; Günnemann, Stephan; Hüllermeier, Eyke; others: ChatGPT for good? On opportunities and challenges of large language models for education. Learning and Individual Differences 103, 2023, 102274 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Kigwiru, Vellah Kedogo: Supranational or cooperative? Rethinking the African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement Competition Protocol institutional design. Journal of Antitrust Enforcement, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Kneuer, Marianne; Wurster, Stefan (Eds.): Special Issue: Democratic Health in the Corona Pandemic. The Corona Pandemic as a Trigger or Amplifier of Democratic Erosion? Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft 16 (4), 2023 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Kneuer, Marianne; Wurster, Stefan: Democratic health in the corona pandemic. The corona pandemic as a trigger or amplifier of democratic erosion or autocratization? Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft 16 (4), 2023, 615-634 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Kop, Mauritz; Aboy, Mateo; De Jong, Eline; Gasser, Urs; Minssen, Timo; Cohen, I. Glenn; Brongersma, Mark; Quintel, Teresa; Floridi, Luciano; Laflamme, Ray: 10 Principles for Responsible Quantum Innovation. SSRN Electronic Journal, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Kop, Mauritz; Aboy, Mateo; De Jong, Eline; Gasser, Urs; Minssen, Timo; Cohen, I. Glenn; Brongersma, Mark; Quintel, Teresa; Floridi, Luciano; Laflamme, Raymond: Towards responsible quantum technology, safeguarding, engaging and advancing Quantum R&amp;D. , 2023 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Kop, Mauritz; Aboy, Mateo; De Jong, Eline; Gasser, Urs; Minssen, Timo; Cohen, I. Glenn; Brongersma, Mark; Quintel, Teresa; Floridi, Luciano; Laflamme, Raymond: Towards responsible quantum technology, safeguarding, engaging and advancing Quantum R&amp;D. , 2023 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Kosel, Christian; Mooseder, Angelina; Seidel, Tina; Pfeffer, Juergen: Measuring Teachers' Visual Expertise Using the Gaze Relational Index Based on Real-world Eye-tracking Data and Varying Velocity Thresholds. , 2023 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • König, Pascal D.; Wurster, Stefan; Siewert, Markus B.: Sustainability challenges of artificial intelligence and Citizens' regulatory preferences. Government Information Quarterly, 2023, 101863 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Leemann, Tobias; Kirchhof, Michael; Rong, Yao; Kasneci, Enkelejda; Kasneci, Gjergji: When are Post-hoc Conceptual Explanations Identifiable? The 39th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, 2023 more… BibTeX
  • Leemann, Tobias; Kirchhof, Michael; Rong, Yao; Kasneci, Enkelejda; Kasneci, Gjergji: When are post-hoc conceptual explanations identifiable? Proceedings of the Thirty-Ninth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (Proceedings of Machine Learning Research), PMLR, 2023 more… BibTeX
  • Leemann, Tobias; Pawelczyk, Martin; Kasneci, Gjergji: Gaussian Membership Inference Privacy. , 2023 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Leemann, Tobias; Pawelczyk, Martin; Kasneci, Gjergji: Gaussian Membership Inference Privacy. arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.07273, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Loder, Allister: Observing natural experiments: lessons learnt from the 9-Euro-Ticket in Germany. Presentation, Transport Strategy Centre Seminar at Imperial College London, London, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Loder, Allister: The German 9-Euro-Ticket: just a summer night's dream? Presentation at the UNSW Research Centre for Integrated Transport Innovation (rCITI), University of New South Wales, Sydney, 2023, more… BibTeX
  • Loder, Allister: Observing natural experiments: lessons learnt from the 9-Euro-Ticket in Germany. Presentation at the Transport Strategy Centre Seminar at Imperial College London, 2023, more… BibTeX
  • Loder, Allister; Cantner, Fabienne; Adenaw, Lennart; Nachtigall, Nico; Ziegler, David; Gotzler, Felix; Siewert, Markus B.; Wurster, Stefan; Goerg, Sebastian; Lienkamp, Markus; Bogenberger, Klaus: Germany's nationwide travel experiment in 2022: public transport for 9 Euro per month -- First findings of an empirical study. , 2023 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Maati, Ahmed; Edel, Mirjam; Saglam, Koray; Schlumberger, Oliver; Sirikupt, Chonlawit: Information, doubt, and democracy: how digitization spurs democratic decay. Democratization First Online, 2023, 1-21 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Mahrenbach, Laura C.: AI Governance in Practice: A View from the Non-Profit Sector. Lehrstuhl für Computational Social Science, 2023, more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Mahrenbach, Laura C.: Aligning Global Threats and Opportunities via AI Governance: A Commentary Series. Lehrstuhl für Computational Social Science, 2023, more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Mahrenbach, Laura C; Pfeffer, Jürgen: Measuring political legitimacy with Twitter: Insights from India’s Aadhaar program. New Media &amp; Society 25 (10), 2023, 2704-2723 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Makovi, Kinga; Sargsyan, Anahit; Li, Wendi; Bonnefon, Jean-François; Rahwan, Talal: Trust within human-machine collectives depends on the perceived consensus about cooperative norms. Nature Communications 14 (1), 2023 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Matiunina, Daria; Sautter, Natalie; Loder, Allister; Bogenberger, Klaus: Predicting Parking Occupancy with Deep Learning on Noisy Empirical Data. 2023 8th International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems (MT-ITS), IEEE, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Matter, Daniel; Kuznetsova, Elizaveta; Vziatysheva, Victoria; Vitulano, Ilaria; Pfeffer, Juergen: Temporally Stable Multilayer Network Embeddings: A Longitudinal Study of Russian Propaganda. , 2023 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Mayer, Katja; Pfeffer, Jürgen: Editorial: Critical data and algorithm studies. Frontiers in Big Data 6, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Messerschmidt, Luca; Janz, Nicole: Unravelling the ‘race to the bottom’ argument: Foreign direct investment and different types of labour rights. World Development 161, 2023, 106097 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Meyer, Sarah R.; Hardt, Selina; Brambilla, Rebecca; Shukla, Shruti; Stöckl, Heidi: Sociological Theories to Explain Intimate Partner Violence: A Systematic Review and Narrative Synthesis. Trauma, Violence, &amp; Abuse, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Mittal, Nitya; Steinert, Janina Isabel; Vollmer, Sebastian: COVID-19 pandemic, losses of livelihoods and uneven recovery in Pune, India. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 10, 2023, 10:852(2023) more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Mooseder, Angelina; Brantner, Cornelia; Zamith, Rodrigo; Pfeffer, Jürgen: (Social) Media Logics and Visualizing Climate Change: 10 Years of #climatechange Images on Twitter. Social Media + Society 9 (1), 2023, 205630512311643 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Mougan, Carlos; Broelemann, Klaus; Masip, David; Kasneci, Gjergji; Thiropanis, Thanassis; Staab, Steffen: Explanation Shift: How Did the Distribution Shift Impact the Model? , 2023 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Mougan, Carlos; Broelemann, Klaus; Masip, David; Kasneci, Gjergji; Thiropanis, Thanassis; Staab, Steffen: Explanation Shift: Investigating Interactions between Models and Shifting Data Distributions. arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.08081, 2023 more… BibTeX
  • Mueller, Tony: When policy entrepreneurs drift between levels: The creation of the International Renewable Energy Agency. Global Policy 14 (4), 2023, 588-599 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Mueller, Tony: Policy Entrepreneurship in European and Global Institutions: How, Why, and With What Consequences. Technische Universität München, 2023 more… BibTeX
  • Müller, Siegfried; Ghawi, Raji; Pfeffer, Jürgen: Reviewing the potentials of MMOGs as research environments: A case study from the strategy game Travian. PLOS ONE 18 (2), 2023, e0281114 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Nicoas Ziegler: Regelungen des Gesetzes über die öffentliche Sicherheit und Ordnung Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns teilweise verfassungswidrig, Anm. zu BVerfG 1. Senat, Beschluss vom 09.12.2022 - 1 BvR 1345/21. jurisPR-ITR (11/2023 Anm. 6), 2023 more… BibTeX
  • Nicolas Ziegler: Digitale Produktsicherheit: Der Vorschlag des Cyber Resilience Acts der EU-Kommission. jurisPR-ITR (2/2023 Anm. 2), 2023 more… BibTeX
  • Nicolas Ziegler: Der Staat, die Wirtschaft, die Schwachstellen und der CRA: Quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi? Tagesspiegel Background Cybersecurity, 2023 more… BibTeX
  • Nicolas Ziegler: Schrödingers BSI-Präsidentin?: Wie eine politische Beamtin eine unabhängige(re) Behörde leiten soll. Verfassungsblog, 2023 more… BibTeX
  • Nicolas Ziegler: Deutschlands erstes Gerichtsurteil zu Cyberversicherungen. Tagesspiegel Background Cybersecurity, 2023 more… BibTeX
  • Nicolas Ziegler: Verbindliche Mindeststandards kommunaler IT-Sicherheit. In: Bernzen/Fritzsche/Heinze/Thomsen (Ed.): Das IT-Recht vor der (europäischen) Zeitenwende?. Oldenburger Verlag für Wirtschaft, Informatik und Recht, 2023, S. 349-364 more… BibTeX
  • Nicolas Ziegler, Lillan Margaux Schröder: Sicherheitsvorkehrungen beim Versand von E-Mails im geschäftlichen Verkehr, Anm. zu OLG Karlsruhe, Urt. v. 27.7.2023 - 19 U 83/22. MMR (10/2023), 2023, 761-766 more… BibTeX
  • Nicolas Ziegler, Sebastian Nagl: Zugang zu Industriedaten für KMU: Gleichzeitig eine rechtliche und technische Analyse des Entwurfs des Data Acts als KMU-Instrument. ZfDR, 2023, 57-87 more… BibTeX
  • Nikolaou, Nikolaos; Waldmann, Ingo P; Tsiaras, Angelos; Morvan, Mario; Edwards, Billy; Yip, Kai Hou; Thompson, Alexandra; Tinetti, Giovanna; Sarkar, Subhajit; Dawson, James M; Borisov, Vadim; Kasneci, Gjergji; Petković, Matej; Stepišnik, Tomaž; Al-Ubaidi, Tarek; Bailey, Rachel Louise; Granitzer, Michael; Julka, Sahib; Kern, Roman; Ofner, Patrick; Wagner, Stefan; Heppe, Lukas; Bunse, Mirko; Morik, Katharina; Simões, Luís F: Lessons learned from the 1st Ariel Machine Learning Challenge: Correcting transiting exoplanet light curves for stellar spots. RAS Techniques and Instruments 2 (1), 2023, 695-709 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Ohlhorst, Dörte; SCHREURS, MIRANDA: 13 Global Sustainable Cities: Berlin Aims at Climate Neutrality. In: Global Sustainable Cities. New York University Press, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Pascal Bronner: Unzulässigkeit der allgemeinen und unterschiedslosen Vorratsspeicherung von Verkehrs- und Standortdaten - Absage des EuGH an die deutsche Vorratsdatenspeicherung, Anm. zu EuGH, Urt. v. 20.9.2022, - C-793/19, C-794/19. jurisPR-ITR (03/2023 Anm. 3), 2023 more… BibTeX
  • Pascal Bronner: Rechtsunsicherheit in der IT-Sicherheit: Was soll geschützt werden, wenn nichts mehr da ist? Tagesspiegel Background Cybersecurity, 2023 more… BibTeX
  • Pascal Bronner: Immaterieller Schadensersatz nach Art. 82 DSGVO wegen Scraping bei Facebook, Anm. zu LG Paderborn, Urt. v. 19.12.2022 - 3 O 99/22. jurisPR-ITR (06/2023 Anm. 3), 2023 more… BibTeX
  • Pascal Bronner: Personenbezug bei pseudonymisierten Daten, Anm. zu EuG, Urt. v. 26.04.2023, T-557/20. jurisPR-ITR (12/2023 Anm. 5), 2023 more… BibTeX
  • Pascal Bronner: Die Verordnung über einen European Health Data Space (EHDS-VO): Wegbereiterin für die europäische Gesundheitsunion. jurisPR-ITR (18/2023 Anm. 2), 2023 more… BibTeX
  • Pascal Bronner: Der Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act) der Europäischen Union: Balanceakt für den anstehenden Trilog. jurisPR-ITR (15/2023 Anm. 2), 2023 more… BibTeX
  • Pascal Bronner, Fabian Wiedemann: Rechtmäßigkeit der Datenverarbeitung bei wissenschaftlicher Forschung an staatlichen Hochschulen - Chancen und Grenzen der breiten Einwilligung und gesetzlicher Erlaubnistatbestände. ZD (2), 2023, 77-85 more… BibTeX
  • Pascal Bronner, Nicolas Ziegler: Der Entwurf einer neuen Produkthaftungsrichtlinie: Schub in die digitale Zeit! jurisPR-ITR (1/2023 Anm. 2), 2023 more… BibTeX
  • Patrick Hecken; Nicolas Ziegler: Nutzung strafprozessual erlangter Fingerabdrücke zum Entsperren biometrisch gesicherter Mobiltelefone auf Grundlage des § 81b Abs. 1 Var. 1 StPO, Anm. zu LG Ravensburg v. 14.02.2023 - 2 Qs 9/23 jug. jurisPR-ITR (10/2023 Anm. 5), 2023 more… BibTeX
  • Pfeffer, Juergen; Matter, Daniel; Jaidka, Kokil; Varol, Onur; Mashhadi, Afra; Lasser, Jana; Assenmacher, Dennis; Wu, Siqi; Yang, Diyi; Brantner, Cornelia; Romero, Daniel M.; Otterbacher, Jahna; Schwemmer, Carsten; Joseph, Kenneth; Garcia, David; Morstatter, Fred: Just Another Day on Twitter: A Complete 24 Hours of Twitter Data. , 2023 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Pfeffer, Jürgen; Matter, Daniel; Sargsyan, Anahit: The Half-Life of a Tweet. Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media 17, 2023, 1163-1167 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Pfeffer, Jürgen; Mooseder, Angelina; Lasser, Jana; Hammer, Luca; Stritzel, Oliver; Garcia, David: This Sample Seems to Be Good Enough! Assessing Coverage and Temporal Reliability of Twitter’s Academic API. Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media 17, 2023, 720-729 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Poszler, Franziska; Geisslinger, Maximilian; Betz, Johannes; Lütge, Christoph: Applying ethical theories to the decision-making of self-driving vehicles: A systematic review and integration of the literature. Technology in Society 75, 2023, 102350 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Pradel, Franziska; Sattler, Sebastian: Health consequences of a death threat: How terrorist attacks impact drinking. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy 24 (1), 2023, 283-302 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Prenkaj, Bardh; Villaizan-Vallelado, Mario; Leemann, Tobias; Kasneci, Gjergji: Adapting to Change: Robust Counterfactual Explanations in Dynamic Data Landscapes. , 2023 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Rachut, Sarah: E-Klausur und elektronische Fernprüfung: Technologischer Fortschritt und Prüfungskulturwandel im Spiegel des Rechts - Ein Werkstattbericht. Ordnung der Wissenschaft (2/2023), 2023, 89-98 more… BibTeX
  • Rachut, Sarah: Recht ohne Wirklichkeit? Ein rechtswissenschaftlicher Ausblick ins Jahr 2035. Ordnung der Wissenschaft (4/2023), 2023, 191-208 more… BibTeX
  • Rachut, Sarah: Exmatrikulation aufgrund schwerwiegender Täuschung im Rahmen einer elektronischen Fernprüfung – Anmerkung zu VG Berlin 12. Kammer, Urteil vom 06.02.2023 - 12 K 52/22. jurisPR-ITR 19/2023 Anm. 4 (19/2023), 2023 more… BibTeX
  • Rachut, Sarah; Maurer, Julian Walter: Die E-Evidence-Verordnung der Europäischen Union im Spannungsfeld zwischen Datenschutz und notwendiger Gewährleistung grenzüberschreitender Sicherheit. jurisPR-ITR (23/2023), 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Radtke, Jörg; Wurster, Stefan: Multilevel governance of energy transitions in Europe: Addressing wicked problems of coordination, justice, and power in energy policy. Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft 33 (2), 2023, 139-155 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Radtke, Jörg; Wurster, Stefan (Eds.): Multilevel Governance of Energy Transitions in Europe. Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, Special Issue 33 (2), 2023 more… BibTeX
  • Rozbicka, Patrycja; Mahrenbach, Laura C.: Beyond the usual suspects: interest groups in the Global South. Interest Groups &amp; Advocacy 12 (2), 2023, 115-131 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Ríos Camacho, Elena: The Politics behind the Creation of the Banking Union. In: The Cambridge Handbook of European Monetary, Economic and Financial Integration. Cambridge University Press, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Sarhan, Habiba and Hegelich, Simonn: Understanding and evaluating harms of AI-generated image captions in political images. Frontiers in Political Science 5, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Schirmer, Miriam; Nolasco, Isaac Misael Olguín; Mosca, Edoardo; Xu, Shanshan; Pfeffer, Jürgen: Uncovering Trauma in Genocide Tribunals. Proceedings of the Nineteenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law, ACM, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Schirmer, Miriam; Pfeffer, Jürgen; Hilbert, Sven: Talking About Torture: A Novel Approach to the Mixed Methods Analysis of Genocide-Related Witness Statements in the Khmer Rouge Tribunal. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Schlumberger, Oliver; Edel, Mirjam; Maati, Ahmed; Saglam, Koray: How Authoritarianism Transforms: A Framework for the Study of Digital Dictatorship. Government and Opposition First View, 2023, 1–23 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Schröder, Daniel; Kirn, Lukas; Kinigadner, Julia; Loder, Allister; Blum, Philipp; Xu, Yihan; Lienkamp, Markus: Ending the myth of mobility at zero costs: An external cost analysis. Research in Transportation Economics 97, 2023, 101246 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Seizer, Lennart; Huber, Ellis; Schirmer, Miriam; Hilbert, Sven; Wiest, Eva-Maria; Schubert, Christian: Personalized therapy in rheumatoid arthritis (PETRA): a protocol for a randomized controlled trial to test the effect of a psychological intervention in rheumatoid arthritis. Trials 24 (1), 2023 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Servatius, Philipp; Loder, Allister; Provoost, Jesper; Balzer, Louis; Cats, Oded; Leclercq, Ludovic; Hoogendoorn, Serge; Bogenberger, Klaus: Trading activity and market liquidity in tradable mobility credit schemes. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 22, 2023, 100970 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Shukla, Shruti; Castro Torres, Andrés F.; Satish, Rucha Vasumati; Shenderovich, Yulia; Abejirinde, Ibukun-Oluwa Omolade; Steinert, Janina Isabel: Factors associated with adolescent pregnancy in Maharashtra, India: a mixed-methods study. Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters 31 (1), 2023 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Shukla, Shruti; Ezebuihe, Jessy Amarachi; Steinert, Janina Isabel: Association between public health emergencies and sexual and reproductive health, gender-based violence, and early marriage among adolescent girls: a rapid review. BMC Public Health 23 (1), 2023 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Souza, Ladyane; Koch, Luise; Paula, Maria; Riva, Russo; Ghawi, Raji: "Hate messages received by black and white candidates during the 2022 Brazilian elections, and its potential implications", Estudos Eleitorais, Violência Política de Gênero. Vol. 16, n.2. Chair of Computational Social Science, 2023, more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Souza, Ladyane; Koch, Luise; Russo Riva, Maria Paula; Ghawi, Raji: Hate messages received by black and white candidates during the 2022 brazilian elections, and its potential implications. Estudos Eleitorais 16 (2), 2023, 96-98 more… BibTeX
  • Steinert, Janina Isabel; Boehret, Ines; Vasumati Satish, Rucha; Sharma, Sanchita; Chatterji, Sangeeta: ‘We don’t get money in our own hands’: evidence from focus group discussions on economic abuse against women in two states of India. BMJ Global Health 8 (10), 2023, e012576 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Steinert, Janina Isabel; Prince, Hannah; Ezebuihe, Jessy; Shukla, Shruti: Violence Against Adolescent Girls During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Quantitative Evidence From Rural and Urban Communities in Maharashtra, India. Journal of Adolescent Health 73 (6), 2023, 1010-1018 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Steinert, Janina; Koch, Luise; Pfeffer, Jürgen: Online Hate against Members of the European Parliament. Lehrstuhl für Computational Social Science, 2023, more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Strathern, Wienke; Pfeffer, Jürgen: Identifying Different Layers of Online Misogyny. ICWSM, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Trencher, Gregory; Rinscheid, Adrian; Rosenbloom, Daniel; Koppenborg, Florentine; Truong, Nhi; Temocin, Pinar: The evolution of “phase-out” as a bridging concept for sustainability: From pollution to climate change. One Earth 6 (7), 2023, 854-871 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Valentin Vogel, Nicolas Ziegler: Kritikalität: Von der BSI-KritisV zur NIS2-Richtlinie. International Cybersecurity Law Review (1/2023), 2023 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Voggenreiter, A; Rossa, K; Smith, S; Maravilla, J; Broccatelli, C; Pfeffer, J: O047 Representations of Sleep in Social Media: A Tik Tok Case Study. Sleep Advances 4 (Supplement_1), 2023, A18-A18 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Voggenreiter, Angelina; Brandt, Sophie; Putterer, Fabian; Frings, Andreas; Pfeffer, Juergen: The Role of Likes: How Online Feedback Impacts Users' Mental Health. , 2023 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Waldorf, Isabella; Loder, Allister; Wurster, Stefan; Bogenberger, Klaus: Germany's 9-Euro-Ticket: Impacts on Disadvantaged Groups Using a Causal Inference Approach. 103rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRBAM), 2024. Transport Research Board (TRB) 2024 Annual Meeting, 2023 more… BibTeX
  • Waltenberger, Franz; Höferlin, Simon; Froehlich, Michael: Reddit Insights: Improving Online Discussion Culture by Contextualizing User Profiles. Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Weiss, A., Ćetković, S., Rühl, L., Buchholz, L., and M. Schreurs.: Transforming Urban Mobility and Responding to the Climate Crisis: The Development of Munich’s Mobility Policies in a Multi-Level-Context (Policy Brief No. 1). ReMGo Project /Technical University of Munich, 2023, more… BibTeX
  • Witzenberger, Benedict; Diakopoulos, Nicholas: Election predictions in the news: how users perceive and respond to visual election forecasts. Information, Communication &amp; Society, 2023, 1-22 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Wollburg, Clara; Steinert, Janina Isabel; Reeves, Aaron; Nye, Elizabeth: Do cash transfers alleviate common mental disorders in low- and middle-income countries? A systematic review and meta-analysis. PLOS ONE 18 (2), 2023, e0281283 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Zambrano, Julio C.; Avellaneda, Claudia N.: Mayor's gender and task-specific education influences on Ecuadorian municipal financial efficiency. In: What Works in Latin American Municipalities?. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Zern, Artjom; Broelemann, Klaus; Kasneci, Gjergji: Interventional SHAP Values and Interaction Values for Piecewise Linear Regression Trees. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 37 (9), 2023, 11164-11173 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Zern, Artjom; Broelemann, Klaus; Kasneci, Gjergji: Interventional shap values and interaction values for piecewise linear regression trees. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2023 more… BibTeX
  • Zhao, Xuan; Broelemann, Klaus; Kasneci, Gjergji: Counterfactual Explanation for Regression via Disentanglement in Latent Space. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW), IEEE, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Zhao, Xuan; Broelemann, Klaus; Ruggieri, Salvatore; Kasneci, Gjergji: Causal Fairness-Guided Dataset Reweighting using Neural Networks. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData), IEEE, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Zhao, Xuan; Fabbrizzi, Simone; Lobo, Paula Reyero; Ghodsi, Siamak; Broelemann, Klaus; Staab, Steffen; Kasneci, Gjergji: Adversarial Reweighting Guided by Wasserstein Distance for Bias Mitigation. , 2023 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )


  • Gola, Peter; Heckmann, Dirk (Ed.): Datenschutz-Grundverordnung, Bundesdatenschutzgesetz: DS-GVO / BDSG – Kommentar. C.H.Beck (derzeit: 3. edn.), 2022 more… BibTeX
  • Alexander Besner, Jonas Hacker: Zugang zu Twitter-Direktnachrichten des BMI. jurisPR-ITR (5/2022 Anm. 6), 2022 more… BibTeX
  • Ambühl, Lukas; Loder, Allister: Understanding post-COVID-19 road performance outcomes on the TLRN and across London. Transport for London, Munich and Zurich, 2022, more… BibTeX
  • Ana Catarina Fontes; Christoph Lütge: Vigilância e Relações de Poder – O Uso de Tecnologias de Reconhecimento Facial e Identificação Biométrica a Distância em Espaço Público e Impactos na Vida Pública. Direito Público, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Anna, Wiemann; Koppenborg, Florentine; Weiss​, Tobias: Continuity and change 10 years after 3.11: Processes and dynamics in state-society relations. Contemporary Japan 34 (2), 2022, 127-135 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Anne Paschke, Fabian Wiedemann: Keine Klarnamenpflicht in sozialen Netzwerken - Besprechung von BGH „Klarnamenpflicht, Facebook“. GRUR (10), 2022, 704-708 more… BibTeX
  • Bangura, Ibrahim; Chakraborty, Ananya; Garcia-Hernandez, Ana; Kaplan, Lennart; Kuhnt, Jana; Muhumad, Abdirahman A; Steinert, Janina I; Tellez, Dayana: Ethical failures in global health research: violations of Sustainable Development Goal 8, decent work for all. The Lancet Global Health 10 (5), 2022, e619 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Barnea, Gil; Hagemann, Christian; Wurster, Stefan: Policy instruments matter: Support schemes for renewable energy capacity in worldwide comparison. Energy Policy 168, 2022, 113093 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Beer, Katrin: Bioökonomie und Bioökonomiepolitik. , 2022 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Beer, Katrin: Online-Lehre Bioökonomie. , 2022 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Beer, Katrin: Problem Structures of Bioenergy Policy in the Power and Heat Sector in Germany. In: Bioeconomy and Sustainability. Springer International Publishing, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Beer, Katrin; Böcher, Michael; Zeigermann, Ulrike: Nachhaltige Bioökonomie? , 2022 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Besner, Alexander; Maurer, Julian Walter: Künstliche Intelligenz und Immaterialgüterrecht (Teil 1): Rechtsschutz an KI- bzw. ML-Systemen. AnwZert ITR (18/2022), 2022 more… BibTeX
  • Betz, Timm; Sun, Lu: Preferences, domestic institutions and trade wars. In: Research Handbook on Trade Wars. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Betz, Timm; Pond, Amy: Politically Connected Owners. Comparative Political Studies 56 (4), 2022, 561-595 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Bisbee, James; Zilinsky, Jan: Geographic Boundaries and Local Economic Conditions Matter for Views of the Economy. Political Analysis, 2022, 1-7 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Blum, Philipp; Hamm, Lisa; Loder, Allister; Bogenberger, Klaus: Conceptualizing an individual full-trip tradable credit scheme for multi-modal demand and supply management: The MobilityCoin System. Frontiers in Future Transportation 3, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Bronner, Pascal; Ziegler, Nicolas: KI-Haftung Teil I: Die haftungsrechtliche Rebellion der Maschinen? JuWissBlog, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Bronner, Pascal; Ziegler, Nicolas: KI-Haftung Teil II: Die haftungsrechtliche Erlösung? JuWissBlog, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Böcher, Michael; Beer, Katrin: Politische Prozesse der Bioökonomiepolitik. OVGU, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Büttel, Priska Katharina: Entscheidöffentlichkeit in der Schweiz (Teil 1): Anspruch auf Veröffentlichung gerichtlicher Entscheidungen. AnwZert ITR (2/2022 Anm. 3), 2022 more… BibTeX
  • Büttel, Priska Katharina: Befreiung von der Präsenzpflicht in der Schule nur bei konkreter Begründung möglich (Anm. zu VG Schleswig, Beschl. v. 30.11.2021 – 9 B 10001/21. jurisPR-ITR (2/2022 Anm. 3), 2022 more… BibTeX
  • Büttel, Priska Katharina: Verschleppte DSGVO-Verfahren: Zuständigkeit nicht nur für die federführende Aufsichtsbehörde – Anm. zu EuGH, Urt. v. 15.06.2021 – C-645/19. jurisPR-ITR ((1/2022 Anm. 3)), 2022 more… BibTeX
  • Camacho, Elena Rios: The Choice for Banking Union – Power, Politics and the Trap of Credible Commitment. Routledge, 2022 more… BibTeX
  • Can Kara, Anil; Dobrijevic, Ivana; Öztas, Emre; Mooseder, Angelina; Ghawi, Raji; Pfeffer, Jürgen: Central Figures in the Climate Change Discussion on Twitter. iiWAS 2022: Information Integration and Web Intelligence, 2022, 575–580 more… BibTeX
  • Carey, Sabine C; Mitchell, Neil J; Paula, Katrin: The life, death and diversity of pro-government militias: The fully revised pro-government militias database version 2.0. Research and Politics 9 (1), 2022, - more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
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  • Csehi, Robert; Schulz, Daniel F.: The EU's New Economic Governance Framework and Budgetary Decision‐Making in the Member States: Boon or Bane for Throughput Legitimacy?*. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Dafe, Florence; Hager, Sandy Brian; Naqvi, Natalya; Wansleben, Leon: Introduction: The Structural Power of Finance Meets Financialization. Politics &amp; Society 50 (4), 2022, 523-542 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Dafe, Florence; Rethel, Lena: Domestic Bank Reform and the Contingent Nature of the Structural Power of Finance in Emerging Markets. Politics &amp; Society 50 (4), 2022, 571-598 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Dahmen, Victoria; Loder, Allister; Tilg, Gabriel; Kutsch, Alexander; Bogenberger, Klaus: Traffic State Estimation with Loss Constraint. 2022 IEEE 25th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), IEEE, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Djeffal, Christian; Siewert, Markus B.; Wurster, Stefan: Role of the state and responsibility in governing artificial intelligence: a comparative analysis of AI strategies. Journal of European Public Policy 29 (11), 2022, 1-23 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Etzerodt, Søren Frank; Kongshøj, Kristian: The implosion of radical right populism and the path forward for social democracy: Evidence from the 2019 Danish national election. Scandinavian Political Studies, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Fabian Wiedemann: Verstoß von Rabatten einer Online-Plattform gegen § 20 Abs. 3a GWB („Tipping-Paragraph“). jurisPR-ITR (19), 2022, Anm. 6 more… BibTeX
  • Fischer, Frank; Bauer, Elisabeth; Seidel, Tina; Schmidmaier, Ralf; Radkowitsch, Anika; Neuhaus, Birgit J.; Hofer, Sarah I.; Sommerhoff, Daniel; Ufer, Stefan; Kuhn, Jochen; Küchemann, Stefan; Sailer, Michael; Koenen, Jenna; Gartmeier, Martin; Berberat, Pascal; Frenzel, Anne; Heitzmann, Nicole; Holzberger, Doris; Pfeffer, Jürgen; Lewalter, Doris; Niklas, Frank; Schmidt-Hertha, Bernhard; Gollwitzer, Mario; Vorholzer, Andreas; Chernikova, Olga; Schons, Christian; Pickal, Amadeus J.; Bannert, Maria; Michaeli, Tilman; Stadler, Matthias; Fischer, Martin R.: Representational scaffolding in digital simulations – learning professional practices in higher education. Information and Learning Sciences 123 (11/12), 2022, 645-665 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Florentine Koppenborg: Nuclear Revival won't Rid Japan of its Energy Crisis. East Asia Forum, 2022 more… BibTeX
  • Florentine Koppenborg, Ulv Hanssen: As Japan Sanctions Russian Coal, it is High Time to Kick the Habit Altogether”. Climate Home News, 2022 more… BibTeX
  • Franziska Pradel, Sebastian Sattler: Memories of a death threat: negative consequences of unconscious thoughts about a terrorist attack on attitudes towards alcohol. OMEGA—Journal of Death and Dying 86 (2), 2022, 668-687 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Froehlich, Michael; Waltenberger, Franz; Trotter, Ludwig; Alt, Florian; Schmidt, Albrecht: Blockchain and Cryptocurrency in Human Computer Interaction: A Systematic Literature Review and Research Agenda. Designing Interactive Systems Conference, ACM, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Gasser, Urs; Almeida, Virgílio: Futures of digital governance. Communications of the ACM 65 (3), 2022, 30-32 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Gasser, Urs; Almeida, Virgílio: Futures of digital governance. Communications of the ACM 65 (3), 2022, 30-32 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Gasser, Urs; Cortesi, Sandra; Hasse, Alexa: Transforming state of the art offline approaches for the digital world: A methods guide for youth and well-being focus groups. , 2022 more… BibTeX
  • Gastinger, Markus; Heldt, Eugénia C: Measuring actual discretion of the European Commission: Using the discretion index to guide empirical research. European Union Politics 23 (3), 2022, 541–558 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Ghawi, Raji; Pfeffer, Jürgen: Analysis of Country Mentions in the Debates of the UN Security Council. In: Information Integration and Web Intelligence. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Ghawi, Raji; Pfeffer, Jürgen: A community matching based approach to measuring layer similarity in multilayer networks. Social Networks 68, 2022, 1-14 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Ghawi, Raji; Pfeffer, Jürgen: iiWAS 2022: Information Integration and Web Intelligence. Central Figures in the Climate Change Discussion on Twitter, 2022, 110–115 more… BibTeX
  • Gnugesser, E.; Chwila, C.; Brenner, S.; Deckert, A.; Dambach, P.; Steinert, J. I.; Bärnighausen, T.; Horstick, O.; Antia, K.; Louis, V. R.: The economic burden of treating uncomplicated hypertension in Sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic literature review. BMC Public Health 22, 2022, 22:1507 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Hagemeister, Felix: Populism and propagation of far-right extremism. European Journal of Political Economy 72, 2022, 102-116 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Hamm, Lisa S.; Loder, Allister; Tilg, Gabriel; Menendez, Monica; Bogenberger, Klaus: Network Inefficiency: Empirical Findings for Six European Cities. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2676 (8), 2022, 99-111 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Hasse, Alexa; Cortesi, Sandra; Gasser, Urs: Transforming State of the Art Offline Approaches for the Digital World: A Methods Guide for Youth and Well-being Focus Groups. Youth and Media, Berkman Klein Center for Internet &amp; Society, 2022 more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann Dirk; Gola Peter: Einleitung zur DSG-VO und BDSG. In: Heckmann, Dirk; Gola Peter (Ed.): Datenschutz-Grundverordnung, Bundesdatenschutzgesetz: DS-GVO / BDSG. C.H.BECK (3. edn.), 2022 more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann Dirk; Rachut, Sarah; Besner, Alexander: Gutachterliche Stellungnahme für den Ausschuss für Wirtschaft, Landesentwicklung, Energie, Medien und Digitalisierung im Bayerischen Landtag zum Gesetz der Staatsregierung über die Digitalisierung im Freistaat Bayern (Bayerisches Digitalgesetz - BayDiG) – Drucksache 18/19572. Bayerischer Landtag, 2022, more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Heckmann, Dirk: Gemeinwohl und Digitalisierung - Internetnutzung in Zeiten von Pandemie und Krieg. Akademie Aktuell (2/22), 2022, S. 21-23. more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann, Dirk: Teil 3: Bayerisches Polizei- und Sicherheitsrecht. In: Becker, Ulrich; Heckmann, Dirk; Kempen, Bernhard; Manssen, Gerrit (Ed.): Öffentliches Recht in Bayern. C.H. Beck (derzeit: 8. edn.), 2022, S. 233 - 422 more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann, Dirk: Schutz von Persönlichkeit und Privatsphäre, Datenschutz, Digitalisierung und Grundrecht – §§ 102. In: Stern, Klaus; Sodan, Helge; Möstl, Markus (Ed.): Das Staatsrecht der Bundesrepublik Deutschland im europäischen Staatenverbund. C.H.BECK (2. edn.), 2022 more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann, Dirk; Brand, Thimo; Brandenburg, Anne; Bronner, Pascal; Paschke, Anne; Scheurer, Martin: Datenschutz-Grundverordnung VO (EU) 2016/679, Bundesdatenschutzgesetz: DS-GVO / BDSG. In: Gola, Peter; Heckmann, Dirk (Ed.): Datenschutz-Grundverordnung, Bundesdatenschutzgesetz: DS-GVO / BDSG. C.H.Beck (3. edn.), 2022 more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann, Dirk; Doseva, Steliyana; Schmid-Petri, Hannah; Schillmöller, Jan: Uploaders' perceptions of the German implementation of the EU copyright reform and their preferences for copyright regulation. Internet Policy Review 11. Jahrgang (4. Ausgabe), 2022 more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann, Dirk; Marx, Lorenz; Bronner, Pascal; Vogel, Valentin; Auer Jakob: Informationelle Selbstbestimmung in der digitalen Arbeitswelt - Einsatz technischer Mittel zur Verhaltens- und Leistungskontrolle am Arbeitsplatz im Licht des (Beschäftigten-)Datenschutzes. In: Boes, Andreas; Hess, Thomas; Pretschner, Alexander; Kämpf, Tobias; Vogl, Elisabeth (Ed.): Daten – Innovation – Privatheit. Inverse Transparenz, 2022 more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann, Dirk; McLennan, Stuart; Rachut, Sarah; Lange, Johannes; Fiske, Amelia; Buyx, Alena: Practices and Attitudes of Bavarian Stakeholders Regarding the Secondary Use of Health Data for Research Purposes During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Qualitative Interview Study. JMIR (24/6), 2022 more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann, Dirk; Paschke, Anne: Schutz von Persönlichkeit und Privatsphäre, Datenschutz, Digitalisierung und Grundrecht – §§ 103/121. In: Stern, Klaus; Sodan, Helge; Möstl, Markus (Ed.): Das Staatsrecht der Bundesrepublik Deutschland im europäischen Staatenverbund. C.H.BECK (2. edn.), 2022 more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann, Dirk; Paschke, Anne: Datenschutz und das Register zum Schutz des Wettbewerbs um öffentliche Aufträge – Kapitel 4. In: Osseforth, Tobias (Ed.): Handbuch IT-Vergabe. C.H.BECK, 2022, S. 96-120 more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann, Dirk; Paschke, Anne; Scheurer, Martin: Kommentierung der §§ 22-24, 49, 51, 56, 59-61, 68. In: Gola, Peter; Heckmann, Dirk (Ed.): Datenschutz-Grundverordnung, Bundesdatenschutzgesetz: DS-GVO / BDSG. C.H.Beck (3. edn.), 2022 more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann, Dirk; Rachut, Sarah: Elektronische Patientenakte und Elektronische Gesundheitsakte – 3E. In: Rehmann, Wolfgang A.; Tillmanns, Christian (Ed.): E-Health / Digital Health. C.H.BECK, 2022, S. 282-312 more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann, Dirk; Rachut, Sarah: Daten, Dienste, Digitales - Grundrechtsschutz durch Telemedizin. Current Congress, 128. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Innere Medizin , 2022, S. 29 more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann, Dirk; Schillmöller, Jan; Doseva, Steliyana; Schmid-Petri, Hannah: Content ID vs. „Uploadfilterpflicht“ – Wahrnehmung und Bewertung von privaten und gesetzlich vorgesehenen Filtermaßnahmen. In: Schrör, Simon; Keiner, Alexandra; Müller, Ferdinand; Schumacher, Pablo (Ed.): Entscheidungsträger im Internet. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2022, S. 19-44 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Heckmann, Dirk; Vogel, Valentin; Bronner, Pascal: Rechtliche Stellungnahme im Rahmen des Projekts Inverse Transparenz. Technische Universität München, 2022, more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Heckmann, Dirk; Vogel, Valentin; Bronner, Pascal; Hofmann, Julian; Bräutigam, Peter; Habbe, Julia Sophia; Gergen, Philipp; Daum, Andreas; Rücker, Daniel: Noerr Compliance Studie 2022: Digitalisierung und Compliance. Noerr Partnerschaftsgesellschaft mbB, 2022, more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann, Dirk: Digitalisierung im Dialog, Nutzerfreundlichkeit als Rechtsprinzip im Bayerischen Digitalgesetz. bidt Magazin, 2022, S. 26-27 more… BibTeX
  • Heldt, Eugenia C.; Dörfler, Thomas: Orchestrating private investors for development: How the World Bank revitalizes. Regulation & Governance 16 (4), 2022, 1382-1398 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Heldt, Eugénia C.: China und die BRICS in globalen ökonomischen Institutionen. In: Schirm, Stefan A.; Busch, Andreas.; Lütz, Susanne.; Walter, Stefanie.; Zimmermann, Hubert. (Ed.): De-Globalisierung. Nomos, 2022, 123-138 more… BibTeX
  • Heldt, Eugénia C.; Herzog, Lisa: The Limits of Transparency: Expert Knowledge and Meaningful Accountability in Central Banking. Government and Opposition 57 (2), 2022, 217-232 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Heldt, Eugénia C.; Mello, Patrick A.; Novoselova, Anna; Ramon Serrano Oswald, Omar: Persistence Against the Odds: How Entrepreneurial Agents Helped the UN Joint Inspection Unit to Prevail. Global Policy 13 (2), 2022, 235-246 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Heldt, Eugénia C.; Müller, Tony: Bringing Independence and Accountability Together: Mission Impossible for the European Central Bank? Journal of European Integration 44 (6), 2022, 837-853 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Heldt, Eugénia C; Mello, Patrick A; Novoselova, Anna; Serrano Oswald, Omar Ramon: When Do International Organizations Engage in Agency Slack? A Qualitative Comparative Analysis of United Nations Institutions. Global Studies Quarterly 2 (3), 2022 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Heyder, Monika; Baasch, Stefanie; Beer, Katrin; Zeigermann, Ulrike: Fragmented Participatory Bioenergy. , 2022 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Hunkenschroer, Anna Lena; Luetge, Christoph: Ethics of AI-Enabled Recruiting and Selection: A Review and Research Agenda. Journal of Business Ethics, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Hörisch, Felix; Wurster, Stefan; Siewert, Markus B.: Large-Scale and Green? The German Covid-19 Stimulus Package in International Comparison. German Politics, 2022, 1-28 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Ide, Tobias; Mello, Patrick A: QCA in International Relations: A Review of Strengths, Pitfalls, and Empirical Applications. International Studies Review 24 (1), 2022 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Isidoro Losada, Ana María: Green hydrogen: Chances and barriers for the Energiewende in Chile. Science Talks 4, 2022, 100088 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Jedd, Theresa; Schutz, Anthony; Burbach, Mark: Polycentric governance in Nebraska, U.S., for ground and surface water. In: Water Resources Allocation and Agriculture. IWA Publishing, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Jedd, Theresa; Smith, Kelly Helm: Drought-Stricken U.S. States Have More Comprehensive Water-Related Hazard Planning. Water Resources Management 37 (2), 2022, 601-617 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • KIRKIZH, NORA; FROIO, CATERINA; STIER, SEBASTIAN: Issue trade‐offs and the politics of representation: Experimental evidence from four European democracies. European Journal of Political Research, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Kim, Seo-young Silvia; Zilinsky, Jan: Division Does Not Imply Predictability: Demographics Continue to Reveal Little About Voting and Partisanship. Political Behavior, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Kinniburgh, Fiona; Selin, Henrik; Selin, Noelle E.; Schreurs, Miranda: When private governance impedes multilateralism: The case of international pesticide governance. Regulation &amp; Governance 17 (2), 2022, 425-448 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Kostick-Quenet, Kristin; Mandl, Kenneth D.; Minssen, Timo; Cohen, I. Glenn; Gasser, Urs; Kohane, Isaac; McGuire, Amy L.: How NFTs could transform health information exchange. Science 375 (6580), 2022, 500-502 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Kostick-Quenet, Kristin; Mandl, Kenneth D.; Minssen, Timo; Cohen, I. Glenn; Gasser, Urs; Kohane, Isaac; McGuire, Amy L.: How NFTs could transform health information exchange. Science 375 (6580), 2022, 500-502 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Kriebitz, Alexander; Max, Raphael; Lütge, Christoph: The German Act on Autonomous Driving: Why Ethics Still Matters. Philosophy &amp; Technology 35 (2), 2022 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • König, Pascal D.; Siewert, Markus B.; Ackermann, Kathrin: Conceptualizing and Measuring Citizens’ Preferences for Democracy: Taking Stock of Three Decades of Research in a Fragmented Field. Comparative Political Studies 55 (12), 2022, 001041402110662 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • König, Pascal D; Wurster, Stefan; Siewert, Markus B: Consumers are willing to pay a price for explainable, but not for green AI. Evidence from a choice-based conjoint analysis. Big Data & Society 9 (1), 2022, 205395172110696 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Loder, Allister: How many cars are too many? - A primer. Presentation at the Research Training Group Social Cars, TU Braunschweig, 2022, more… BibTeX
  • Loder, Allister: Understanding and Managing Traffic in the 21st Century. Presentation at the Research Training Group SocialCars,(SCF), Technische Universität Dresden, 2022, more… BibTeX
  • Loder, Allister: Network inefficiency - empirical findings for six European cities. Presentation at the TFTC Webinar Series & Next Generation Transportation Systems Seminar, University of Michigan, 2022, more… BibTeX
  • Loder, Allister; Otte, Thomas; Bogenberger, Klaus: Using large-scale drone data to monitor and assess the behavior of freight vehicles on urban level. 101st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB 2022), 2022 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Loder, Allister; Bliemer, Michiel C.J.; Axhausen, Kay W.: Optimal pricing and investment in a multi-modal city — Introducing a macroscopic network design problem based on the MFD. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 156, 2022, 113-132 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Loder, Allister; Cantner, Fabienne; Cadavid, Andrea; Siewert, Markus B.; Wurster, Stefan; Goerg, Sebastian; Bogenberger, Klaus: A nation-wide experiment: fuel tax cuts and almost free public transport for three months in Germany -- Report 3 Second wave results. , 2022 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Loder, Allister; Otte, Thomas; Bogenberger, Klaus: Using Large-Scale Drone Data to Monitor and Assess the Behavior of Freight Vehicles on Urban Level. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2676 (11), 2022, 496-507 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Loeffler, Hannah: Does a universal basic income affect voter turnout? Evidence from Alaska. Political Science Research and Methods, 2022, 1-16 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • MIRANDA SCHREURS: “Energy and Climate Politics in the European Union in light of the Russian War on Ukraine. Sekai, 2022 more… BibTeX
  • Matthes, Jörg; Corbu, Nicoleta; Jin, Soyeon; Theocharis, Yannis; Schemer, Christian; van Aelst, Peter; Strömbäck, Jesper; Koc-Michalska, Karolina; Esser, Frank; Aalberg, Toril; Cardenal, Ana Sofia; Castro, Laia; de Vreese, Claes; Hopmann, David; Sheafer, Tamir; Splendore, Sergio; Stanyer, James; Stępińska, Agnieszka; Štětka, Václav; Zoizner, Alon: Perceived prevalence of misinformation fuels worries about COVID-19: a cross-country, multi-method investigation. Information, Communication & Society, 2022, 1-24 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Maurer, Julian Walter: Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung: Die datenschutzrechtliche Einwilligung von Geschäftsunfähigen und beschränkt Geschäftsfähigen. AnwZert ITR (7/2022), 2022, 6-9 more… BibTeX
  • Maurer, Julian Walter: Paketlieferung an Nachbarn ohne explizite Einwilligung des Adressaten gegenüber dem Versandunternehmer verstößt gegen DSGVO – Anmerkung zu AEPD (Spanien), Beschluss vom 03.11.2022, PS/00280/2022. PraxisReport IT-Recht (25/2022), 2022, 11-15 more… BibTeX
  • Maurer, Julian Walter: Digitale Qualifizierung der Beschäftigten der öffentlichen Verwaltung - Art. 7 BayDiG-E. BayDiG Wiki, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Maurer, Julian Walter: Das Gesetz zur Umsetzung der Digitalisierungsrichtlinie (DiRUG) – Bedeutung für das Gesellschaftsrecht. informaciones – Zeitschrift für den deutsch-spanischen Rechtsverkehr (III/2022), 2022, 122-133 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Maurer, Julian Walter: Rechtliche Herausforderungen digitaler Kunst und ihre urheber- und verfassungsrechtlichen Implikationen – IX. In: Heinzelmann, Jan; Ayadi, Sami; Prinz von Bayern, Leopold et al. (Ed.): Kunst im Dialog: Festschrift für Walter Maurer zum 80. Geburtstag am 20.03.2022. ADW Press, 2022, 103-114 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • McLennan, Stuart; Rachut, Sarah; Lange Johannes; Fiske, Amelia; Heckmann, Dirk; Buyx, Alena: Practices and Attitudes of Bavarian Stakeholders Regarding the Secondary Use of Health Data for Research Purposes During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Qualitative Interview Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research (24/6), 2022 more… BibTeX
  • Meissner, Katharina L.; Mello, Patrick A.: The unintended consequences of UN sanctions: A qualitative comparative analysis. Contemporary Security Policy, 2022, 1-31 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Mello, Patrick A.: Incentives and constraints: a configurational account of European involvement in the anti-Daesh coalition. European Political Science Review, 2022, 1-19 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Mello, Patrick A.: German Parliamentary Debates and Decision-Making on Afghanistan. Orient: German Journal for Politics, Economics and Culture of the Middle East 63 (1), 2022 more… BibTeX
  • Mooseder, Angelina; Malik, Momin M.; Lamba, Hemank; Erowid, Earth; Thyssen, Sylvia; Pfeffer, Jürgen: Glowing Experience or Bad Trip? A Quantitative Analysis of User Reported Drug Experiences on Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media 16, 2022, 675-686 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Müller, Siegfried; Ghawi, Raji; Pfeffer, Jürgen: Identifying Power Elites in Massively Multiplayer Online Games by Applying Machine Learning to Communication and Support Networks. 2022 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), IEEE, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Müller, Siegfried; Ghawi, Raji; Pfeffer, Jürgen: Identifying Power Elites in Massively Multiplayer Online Games by Applying Machine Learning to Communication and Support Networks. IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), 2022 more… BibTeX
  • Nicolas Ziegler, Julian Hofmann: Tabellarische Übersicht der Anforderungen an die IT-Sicherheit der Kommunen nach der ITSiV-PV. 2022 more… BibTeX
  • Pantelic, Marija; Steinert, Janina I.; Ayala, George; Sprague, Laurel; Chang, Judy; Thomas, Ruth Morgan; Nininahazwe, Cedric; Caswell, Georgina; Bach‐Mortensen, Anders M.; Bourne, Adam: Addressing epistemic injustice in HIV research: a call for reporting guidelines on meaningful community engagement. Journal of the International AIDS Society 25 (1), 2022 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Parimbelli, Enea; Larizza, Cristiana; Urosevic, Vladimir; Pogliaghi, Andrea; Ottaviano, Manuel; Cheng, Cindy; Benoit, Vincent; Pala, Daniele; Casella, Vittorio; Bellazzi, Riccardo; Giudici, Paolo: The PERISCOPE Data Atlas: A Demonstration of Release v1.2. In: Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. Springer International Publishing, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Pascal Bronner: Verstöße gegen die DSGVO: Verbraucherschutzverbände mit Klagebefugnis, Anm. zu EuGH, Urt. v. 28.04.2022 - C-319/20. jurisPR-ITR (21/2022 Anm. 5), 2022 more… BibTeX
  • Pascal Bronner: Kommentierung zu § 86 BDSG - Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten für Zwecke staatlicher Auszeichnungen und Ehrungen. In: Gola/Heckmann, Kommentar DS-GVO BDSG (3. Aufl. 2022). C.H. Beck Verlag oHG, 2022 more… BibTeX
  • Pascal Bronner, Nicolas Ziegler: Der Entwurf einer KI-Haftungs-Richtlinie: Haftung für das digitale Zeitalter oder Flucht in die Komplexität? AnwZert ITR (01/2023 Anm. 2), 2022 more… BibTeX
  • Paschke, Anne; Rachut, Sarah: The EU Data Governance Act – 101: What's it about, what it contains and what we can expect from it. , Ed.: Rulf, Kirsten (Hrsg.): Yale University, 2022, more… BibTeX
  • Pauls, Christina; Oppelt, Martin; Weber, Nicki K.; Kui, Ninawa Inu Huni; Leggewie, Claus; Hanusch, Frederic; Bauer, Liza; Hartl, Claudia; Finkelstein, Clemens; Chakrabarty, Dipesh; Mendoza, Breny; Schreurs, MIRANDA SCHREURS: Das Planetarische Politisch(e) Denken. Politische Vierteljahresschrift 63 (4), 2022, 703-728 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Pauls, Christina; Oppelt, Martin; Weber, Nicki K.; Kui, Ninawa Inu Huni; Leggewie, Claus; Hanusch, Frederic; Bauer, Liza; Hartl, Claudia; Finkelstein, Clemens; Chakrabarty, Dipesh; Mendoza, Breny; Schreurs, Miranda: Das Planetarische Politisch(e) Denken. Politische Vierteljahresschrift 63 (4), 2022, 703-728 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Petz, Cindarella; Ghawi, Raji; Pfeffer, Jürgen: Tracking the Evolution of Communities in a Social Network of Intellectual Influences. Journal of Historical Network Research, 2022, Vol. 7 No. 1 (2022): Regular Issue more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Pfeffer, Juergen; Mooseder, Angelina; Lasser, Jana; Hammer, Luca; Stritzel, Oliver; Garcia, David: This Sample seems to be good enough! Assessing Coverage and Temporal Reliability of Twitter's Academic API. , 2022 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Pfeffer, Jürgen: Abstracts of the Workshop Proceedings of the 16th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media. Unpublished, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Rachut, Sarah: Mündliche elektronische (Fern-)Prüfungen, Anm. zu VG Schleswig, Beschl. v. 01.03.2022 - 12 B 10003/21. jurisPR-ITR (8/2022 Anm. 3), 2022 more… BibTeX
  • Rachut, Sarah: Zwei Jahre elektronische Fernprüfungen: Aktueller Stand und Herausforderungen. AnwZert ITR (7/2022 Anm. 2), 2022 more… BibTeX
  • Rachut, Sarah: Online-Klausuren in der Fachanwaltsausbildung: Notwendigkeit ausdrücklicher Regelungen - Anmerkung zu VG Freiburg (Breisgau) 8. Kammer, Urteil vom 15.02.2022 - 8 K 183/21. jurisPR-ITR (12/2022), 2022 more… BibTeX
  • Rachut, Sarah; Hacker, Jonas: Neue Strukturen für verbesserte Interoperabilität im Gesundheitswesen - die IOP-Governance-Verordnung (GIGV). jurisPR-ITR (3/22 Anm. 2), 2022 more… BibTeX
  • Rachut, Sarah; Hacker, Jonas: Kommunale Gremiensitzungen als Videokonferenz (Teil 3): Rechtliche und praktische Herausforderungen – Vertraulichkeit sowie Rechte und Pflichten der Gemeinderatsmitglieder. AnwZert ITR (17/2022 Anm. 3), 2022 more… BibTeX
  • Rachut, Sarah; Hacker, Jonas: Kommunale Gremiensitzungen als Videokonferenzen (Teil 1): Gesetzliche Grundlagen. AnwZert ITR ( 11/2022 Anm. 2), 2022 more… BibTeX
  • Rachut, Sarah; Hacker, Jonas: Kommunale Gremiensitzungen als Videokonferenz (Teil 2): Rechtliche und praktische Herausforderungen - Öffentlichkeitsgrundsatz. AnwZert ITR (14/2022 Anm. 3), 2022 more… BibTeX
  • Radoslav Ralev, Jürgen Pfeffer: Hate Speech Classification in Bulgarian. Fifth International Conference on Computational Linguistics in Bulgaria, 2022, 49-58 more… BibTeX
  • Raji Ghawi, Jürgen Pfeffer: Discovering Relational Implications in Multilayer Networks Using Formal Concept Analysis. iiWAS 2022: Information Integration and Web Intelligence , 2022, 352-366 more… BibTeX
  • Reitz, Sybille: Quality control of negotiated multi-source policy advice: the example of the German Coal Exit Commission. European Politics and Society, 2022, 1-23 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Reitz, Sybille; Goshen, Lauren; Ohlhorst, Dörte: Trade-offs in German wind energy expansion: building bridges between different interests, values and priorities. Energy, Sustainability and Society 12 (1), 2022 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Schirmer, Miriam; Kruschwitz, Udo; Donabauer, Gregor: A New Dataset for Topic-Based Paragraph Classification in Genocide-Related Court Transcripts. , 2022 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Serrano Oswald, Omar Ramon; Eckhardt, Jappe: New champions of preferential trade? Two-level games in China’s and India’s shifting commercial strategies. Review of International Political Economy, 2022, 1-24 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Serrano Oswald, Omar Ramon; Selmanovic, Sandra; Lee, Benjamin; Arndt, Laura: Technoregulierung in China: bayerische Unternehmen im Sozialkreditsystem. bidt - Bayerisches Forschungsinstitut für Digitale Transformation, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Steinert, Janina I.; Sternberg, Henrike; Prince, Hannah; Fasolo, Barbara; Galizzi, Matteo M.; Büthe, Tim; Veltri, Giuseppe A.: COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in eight European countries: Prevalence, determinants, and heterogeneity. Science Advances 8 (17), 2022 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Steinert, Janina I; Sternberg, Henrike; Veltri, Giuseppe A; Büthe, Tim: How should COVID-19 vaccines be distributed between the Global North and South: a discrete choice experiment in six European countries. eLife 11, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Steinert, Janina Isabel; Shenderovich, Yulia; Smith, Michael; Zhou, Siyanai; Toska, Elona; Cluver, Lucie: Economic wellbeing and associated mediating pathways to improved antiretroviral therapy adherence among adolescents living with HIV: A prospective cohort study in South Africa. JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes Publish Ahead of Print, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Steinert, Janina Isabel; Vasumati Satish, Rucha; Stips, Felix; Vollmer, Sebastian: Commitment or concealment? Impacts and use of a portable saving device: Evidence from a field experiment in urban India. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 193, 2022, 367-398 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Strathern, Wienke; Ghawi, Raji; Schönfeld, Mirco; Pfeffer, Jürgen: Identifying lexical change in negative word-of-mouth on social media. Social Network Analysis and Mining 12 (1), 2022 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Strathern, Wienke; Mooseder, Angelina; Pfeffer, Jürgen: The Polarizing Impact of Continuous Presence on Users' Behavior. ICWSM, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Strathern, Wienke; Pfeffer, Juergen: Identifying Different Layers of Online Misogyny. , 2022 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Suhr, Friederike; Steinert, Janina Isabel: Epidemiology of floods in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review of health outcomes. BMC Public Health 22 (1), 2022 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Theocharis, Yannis; Boulianne, Shelley; Koc-Michalska, Karolina; Bimber, Bruce: Platform affordances and political participation: how social media reshape political engagement. West European Politics, 2022, 1-24 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Unruh, Charlotte: Doing and Allowing Good. Analysis, 2022 more… BibTeX
  • Unruh, Charlotte: A Hybrid Account of Harm. Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Vogel, Valentin; Hofmann, Julian: Der Handel mit virtuellen nutzergenerierten Gegenständen mittels NFTs im Metaverse. AnwZert ITR (22/2022), 2022 more… BibTeX
  • Witzenberger, Benedict; Pfeffer, Jürgen: Gender dynamics of German journalists on Twitter. 2022 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), IEEE, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Wurster, Stefan: Sustainable development and regime type: What can we learn from a comparison of democracies and autocracies? In: The Routledge Handbook of Democracy and Sustainability. . Routledge, 2022 more… BibTeX
  • Wurster, Stefan; Siewert, Markus B.; Jäckle, Sebastian; Steinert, Janina: Introduction to the Special Issue: The First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Germany. German Politics, 2022, 1-13 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Wurster, Stefan; Siewert, Markus B.; Jäckle, Sebastian; Steinert, Janina: Introduction to the Special Issue: The First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Germany. German Politics, 2022, 1-13 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Zhang, Yunfei,; Loder, Allister; Bogenberger, Klaus: Temporal Aggregated Analysis of GPS Trajectory Data Using Two-Fluid Model. 101st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB 2022), 2022 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Zhang, Yunfei; Loder, Allister; Rempe, Felix; Bogenberger, Klaus: Temporal Aggregated Analysis of GPS Trajectory Data Using Two-Fluid Model. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2677 (5), 2022, 103-116 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Zoizner, Alon; Sheafer, Tamir; Castro, Laia; Aalberg, Toril; Cardenal, Ana S.; Corbu, Nicoleta; de Vreese, Claes; Esser, Frank; Hopmann, David Nicolas; Koc-Michalska, Karolina; Matthes, Jörg; Schemer, Christian; Splendore, Sergio; Stanyer, James; Stępińska, Agnieszka; Štětka, Václav; Strömbäck, Jesper; Theocharis, Yannis; Van Aelst, Peter: The Effects of the COVID-19 Outbreak on Selective Exposure: Evidence from 17 Countries. Political Communication, 2022, 1-23 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )


  • Pfeffer, Jürgen and West, Robert and Diesner, Jana and Wu, Shaomei (Ed.): Workshop Proceedings of the 13th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media. Frontiers Media SA, 2021 more… BibTeX
  • Mello, Patrick A. (Ed.): Qualitative Comparative Analysis: An Introduction to Research Design and Application. Georgetown University Press, 2021 more… BibTeX
  • Aelst, Peter Van; Toth, Fanni; Castro, Laia; Štětka, Václav; de Vreese, Claes; Aalberg, Toril; Cardenal, Ana Sofia; Corbu, Nicoleta; Esser, Frank; Hopmann, David Nicolas; Koc-Michalska, Karolina; Matthes, Jörg; Schemer, Christian; Sheafer, Tamir; Splendore, Sergio; Stanyer, James; Stępińska, Agnieszka; Strömböck, Jesper; Theocharis, Yannis: Does a Crisis Change News Habits? A Comparative Study of the Effects of COVID-19 on News Media Use in 17 European Countries. Digital Journalism, 2021, 1-31 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Ambühl, Lukas; Loder, Allister; Leclercq, Ludovic; Menendez, Monica: Disentangling the city traffic rhythms: A longitudinal analysis of MFD patterns over a year. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 126, 2021, 103065 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Axhausen, Kay W.; Loder, Allister: Nutzungen, Strukturen und Verkehr. In: Stadtverkehrsplanung. Springer, Heidelberg, 2021 more… BibTeX
  • Barnea, Gil; Hagemann, Christian; Wurster, Stefan: Regulation Matters Support Schemes for Renewable Energy Capacity in Worldwide Comparison. SSRN Electronic Journal, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Beer, Katrin; Biedenkopf, Katja; Breitmeier, Helmut; Gerner, Martin; Große, Nora; Gumbert, Tobias; Hein, Jonas; Hickmann, Thomas; Kiesler, Natalie; Lederer, Markus; Marquardt, Jens; Pettibone, Lisa; Schwindenhammer, Sandra; Strobehn, Katrin; Teuber, Ramona; Weiland, Sabine: Digital Sustainability Education - Potential, Development Trends and Good Practices. Universitätsbibliothek Gießen, 2021, more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Besner, Alexander; Rachut, Sarah: Kurzgutachten: "Ist bei elektronischen Fernprüfungen der Einsatz einer zweiten Kamera zur Videoaufsicht zulässig?" – Bayerisches Kompetenzzentrum für Fernprüfungen. Bayerisches Kompetenzzentrum für Fernprüfungen, 2021, more… BibTeX
  • Besner, Alexander; Rachut, Sarah: Kurzgutachten zur Nutzung von KI für den Abgleich des Verhaltens von Prüfungsteilnehmenden mit einem Standardverhalten zum Zwecke einer automatisierten Prüfungsaussicht. Bayerisches Kompetenzzentrum für Fernprüfungen, 2021, more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Bettina Brohmann, Achim Brunnengräber, Peter Hocke, Ana María Isidoro Losada: Robuste Langzeit-Governance bei der Endlagersuche. transcript Verlag, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Betz, Timm; Cook, Scott J.; Hollenbach, Florian M.: Bias from Network Misspecification Under Spatial Dependence. Political Analysis 29 (2), 2021, 260-266 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Betz, Timm; Pond, Amy: Liberalization. In: Pevehouse,Jon C. W.; Seabrooke, Leonard (Ed.): The Oxford Handbook of International Political Economy. Oxford University Press, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Budish, Ryan; Gasser, Urs; Eigen, Melyssa: German Digital Council: An 'Inside-Out' Case Study. SSRN Electronic Journal, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Buzogány, Aron; Ćetković, Stefan: Fractionalized but ambitious? Voting on energy and climate policy in the European Parliament. Journal of European Public Policy 28 (7), 2021, 1038-1056 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Büthe, Tim: Prospects and Challenges for Transatlantic Relations After Trump and Corona. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Büthe, Tim: Tethered Fates: Companies, Communities, and Rights at Stake. By Shareen Hertel. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019. 240p. $105.00 cloth, $29.95 paper. Perspectives on Politics 19 (1), 2021, 343-344 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Büttel, Priska Katharina: Der Antrag auf „vollständige“ Datenauskunft und das Bestimmtheitsgebot – Anm. zu LarbG Stuttgart, Urt. v. 17.03.2021 – 21 Sa 43/20. jurisPR-ITR ((16/2021 Anm. 3)), 2021 more… BibTeX
  • Büttel, Priska Katharina: Das IT-Sicherheitsgesetz 2.0: Erweiterte Befug-nisse für das BSI, KRITIS light und andere Neuerungen. jurisPR-ITR (15/2021 Anm. 2), 2021 more… BibTeX
  • Carroll, Robert; Pond, Amy: Costly signaling in autocracy. International Interactions, 2021, 1-21 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Castro, Laia; Strömbäck, Jesper; Esser, Frank; Aelst, Peter Van; de Vreese, Claes; Aalberg, Toril; Cardenal, Ana S.; Corbu, Nicoleta; Hopmann, David Nicolas; Koc-Michalska, Karolina; Matthes, Jörg; Schemer, Christian; Sheafer, Tamir; Splendore, Sergio; Stanyer, James; Stepinska, Agnieszka; Štětka, Václav; Theocharis, Yannis: Navigating High-choice European Political Information Environments: A Comparative Analysis of News User Profiles and Political Knowledge. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 2021, 1-33 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI ) Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Castro, Laia; Strömbäck, Jesper; Esser, Frank; Van Aelst, Peter; de Vreese, Claes; Aalberg, Toril; Cardenal, Ana S.; Corbu, Nicoleta; Hopmann, David Nicolas; Koc-Michalska, Karolina; Matthes, Jörg; Schemer, Christian; Sheafer, Tamir; Splendore, Sergio; Stanyer, James; Stępińska, Agnieszka; Štětka, Václav; Theocharis, Yannis: Navigating High-choice European Political Information Environments: A Comparative Analysis of News User Profiles and Political Knowledge. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 2021, 194016122110125 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Chen, Chaoran; Schönfeld, Mirco; Pfeffer, Jürgen: ContextWalk: Embedding Networks With Context Information Extracted From News Articles. The 32nd International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA2021), 2021 more… BibTeX
  • Christoph Lütge; Franziska Poszler; Aida Joaquin Acosta; David Danks; Gail Gottehrer; Lucian Mihet-Popa; Aisha Naseer: AI4People: Ethical Guidelines for the Automotive Sector – Fundamental Requirements and Practical Recommendations. International Journal of Technoethics, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Cortesi, Sandra Clio; Hasse, Alexa; Gasser, Urs: Youth Participation in a Digital World: Designing and Implementing Spaces, Programs, and Methodologies. SSRN Electronic Journal, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Cortesi, Sandra; Hasse, Alexa; Eigen, Melyssa; Toscano, Pedro M; Malik, Maya; Gasser, Urs: Youth and Extended Reality: An Initial Exploration of Augmented, Virtual, and Mixed Realities. 2021 more… BibTeX
  • Csehi, Robert: The challenge populist governments pose for the process and theory of European integration. West European Politics, 2021, 1-22 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Csehi, Robert: The Politics of Populism in Hungary. Routledge, 2021 more… BibTeX
  • Csehi, Robert; Heldt, Eugenia C.: Populism as a ‘corrective’ to trade agreements? ‘America First’ and the readjustment of NAFTA. International Politics, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Dafe, Florence; Upadhyaya, Radha; Sommer, Christoph: Employing capital: Patient capital and labour relations in Kenya’s manufacturing sector. , Ed.: Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik: Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik, 2021, more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Dafe, Florence; Engebretsen, Rebecca Elisabeth Husebye: Tussle for space: The politics of mock‐compliance with global financial standards in developing countries. Regulation & Governance, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Di Nucci, Maria Rosaria; Isidoro Losada, Ana María; Themann, Dörte: Confidence gap or timid trust building? The role of trust in the evolution of the nuclear waste governance in Germany. Journal of Risk Research 25 (5), 2021, 594-612 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Ebert, Cara; Steinert, Janina Isabel: Prevalence and risk factors of violence against women and children during COVID-19, Germany. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 99 (6), 2021, 429-438 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Etzerodt, Søren Frank: Explaining economic growth in advanced capitalist democracies: varieties of capitalism and welfare production regimes. Comparative European Politics 19 (4), 2021, 471-493 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Fazekas, Zoltán; Popa, Sebastian Adrian; Schmitt, Hermann; Barberá, Pablo; Theocharis, Yannis: Elite-public interaction on twitter: EU issue expansion in the campaign. European Journal of Political Research 60 (2), 2021, 376-396 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI ) Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Florentine Koppenborg: Japans Nuklearer Weißer Elefant”. Süddeutsche Zeitung, 2021 more… BibTeX
  • Florentine Koppenborg: Waning Support for Nuclear Power 10 Years after Fukushima. East Asia Forum, 2021 more… BibTeX
  • Florentine Koppenborg, Ulv Hanssen: “A Turning Point for Japan-US Climate Cooperation? Biden needs to put more pressure on Japan to abandon coa. The Diploma, 2021 more… BibTeX
  • Floridi, Luciano; Cowls, Josh; Beltrametti, Monica; Chatila, Raja; Chazerand, Patrice; Dignum, Virginia; Luetge, Christoph; Madelin, Robert; Pagallo, Ugo; Rossi, Francesca; Schafer, Burkhard; Valcke, Peggy; Vayena, Effy: An Ethical Framework for a Good AI Society: Opportunities, Risks, Principles, and Recommendations. In: Philosophical Studies Series. Springer International Publishing, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Foster, Chase: Varieties of neoliberalism: courts, competition paradigms and the Atlantic divide in anti-trust. Socio-Economic Review, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Geisslinger, Maximilian; Poszler, Franziska; Betz, Johannes; Lütge, Christoph; Lienkamp, Markus: Autonomous Driving Ethics: from Trolley Problem to Ethics of Risk. Philosophy & Technology, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Ghawi, Raji, Müller, Siegfried and Pfeffer, Jürgen: Improving team performance prediction in MMOGs with temporal communication networks. Social Network Analysis and Mining 11, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Ghawi, Raji, Petz, Cindarella; Pfeffer, Jürgen: Diffusion dynamics of influence in a social network of intellectuals. Social Network Analysis and Mining 11, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Ghawi, Raji; Pfeffer, Jürgen: A Hybrid Thresholding Strategy combining RCut and PCut for Multi-label Classification. 23rd International Conference on Information Integration and Web Intelligence (iiWAS2021), 2021 more… BibTeX
  • Haffert, Lukas; Redeker, Nils; Rommel, Tobias: Angst vor der Inflation? U ̈ber die politische Macht tru ̈gerischer Erinnerungen. ifo Schnelldienst 74 (9), 2021, 23-26 more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann, Dirk: Praktische Konkordanz von Gesundheitsschutz und Freiheitsrechten – 21. In: Heinemann, Stefan; Matusiewicz, David (Ed.): Rethink Healthcare . medhochzwei Verlag, 2021, S. 299 more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann, Dirk: Datenschutz, IT-Sicherheit und Haftung bei automatisierten Systemen. Vereinigung der Bayrischen Wirtschaft e.V., 2021, more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann, Dirk; Marx, Lorenz; Auer, Jakob; Brand, Thimo; Bräutigam, Peter; Habbe, Julia Sophia; Gergen, Philipp; Daum, Andreas: Noerr Compliance Studie 2021: Digitalisierung und Compliance. Noerr Partnerschaftsgesellschaft mbB, 2021, more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann, Dirk; Paschke, Anne: IT-Sicherheit – § 10. In: Bräutigam, Peter ; Kraul, Torsten (Ed.): Internet of Things. C.H.BECK, 2021, S. 459-491 more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann, Dirk; Paschke, Anne: Datenbasierte Pandemiefolgenbewältigung Verfassungsrecht, Gender-Gap und Belastungsgesamtrechnung – VIII. In: Aulenkamp, Jana Luisa; Heinemann, Stefan; Thun, Sylvia (Ed.): Frauen in der digitalen Zukunft der Medizin und Gesundheitswirtschaft. medhochzwei Verlag, 2021, S. 249 more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann, Dirk; Rachut, Sarah: Kontrolle ist gut, Vertrauen ist besser - Paradigmenwechsel durch die Bayerische Fernprüfungserprobungsverordnung. COVuR (4/21), 2021, S. 194-200. more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann, Dirk; Rachut, Sarah: Hochschulen - Digitale Lehre und elektronische Fernprüfungen – § 21. In: Hubert Schmidt (Ed.): COVID-19. Rechtsfragen zur Corona-Krise. C.H.BECK (3. edn.), 2021, S. 751-782 more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann, Dirk; Rachut, Sarah: Evaluation des Berliner E-Government-Gesetzes - Rechtswissenschaftliches Gutachten und empirische Studie mit Handlungsempfehlungen zur Fortentwicklung des Rechts der Digitalen Verwaltung. Berliner Senatsverwaltung für Inneres und Sport, 2021, more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Heckmann, Dirk; Rachut, Sarah: Gutachterliche Stellungnahme für den Innen- und Rechtsausschuss sowie den Umwelt-, Agrar- und Digitalisierungsausschuss des Schleswig-Holsteinischen Landtags zum Entwurf eines Gesetzes zur Förderung der Digitalisierung und Bereitstellung von offenen Daten und zur Ermöglichung des Einsatzes von datengetriebenen Informationstechnologien in der Verwaltung (Digitalisierungsgesetz) – Drucksache 19/3267;Umdruck 19/6802, 19/6867. Schleswig-Holsteinischer Landtag, 2021, more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Heckmann, Dirk; Rachut, Sarah: Elektronische Fernprüfungen als Katalysator für notwendige Reformen der Juristenausbildung. Der Wirtschaftsführer für junge Juristen, 2021, S. 21-24. more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Heckmann, Dirk; Vogel, Valentin: Gutachterliche Stellungnahme für den Ausschuss Digitale Agenda des Deutschen Bundestages – Ausschussdrucksache 19(23)123. Ausschuss Digitale Agenda, 2021, more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Heldt, Eugenia C.: A new delegation design for EU governance: how preference cohesiveness of multiple principals shapes the European Commission’s discretion in trade negotiations. Comparative European Politics, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Heldt, Eugenia C.; Müller, Tony: The (self-)empowerment of the European Central Bank during the sovereign debt crisis. Journal of European Integration 43 (1), 2021, 83-98 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Heuer, Hendrik; Hoch, Hendrik; Breiter, Andreas; Theocharis, Yannis: Auditing the Biases Enacted by YouTube for Political Topics in Germany. Mensch und Computer 2021, ACM, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Huber, Robert A.; Maltby, Tomas; Szulecki, Kacper; Ćetković, Stefan: Is populism a challenge to European energy and climate policy? Empirical evidence across varieties of populism. Journal of European Public Policy 28 (7), 2021, 998-1017 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Häußermann, Johann Jakob; Lütge, Christoph: Community-in-the-loop: towards pluralistic value creation in AI, or—why AI needs business ethics. AI and Ethics, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Hörisch, Felix; Wurster, Stefan: Kiwi im Südwesten - Eine Bilanz der zweiten Landesregierung Kretschmann 2016 – 2021. Springer , 2021 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Hörisch, Felix; Wurster, Stefan: Einleitung “Kiwi im Südwesten – Die grün-schwarze “Komplementärkoalition“ Kretschmann“. In: Hörisch, Felix; Wurster, Stefan (Eds.): Kiwi im Südwesten - Eine Bilanz der zweiten Landesregierung Kretschmann 2016 – 2021. Springer, 2021, 1-19 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Jacobs, Alan M.; Büthe, Tim; Arjona, Ana; Arriola, Leonardo R.; Bellin, Eva; Bennett, Andrew; Björkman, Lisa; Bleich, Erik; Elkins, Zachary; Fairfield, Tasha; Gaikwad, Nikhar; Greitens, Sheena Chestnut; Hawkesworth, Mary; Herrera, Veronica; Herrera, Yoshiko M.; Johnson, Kimberley S.; Karakoç, Ekrem; Koivu, Kendra; Kreuzer, Marcus; Lake, Milli; Luke, Timothy W.; MacLean, Lauren M.; Majic, Samantha; Maxwell, Rahsaan; Mampilly, Zachariah; Mickey, Robert; Morgan, Kimberly J.; Parkinson, Sarah E.; Parsons, Craig; Pearlman, Wendy; Pollack, Mark A.; Posner, Elliot; Riedl, Rachel Beatty; Schatz, Edward; Schneider, Carsten Q.; Schwedler, Jillian; Shesterinina, Anastasia; Simmons, Erica S.; Singerman, Diane; Soifer, Hillel David; Smith, Nicholas Rush; Spitzer, Scott; Tallberg, Jonas; Thomson, Susan; Vázquez-Arroyo, Antonio Y.; Vis, Barbara; Wedeen, Lisa; Williams, Juliet A.; Wood, Elisabeth Jean; Yashar, Deborah J.: The Qualitative Transparency Deliberations: Insights and Implications. Perspectives on Politics 19 (1), 2021, 171-208 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Jakob Auer: Löschanspruch aus Art. 17 DSGVO: Anonymisieren statt Löschen – Wie ist die grundrechtliche Lage? AnwZert ITR (3/2021 Anm. 3), 2021 more… BibTeX
  • Jakob Auer: Löschpflichten nach der DSGVO: Antragsunabhängige Löschpflicht und das Verhältnis von Art. 17 Abs. 1 DSGVO zu der Löschpflicht aus dem Grundsatz der Datensparsamkeit. AnwZert ITR (8/2021 Anm. 2), 2021 more… BibTeX
  • Jakob Auer: Umsetzung von Privacy by Design und Privacy by Default: Wie verpflichtend ist Art. 25 DSGVO? AnwZert ITR (16/2021 Anm. 3), 2021 more… BibTeX
  • Kirkizh, Nora; Koltsova, Olessia: Online News and Protest Participation in a Political Context: Evidence from Self-Reported Cross-Sectional Data. Social Media + Society 7 (1), 2021, 205630512098445 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Koppenborg, Florentine: Japan’s Nuclear Safety Regulation Policy. In: International Political Economy Series. Springer International Publishing, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Koppenborg, Florentine: Nuclear Restart Politics: How the ‘Nuclear Village’ Lost Policy Implementation Power. Social Science Japan Journal 24 (1), 2021, 115-135 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Koppenborg, Florentine: Introduction: Japan’s Energy Transition 10 Years after the Fukushima Nuclear Accident. Social Science Japan Journal 24 (1), 2021, 3-7 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Koppenborg, Florentine; Hanssen, Ulv: Japan’s Climate Change Discourse: Toward Climate Securitisation? Politics and Governance 9 (4), 2021, 53-64 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Kriebitz, A.; Lütge, C.; Max, R.: Reflections on Floridi's" The Green and the Blue: A New Politicai Ontology for a Mature Information Society". Philosophisches Jahrbuch 128/1, 2021, 135-145 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Kriebitz, Alexander; Max, Raphael: Correction to: The Xinjiang Case and Its Implications from a Business Ethics Perspective. Human Rights Review 22 (3), 2021, 381-382 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Lammert, Christian; Siewert, Markus B.; Vormann, Boris: Flirt mit dem Autoritären: Trumpismus als schöpferische Zerstörung. In: Populismus an der Macht. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Lavenex, Sandra; Serrano, Omar; Büthe, Tim: Power transitions and the rise of the regulatory state: Global market governance in flux. Regulation & Governance 15 (3), 2021, 445-471 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Li, Bingqing; Ghawi, Raji; Pfeffer, Jürgen: What we Talk about when we Talk about Earth on Earth Day? 23rd International Conference on Information Integration and Web Intelligence (iiWAS2021), 2021 more… BibTeX
  • Little, Madison T.; Roelen, Keetie; Lange, Brittany C. L.; Steinert, Janina I.; Yakubovich, Alexa R.; Cluver, Lucie; Humphreys, David K.: Effectiveness of cash-plus programmes on early childhood outcomes compared to cash transfers alone: A systematic review and meta-analysis in low- and middle-income countries. PLOS Medicine 18 (9), 2021, e1003698 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Loder, Allister: Pilot Projekt fur Umweltspuren in Ballungraumen - Blue Lane. Presentation at the ITS WorldPilotprojekt für Umweltspuren in Ballungsräumen Congress on behalf of the Bay. Staatsministerium für Wohnen, Bau und Verkehr, Hamburg, 2021, more… BibTeX
  • Loder, Allister; Otte, Thomas: An innovative approach to connect parcel delivery operations with urban congestion. 7th International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Trasnportation Systems (MT-ITS 2021), 2021 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Loder, Allister; Bressan, Lea; Wierbos, Maria J.; Becker, Henrik; Emmonds, Andy; Obee, Martin; Knoop, Victor L.; Menendez, Monica; Axhausen, Kay W.: How Many Cars in the City Are Too Many? Towards Finding the Optimal Modal Split for a Multi-Modal Urban Road Network. Frontiers in Future Transportation 2, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Lütge, C.: Heidegger, Digitalisierung und Künstliche Intelligenz: wo steht der Mensch? In: Heidegger und die Philosophie der planetarischen Technik. Alber, 2021 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.; Uhl, M.: Business Ethics: An Economically Informed Perspective. Oxford University Press, 2021 more… BibTeX
  • MIRANDA SCHREURS: Reconstruction and revitalization in Fukushima a decade after the “triple disaster” struck: Striving for sustainability and a new future vision. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 53, 2021, 102006 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Maurer, Julian Walter; Ortiz Millán, E.; Carrascosa Cosano, G.; Jiménez Perea, C.: El proceso de elaboración del artículo 16 de la Constitución Española y la cuestión religiosa – Aspectos políticos y jurídicos. , Ed.: Universidad de Cádiz: Departamento de Disciplinas Jurídicas Básicas, UCA (Cádiz, Spanien) , 2021, more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Max, Raphael; Kriebitz, Alexander; Von Websky, Christian: Ethical Considerations About the Implications of Artificial Intelligence in Finance. In: International Handbooks in Business Ethics. Springer International Publishing, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Max, Raphael; Uhl, Matthias: The downside of moralizing financial markets: Anti-Semitic stereotypes in German MTurkers. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance 31, 2021, 100512 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Mello, Patrick A.: German Foreign Policy. In: Joly, Jeroen; Haesebrouck, Tim (Ed.): Foreign Policy Change in Europe Since 1991. Palgrave Macmillan, 2021, 155-78 more… BibTeX
  • Neu, E.; Michailov, M.; Foltinova, J.; Luetge, C.; Schumitz, H.; Weber, G.: On social psychiatry: Psychopathology of German justice on example of resident houses (RH). European Psychiatry 64/S1, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Otto, Siegmar; Hildebrandt, Jakob; Will, Markus; Henn, Laura; Beer, Katrin: Tying Up Loose Ends. Integrating Consumers’ Psychology into a Broad Interdisciplinary Perspective on a Circular Sustainable Bioeconomy. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 34 (2), 2021 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Palfrey, John; Gasser, Urs: Planning for the Next Pandemic: A Global, Interoperable System of Contact Tracing. Georgetown Journal of International Affairs 22 (1), 2021, 5-12 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Pascal Bronner: Vorabentscheidung auf Vorlage des Obersten Gerichtshofs Estland: Auslegung der Datenschutzrichtlinie hinsichtlich der Vorratsdatenspeicherung, Anm. zu EuGH, Urt. v. 02.03.2021 - C-746/18. jurisPR-ITR (19/2021 Anm. 6), 2021 more… BibTeX
  • Perbandt, Daniela; Vogelpohl, Thomas; Beer, Katrin; Töller, Annette Elisabeth; Böcher, Michael: Zielkonflikte der Bioökonomie. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Petz, Cindarella: Configuration to Conviction: Network Structures of Political Judiciary in the Austrian Corporate State. Social Network, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Pond, Amy: Biased politicians and independent agencies. Journal of Theoretical Politics 33 (3), 2021, 279-299 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Pushkina, Darya; Siewert, Markus B.; Wolff, Stefan: Mission (im)possible? UN military peacekeeping operations in civil wars. European Journal of International Relations, 2021, 135406612110466 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Rachut, Sarah: Besonderer Schutz für Sozialdaten: Beschränkung des Akteneinsichtsrecht eines Vaters in Jugendamtsakte seines minderjährigen Kindes, Anm. zu VG Bremen, Beschl. v. 28.04.2021 - 4 V 72/21. JurisPR-ITR (14/21 Anm. 5), 2021 more… BibTeX
  • Rachut, Sarah: Rechtmäßigkeit der Videoaufsicht von Fernklausuren, Anm. zu OVG Schleswig, Beschl. v. 03.03.2021 - 3 MR 7/21. CR (7/2021), 2021, S. 491-498 more… BibTeX
  • Rachut, Sarah: Hochschulprüfungen als Fernklausur, Anm. zu VG Frankfurt (Oder), Beschl. v. 11.05.2021 - 1 L124/21. COVuR (8/21), 2021, S. 488-493 more… BibTeX
  • Rachut, Sarah: Elektronischer Rechtsverkehr mit den Gerichten: Verordnungsermächtigung ermöglicht frühere Nutzungspflichten in den Bundesländern, Anm. zu SG Bremen, Beschl. v. 23.04.2021 - S 17 AL 60/21 ER. JurisPR-ITR (21/21 Anm. 2), 2021 more… BibTeX
  • Rachut, Sarah: Polizeibeamte als Personenbeförderer - Genehmigungsfähigkeit einer Nebentätigkeit als Uber-Fahrer. ZBR (1/2), 2021, S. 29-33 more… BibTeX
  • Rachut, Sarah: Start der elektronischen Patientenakte in Deutschland - Aktueller Stand in der Praxis und der rechtswissenschaftlichen Diskussion. AnwZert ITR (2/2021 Anm. 2), 2021 more… BibTeX
  • Rachut, Sarah: Elektronische Patientenakte (ePA): Freiwilligkeitsprinzip der ePA-Nutzung steht Betroffenheit des Beschwerdeführers in Form der Verletzung seines Rechts auf informationelle Selbstbestimmung entgegen, Anm. zu BVerfG, Nichtannahmebeschl. v. 04.01.2021 - 1 BvR 619/20. JurisPR-ITR (5/21 Anm. 5), 2021 more… BibTeX
  • Rachut, Sarah: Pflicht zur digitalen Hochschullehre in der Pandemie? - Grundrechtliche Vorgaben und Grenzen. AnwZert ITR (6/2021 Anm. 2), 2021 more… BibTeX
  • Rachut, Sarah: Voraussetzung der Übermittlung eines elektronischen Dokuments nach § 55a Abs. 3 VwGO: Anforderungen an sicheren Übermittlungsweg und diesbezügliche Sorgfaltspflichten, Anm. zu BayVGH, Beschl. v. 23.02.2021 - 21 ZB 19.33891. JurisPR-ITR (8/21 Anm. 6), 2021 more… BibTeX
  • Rachut, Sarah: Gesetz über die Digitalisierung im Freistaat Bayern (BayDiG): Wegweiser in eine digitale Zukunft? JurisPR-ITR (17/21 Anm. 2), 2021 more… BibTeX
  • Rachut, Sarah: Die elektronische Patientenkurzakte und weitere Neuerungen des Digitale-Versorgung-und-Pflege-Modernisierungs-Gesetz (DVPMG). AnwZert ITR (20/2021 Anm. 2), 2021 more… BibTeX
  • Rachut, Sarah; Besner, Alexander: Künstliche Intelligenz und Proctoring Software - Einsatzfelder und rechtlicher Rahmen im Kontext von elektronischen Fernprüfungen an Hochschulen. MMR (11/21), 2021, S. 851-857 more… BibTeX
  • Rachut, Sarah; Hacker, Jonas: Registermodernisierungsgesetz - Regelungsgehalt und Kritik. JurisPR-ITR (11/21 Anm. 2), 2021 more… BibTeX
  • Rempe, Felix; Loder, Allister; Bogenberger, Klaus: Estimating motorway traffic states with data fusion and physics-informed deep learning. 2021 IEEE International Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), IEEE, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Schnaudt, Christian; van Deth, Jan W; Zorell, Carolin; Theocharis, Yannis: Revisiting norms of citizenship in times of democratic change. Politics, 2021, 1-18 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI ) Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Schnaudt, Christian; van Deth, Jan W; Zorell, Carolin; Theocharis, Yannis: Revisiting norms of citizenship in times of democratic change. Politics, 2021, 026339572110317 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Schoenfeld, Mirco; Pfeffer, Jürgen: Shortest path-based centrality metrics in attributed graphs with node-individual context constraints. Social Networks, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Schott, Stephan; MIRANDA SCHREURS: Climate and Energy Politics in Canada and Germany: Dealing with Fossil Fuel Legacies. Canadian Journal of European and Russian Studies 14 (2), 2021, 29-55 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Siewert, Markus B.: How Annotation for Transparent Inquiry Can Enhance Research Transparency in Qualitative Comparative Analysis. PS: Political Science & Politics 54 (3), 2021, 487-491 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Siewert, Markus B.; Buchholz, Lea; Wurster, Stefan; König, Pascal D.: Was zeigt die Ampel bei Künstlicher Intelligenz? Eine systematische Analyse des Koalitionsvertrags von SPD, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen und FDP im Themenfeld Künstliche Intelligenz. Politik & Kommunikation, 2021 more… BibTeX
  • Siewert, Markus B.; König, Pascal D: Digitalpolitik und Parteienwettbewerb in Zeiten von Covid-19. DeFacto, 2021, more… BibTeX
  • Siewert, Markus B.; Eiden, Benedikte; Wurster, Stefan; König, Pascal D.: Wer hat den Schlüssel zur Schlüsseltechnologie? Ein Vergleich der Parteiprofile im Themenfeld Künstliche Intelligenz vor der Bundestagswahl 2021. Politik & Kommunikation, 2021 more… BibTeX
  • Siewert, Markus B.; König, Pascal D.: Becoming Mainstream? The Emergence of Digital Policies in German Regional Party Politics. German Politics 30 (4), 2021, 583-604 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Siewert, Markus B; König, Pascal D.: Auf dem Weg zum digitalen Musterländle? In: Kiwi im Südwesten. Springer , 2021 more… BibTeX
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  • Strathern, Wienke and Ghawi, Raji and Pfeffer, Jürgen: Advanced statistical analysis of large-scale Web-based data. In: Per Nymand-Andersen (Ed.): Data Science in Economics and Finance for Decision Makers. Risk Books, 2021, 99-128 more… BibTeX
  • Strathern, Wienke; Pfeffer, Jürgen: Corona on YouTube: Three Clicks to Conspiracy Myth. Special Research Seminar on COVID-19 2021, Bavarian School of Public Policy, Technical University of Munich, 2021 more… BibTeX
  • Theocharis, Yannis; de Moor, Joost: Creative Participation and the Expansion of Political Engagement. In: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. Oxford University Press, 2021 more… BibTeX
  • Theocharis, Yannis; Cardenal, Ana; Jin, Soyeon; Aalberg, Toril; Hopmann, David Nicolas; Strömbäck, Jesper; Castro, Laia; Esser, Frank; Van Aelst, Peter; de Vreese, Claes; Corbu, Nicoleta; Koc-Michalska, Karolina; Matthes, Joerg; Schemer, Christian; Sheafer, Tamir; Splendore, Sergio; Stanyer, James; Stępińska, Agnieszka; Štětka, Václav: Does the platform matter? Social media and COVID-19 conspiracy theory beliefs in 17 countries. New Media & Society, 2021, 146144482110456 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Theocharis, Yannis; Cardenal, Ana; Jin, Soyeon; Aalberg, Toril; Hopmann, David Nicolas; Strömbäck, Jesper; Castro, Laia; Esser, Frank; Van Aelst, Peter; de Vreese, Claes; Corbu, Nicoleta; Koc-Michalska, Karolina; Matthes, Joerg; Schemer, Christian; Sheafer, Tamir; Splendore, Sergio; Stanyer, James; Stępińska, Agnieszka; Štětka, Václav: Does the platform matter? Social media and COVID-19 conspiracy theory beliefs in 17 countries. New Media & Society, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Theocharis, Yannis; Jungherr, Andreas: Computational Social Science and the Study of Political Communication. Political Communication 38 (1-2), 2021, 1-22 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI ) Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Theocharis, Yannis; de Moor, Joost; van Deth, Jan W.: Digitally Networked Participation and Lifestyle Politics as New Modes of Political Participation. Policy & Internet 13 (1), 2021, 30-53 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI ) Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Thimo Brand, Yannick Skowronek: Die Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung für das zivilprozessuale Beweisverfahren. RDi (2021/ Heft 4), 2021, 178-186 more… BibTeX
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  • Töller, Annette Elisabeth; Vogelpohl, Thomas; Beer, Katrin; Böcher, Michael: Is bioeconomy policy a policy field? A conceptual framework and findings on the European Union and Germany. Journal of Environmental Policy &amp; Planning 23 (2), 2021, 152-164 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • VICKY, Charisi; ŠABANOVIĆ, Selma; Gasser, Urs; Gomez, R: Social robots and children’s fundamental rights: a dynamic four-component framework for research, development, and deployment. WeRobot, 2021 more… BibTeX
  • Valentin Vogel: Das neue Legal Tech-Gesetz - Auswirkungen auf Legal Tech Anwendungen und die Anwaltschaft. AnwZert ITR (14/2021), 2021 more… BibTeX
  • Van Aelst, Peter; Toth, Fanni; Castro, Laia; Štětka, Václav; Vreese, Claes de; Aalberg, Toril; Cardenal, Ana Sofia; Corbu, Nicoleta; Esser, Frank; Hopmann, David Nicolas; Koc-Michalska, Karolina; Matthes, Jörg; Schemer, Christian; Sheafer, Tamir; Splendore, Sergio; Stanyer, James; Stępińska, Agnieszka; Strömbäck, Jesper; Theocharis, Yannis: Does a Crisis Change News Habits? A Comparative Study of the Effects of COVID-19 on News Media Use in 17 European Countries. Digital Journalism, 2021, 1-31 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Vogel, Valentin: Impressumsintermediäre - Gewaltprävention durch alternative Anbieterkennzeichnung. Universität Passau, 2021, more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
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  • Vokinger, Kerstin N.; Gasser, Urs: Regulating AI in medicine in the United States and Europe. Nature Machine Intelligence 3 (9), 2021, 738-739 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
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  • Wurster, Stefan: Competition of Regimes in the Course of the Corona Pandemic: Crisis Response and Sustainable Adaption in a Comparison Between Democracy and Autocracy. In: Molls, Michael/ et al. (Eds.): Science, Reason & Responsibility: Forward Thinking for the Post-Corona Era. TUM.University Press, 2021 more… BibTeX
  • Wurster, Stefan; Hörisch, Felix: Eine grün-schwarze Bilanz: Komplementärkoalition zwischen Aufbruch und Status quo? In: Hörisch, Felix/Wurster, Stefan (Eds.): Kiwi im Südwesten - Eine Bilanz der zweiten Landesregierung Kretschmann 2016 – 2021. Springer , 2021 more… BibTeX
  • Wurster, Stefan; Köhler-Tschirschnitz, Christina: Nichts Neues unter Wind und Sonne? Die Energiepolitik der grün-schwarzen Landesregierung in Baden-Württemberg. In: Kiwi im Südwesten. Springer, 2021 more… BibTeX
  • Wurster, Stefan; Schlosser, Steffen: Sovereign Wealth Funds as Sustainability Instruments? Disclosure of Sustainability Criteria in Worldwide Comparison. Sustainability 13 (10), 2021, 5565 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
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  • Zambrano-Gutiérrez, Julio C; Puppim de Oliveira, Jose A: The Dynamics of Sources of Knowledge on the Nature of Innovation in the Public Sector: Understanding Incremental and Transformative Innovations in Local Governments. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 32 (4), 2021, 656-670 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
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  • Akbulut Yildirmis, Meltem; Wurster, Stefan: Deconstruction and Reconstruction of the Phases of the Higher Education System Governance in Germany. The AERA annual meeting , 2020 more… BibTeX
  • Ambühl, Lukas; Loder, Allister; Bliemer, Michiel C.J.; Menendez, Monica; Axhausen, Kay W.: A functional form with a physical meaning for the macroscopic fundamental diagram. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 137, 2020, 119-132 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Bernards, Nick (University of Warwick); Campbell-Verduyn,Malcolm (University of Groningen); Rodima-Taylor, Daivi (Boston University); Duberry, Jerome (University of Geneva); DuPont, Quinn (University College Dublin); Dimmelmeier, Andreas (University of Warwick); Huetten, Moritz (Darmstadt Business School); Mahrenbach, Laura C. (Technical University of Munich); Porter, Tony (McMaster University); Reinsberg, Bernhard (University of Glasgow): Technology-led Governance in and Beyond the Pandemic. Lehrstuhl für Computational Social Science, 2020, more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
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  • Csehi, Robert: Hungary and the European Union. In: Laursen, Finn and Verdun, Amy (Ed.): Oxford Research Encyclopedia of European Union Politics. Oxford University Press, 2020 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
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  • Eggers del Campo, Isabel; Steinert, Janina Isabel: The Effect of Female Economic Empowerment Interventions on the Risk of Intimate Partner Violence: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 2020, 152483802097608 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Eugénia C. Heldt, Laura C. Mahrenbach: Reforming International Organizations: How Partisanship Shapes State Preferences towards the World Bank. Global Governance 26, 2020 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Fernández, Elena Fernández; Schönfeld, Mirco; Pfeffer, Jürgen: Measuring the Acceleration of the Social Construction of Time using the BOE (Boletin Oficial del Estado). Online Workshop on Computational Humanities Research (CHR2020), 2020 more… BibTeX
  • Florentine Koppenborg, Ulv Hanssen: Japan’s Growing Dependence on Coal. East Asia Forum, 2020 more… BibTeX
  • Fontana, Giuditta; Siewert, Markus B.; Yakinthou, Christalla: Managing War-to-Peace Transitions after Intra-State Conflicts: Configurations of Successful Peace Processes. Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding 15 (1), 2020, 25-47 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Fragaszy, Stephen Russell; Jedd, Theresa; Wall, Nicole; Knutson, Cody; Fraj, Makram Belhaj; Bergaoui, Karim; Svoboda, Mark; Hayes, Michael; McDonnell, Rachael: Drought Monitoring in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region: Participatory Engagement to Inform Early Warning Systems. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 101 (7), 2020, E1148-E1173 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
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  • Gad, Nikolai: A “new political culture”: the challenges of deliberation in Alternativet. European Political Science, 2020 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Gasser, Urs; Ienca, Marcello; Scheibner, James; Sleigh, Joanna; Vayena, Effy: Digital tools against COVID-19: taxonomy, ethical challenges, and navigation aid. The Lancet Digital Health 2 (8), 2020, e425-e434 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
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  • Gerschewski, Johannes: Governing Markets in Autocratic Regimes. In: Abbott, Kenneth; Philipp Genschel; Duncan Snidal; Bernhard Zangl (Ed.): The Governor’s Dilemma. Oxford University Press, 2020 more… BibTeX
  • Ghawi, Raji; Pfeffer, Jürgen: A Collaborative Filtering based Approach to Classify Movie Genres using User Ratings. Journal of Data Intelligence, 2020 more… BibTeX
  • Ghawi, Raji; Pfeffer, Jürgen: Extraction Patterns to Derive Social Networks from Linked Open Data Using SPARQL. Information 11 (7), 2020, 361 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Ghawi, Raji; Pfeffer, Jürgen: Characterizing Movie Genres Using Formal Concept Analysis. Ontologies and Concepts in Mind and Machine, Springer International Publishing, 2020 more… BibTeX
  • Gläßel, Christian; Paula, Katrin: Sometimes Less Is More: Censorship, News Falsification, and Disapproval in 1989 East Germany. American Journal of Political Science 64 (3), 2020, 682-698 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Gundula Hübner, Johannes Pohl, Jan Warode, Boris Gotchev, Dörte Ohlhorst, Michael Krug, Steven Salecki, Wolfgang Peters: Akzeptanzfördernde Faktoren erneuerbarer Energien. Bundesamt für Naturschutz, 2020 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Haesebrouck, Tim; Mello, Patrick A: Patterns of Political Ideology and Security Policy. Foreign Policy Analysis 16 (4), 2020, 565-586 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Heckmann, Dirk: Digitale Assistenten. Sprachassistenzsysteme zwischen Recht, Ethik und Informatik. In: Beck, Susanne; Kusche, Carsten; Valerius, Brian (Ed.): Digitalisierung, Automatisierung, KI und Recht. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2020 more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann, Dirk: Die Wohnung als Hörsaal: Hochschulen im Home-Office – 2. In: Nachtwei, Jens; Sureth, Antonia (Ed.): Sonderband ZUKUNFT DER ARBEIT. VQP, 2020, S. 149 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
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  • Heckmann, Dirk als Teil der Projektgruppe: Policy Paper: European Public Sphere - Gestaltung der digitalen Souveränität Europas - in: Kagermann, Henning ; Wilhelm, Ulrich (Hrsg.), acatech Impuls. 2020 more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann, Dirk; Rachut, Sarah: Gutachterliche Stellungnahme für den Innenausschuss des Deutschen Bundestages zum Entwurf eines Gesetzes zur Digitalisierung von Verwaltungsverfahren bei der Gewährung von Familienleistungen – BT-Drucksache 19/21987, Ausschussdrucksache 19(4)587. Deutscher Bundestag, 2020, more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
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  • Heldt, Eugénia C.; Mueller, Tony: Sinkende Bedeutung der UNO: Stärkung informeller Organisationen. In: Molls, Michael; Eberspächer, Jörg; Auernhammer, Hermann; Färber, Georg; Herbst-Gaebel, Birgit; Lindemann, Udo; Mainzer, Klaus; Petry, Winfried; Reichwald, Ralf; Scheurle, Jürgen; Hemmen van, Leo; Wilderer, Peter (Ed.): Wissenschaft, Vernunft & Nachhaltigkeit. Technische Universität München, 2020 more… BibTeX
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  • Jacobs, Alan; Büthe, Tim: Transparency in Qualitative Research: An Overview of Key Findings and Recommendations. Perspectives on Politics , 2020 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
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  • Jedd, Theresa; Fragaszy, Stephen Russell; Knutson, Cody; Hayes, Michael J.; Fraj, Makram Belhaj; Wall, Nicole; Svoboda, Mark; McDonnell, Rachael: Drought Management Norms: Is the Middle East and North Africa Region Managing Risks or Crises? The Journal of Environment &amp; Development 30 (1), 2020, 3-40 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
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  • Kaplan, Lennart; Kuhnt, Jana; Steinert, Janina I.: Do no harm? Field research in the Global South: Ethical challenges faced by research staff. World Development 127, 2020, 104810 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Kigwiru, Vellah Kedogo: The Cooperation on Competition Policy under the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). Manchester Journal of International Economic Law, 2020 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Kigwiru, Vellah Kedogo: Enforcing Competition Law and Consumer Protection During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Africa: The Competition Authority of Kenya. Competition Policy International, 2020 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Kochupillai, Mrinalini; Lütge, Christoph; Poszler, Franziska: Programming Away Human Rights and Responsibilities? “The Moral Machine Experiment” and the Need for a More “Humane” AV Future. NanoEthics 14 (3), 2020, 285-299 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Kosmidis, Spyros; Theocharis, Yannis: Can Social Media Incivility Induce Enthusiasm? Public Opinion Quarterly 84 (S1), 2020, 284-308 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
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  • Kosmidis, Spyros; Theocharis, Yannis: Can Social Media Incivility Induce Enthusiasm?: Evidence from Survey Experiments. Public Opinion Quarterly 84 (S1), 2020, 284-308 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Kriebitz, Alexander; Max, Raphael: The Xinjiang Case and Its Implications from a Business Ethics Perspective. Human Rights Review 21 (3), 2020, 243-265 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Lammert, Christian; Siewert, Markus B.; Vormann, Boris: Die Präsidentschaft Donald J. Trumps. In: Springer Reference Sozialwissenschaften. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2020 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Loder, Allister: Makroskopische Modellierung des multimodalen Stadtverkehrs. Presentation at the und Verkehr (FGSV) Arbeitskreis (virtual), 2020, more… BibTeX
  • Loder, Allister: Understanding the dynamics of multimodal urban networks. Presentation in the lecture series "From Traffic Modeling to Smart Cities and Digital Democracies" by Prof. Dr. Dirk Helbing (ETH Zurich) (Virtual), 2020, more… BibTeX
  • Lombana-Bermudez, Andres; Cortesi, Sandra Clio; Fieseler, Christian; Gasser, Urs; Hasse, Alexa; Newlands, Gemma; Wu, Sarah: Youth and the Digital Economy: Exploring Youth Practices, Motivations, Skills, Pathways, and Value Creation. SSRN Electronic Journal, 2020 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
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  • Lütge, C.: Verhältnismäßigkeit ist die neue Freiheit: Liberalismus in der Coronakrise., 2020 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Reichtum in wirtschaftsethischer Perspektive: Nullsummenspiele und die Ethik der Mäßigung. In: Geld – Macht – Emotionen. Springer VS , 2020 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Wirtschaftsethik, das liebe Geld und die Soziale Marktwirtschaft. In: Reflexionen zur Sozialen Marktwirtschaft: Eine Festschrift für Wolfgang Quaisser. Metropolis, 2020 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.; Lütge, C., & Faltermeier, M.: The Praxis of Diversity. Palgrave Macmillan, 2020 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.; Shimazu, I.: The Ethics of Competition (Japanese Version), translated by Itaru Shimazu, enlarged and expanded. Keio Universtiy Press, 2020 more… BibTeX
  • MIRANDA SCHREURS: Competing perspectives on energy transitions: a global comparison. Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft 30 (1), 2020, 113-121 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Mahrenbach, Laura C.: Emerging Powers and Big Data: Domestic Transformations and Global Power Shifts. Centre for Research in Empirical Social Sciences Speaker Series, McMaster University, 2020 more… BibTeX
  • Mahrenbach, Laura C.: Interest Advocacy in Brazil. Interest Groups beyond the Usual Suspects, ECPR Section on Interest Groups, 2020 more… BibTeX
  • Mahrenbach, Laura C.; Mayer, Katja: Framing Policy Visions of Big Data in Emerging States. Canadian Journal of Communication 45, 2020 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Mahrenbach, Laura C.; Mayer, Maximilian: Digital Polarity Theory: Explaining the Great Internet Splintering. Technology and Global Governance Virtual Forum, University of Warwick, 2020 more… BibTeX
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  • Malik, Momin M.; Doryab, Afsaneh; Merrill, Michael; Pfeffer, Jürgen; Dey, Anind K.: Can Smartphone Co-locations Detect Friendship? It Depends How You Model It. , 2020 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Müller, Siegfried; Ghawi, Raji; Pfeffer, Jürgen: Using Communication Networks to Predict Team Performance in Massively Multiplayer Online Games. 2020 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), IEEE, 2020 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Ohlhorst, Dörte: Germany: from feed-in-tariffs to auctions and the question of diverse actors. In: Decentralised Energy: A Global Game Changer. Ubiquity Press, 2020 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Palmtag, Tabea; Rommel, Tobias; Walter, Stefanie: International Trade and Public Protest: Evidence from Russian Regions. International Studies Quarterly 64 (4), 2020, 939-955 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
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  • Pascal Bronner: Kundgebung gegen stationäre polizeiliche Videoüberwachung: Abwägung von Versammlungsfreiheit und Überwachung aus Rechtssicherheitsgründen - Anm. zu OVG Münster, Beschl. v. 02.07.2020 - 15 B 950/20. jurisPR-ITR (16/2020 Anm. 5), 2020 more… BibTeX
  • Peine, A.; Lütge, C.; Poszler, F.; Celi, L.; Schoffski, O.; Marx, G.; Martin, L.: Artificial intelligence and machine learning in intensive care research and clinical application. Anästhesiologie & Intensivmedizin , 2020 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Petz, Cindarella; Ghawi, Raji; Pfeffer, Jürgen: A Longitudinal Analysis of a Social Network of Intellectual History. IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), 2020 more… BibTeX
  • Pichler, Axel; Blessing, André; Reiter, Nils; Schoenfeld, Mirco: Algorithmische Mikrolektüren philosophischer Texte. In: Reflektierte algorithmische Textanalyse. De Gruyter, 2020, 327 - 372 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Plank, Lisa & Petzoldt, David & Hofmann, Sebastian & Pfeffer,Jürgen: Transcripts of the Kaufering Concentration Camps Interviews from the Visual History Archive of the USC Shoa Foundation. Harvard Dataverse, 2020, more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Rachut, Sarah: Whistleblowing (Teil 1): Aktuelle Schutzmöglichkeiten von Hinweisgebern im digitalen Zeitalter. AnwZert ITR (10/2020 Anm. 3), 2020 more… BibTeX
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  • Rachut, Sarah: Auslegung von § 50 UrhG (Berichterstattung über Tagesereignisse) im europarechtlichen Kontext: Staatliches Geheimhaltungsinteresse nicht von Eigentumsgarantie des Art. 14 Abs. 1 GG gedeckt („Afghanistan Papiere II“), Anm. zu BGH, Urt. v. 30.04.2020 – I ZR 139/15. JurisPR-ITR (21/2020 Anm. 4), 2020 more… BibTeX
  • Rachut, Sarah: Auslegung eines Vollstreckungstitels: "Zugang zu einem Benutzerkonto" eines sozialen Netzwerks durch Übermittlung einer PDF-Datei nicht erfüllt, Anm. zu BGH, Beschl. v. 27.08.2020 - III ZB 30/20. JurisPR-ITR (25/2020 Anm. 3), 2020 more… BibTeX
  • Rao, Ashwini & Pfeffer,Jürgen: Types of Privacy Expectations. Frontiers in Big Data, 2020 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Riedl, Rachel Beatty; Karakoc, Ekrem; Büthe Tim: Power and Institutionalization: Final Report of QTD Working Group I.3. Perspectives on Politics , 2020 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Rommel, Tobias; Schaudt, Paul: First impressions: How leader changes affect bilateral aid. Journal of Public Economics 185 (5), 2020, 1-12 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Schoenfeld, Mirco; Pfeffer, Juergen: Networks and Context: Algorithmic Challenges for Context-Aware Social Network Research. Challenges in Social Network Research: Methods and Applications, Springer International Publishing, 2020 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Schönfeld, Mirco; Pfeffer, Jürgen: The effect of context on the importance of actors in networks. 40th SUNBELT, 2020 more… BibTeX
  • Siewert, Markus B.; Wurster, Stefan; Messerschmidt, Luca; Cheng, Cindy; Büthe, Tim: A German Miracle? Crisis Management During The COVID-19 Pandemic In A Multi-Level System. Executives, presidents and cabinet politics (PEX), 2020, more… BibTeX
  • Siewert, Markus B.; Wagemann, Claudius: Vergleichende Fallstudien und Einzelfalldesigns. In: Handbuch Methoden der Politikwissenschaft. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2020 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Steinert, J I; Geldsetzer, P: Impact of Immediate ART Initiation and Patient Health Expenditures: A Stepped-Wedge Randomised Trial. European Journal of Public Health 30 (Supplement_5), 2020 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Steinert, Janina I.; Cluver, Lucie D.; Meinck, Franziska; Nzima, Divane; Doubt, Jenny: Opening the Black Box: A Mixed-Methods Investigation of Social and Psychological Mechanisms Underlying Changes in Financial Behaviour. The Journal of Development Studies 56 (12), 2020, 2327-2348 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Steinert, Janina Isabel; Khan, Shaukat; Mlambo, Khudzie; Walsh, Fiona J; Mafara, Emma; Lejeune, Charlotte; Wong, Cebele; Hettema, Anita; Ogbuoji, Osondu; Vollmer, Sebastian; De Neve, Jan-Walter; Mazibuko, Sikhathele; Okello, Velephi; Bärnighausen, Till; Geldsetzer, Pascal: A stepped-wedge randomised trial on the impact of early ART initiation on HIV-patients’ economic outcomes in Eswatini. eLife 9, 2020 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Steinert, Janina; Hennegan, Julie; Yakubovich, Alexa; Steele, Bridget; Alacevich, Caterina: Response strategies for gender equality in public health emergencies: A rapid evidence assessment and systematic review. Open Science Framework, 2020 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Steuber, Florian; Schoenfeld, Mirco; Dreo Rodosek, Gabi: Topic Modeling of Short Texts Using Anchor Words. 10th ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics (WIMS), 2020 more… BibTeX
  • Strathern, Wienke; Ghawi, Raji; Lamba, Hemank; Pfeffer, Jürgen: Polarization on Reddit? Understanding dynamics of user interactions in social media networks. 40th Sunbelt Conference, 2020 more… BibTeX
  • Strathern, Wienke; Pfeffer, Jürgen: Negative Dynamics on Social Media and their Ethical Challenges for AI. Technical University of Munich, Munich Center for Technology and Society, Institute for Ethics in Artificial Intelligence, 2020, more… BibTeX
  • Strathern, Wienke; Schönfeld, Mirco; Ghawi, Raji; Pfeffer, Jürgen: Against the Others! Detecting Moral Outrage in Social Media Networks. IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), 2020 more… BibTeX
  • Theocharis, Yannis; Barberá, Pablo; Fazekas, Zoltán; Popa, Sebastian Adrian: The Dynamics of Political Incivility on Twitter. SAGE Open 10 (2), 2020, 215824402091944 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Theocharis, Yannis; Barberá, Pablo; Fazekas, Zoltán; Popa, Sebastian Adrian: The Dynamics of Political Incivility on Twitter. SAGE Open, 2020, 1-15 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI ) Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Theocharis, Yannis; Jungherr, Andreas: Computational Social Science and the Study of Political Communication. Political Communication 38 (1-2), 2020, 1-22 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Toshio Orihara (Ed.), MIRANDA SCHREURS (Guest): Datsugenshiryoku: Akarui Mirai no Enerugi-. Doitsu Datsugenpatsu Ronriiinkai Menba- Miranda Shura-zu san to kangaeru “Nihon no susumbeki doro” (in Japanese). (Phasing out Nuclear Energy while Creating a Bright Future Energy Path. Thinking about the Path Japan Should Take with Miranda Schreurs, Member of the German Ethics Committee for a Safe Energy Future). Tokyo: Shinhyoron, 2020 more… BibTeX
  • Wagemann, Claudius; Goerres, Achim; Siewert, Markus B.: Methoden in der Politikwissenschaft – eine pluralistische Annäherung. In: Handbuch Methoden der Politikwissenschaft. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2020 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Wagemann, Claudius; Siewert, Markus B.: Qualitative Comparative Analysis. In: Handbuch Methoden der Politikwissenschaft. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2020 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Wenzelburger, Georg; Wurster, Stefan; Siewert, Markus B.: Responsive Politikgestaltung in den deutschen Bundesländern? Versuch einer Systematisierung und Konzeption eines Forschungsprogramms. Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft 14 (1), 2020, 33-47 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Wienke Strathern, Moritz Issig, Kati Mozygemba, Jürgen Pfeffer: QualiAnon - The Qualiservice tool for anonymizing text data. 2020, more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Woods, Kristina; Pfeffer, Jürgen: Conformational perturbation, allosteric modulation of cellular signaling pathways, and disease in P23H rhodopsin. Nature Scientific Reports 10: 2657, 2020 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Wurster, Stefan: Regimewettbewerb im Zuge der Corona-Pandemie: Krisenreaktion und nachhaltige Anpassung im Demokratie-Autokratie-Vergleich. Molls, Michael/ et al (Eds.): Wissenschaft, Vernunft, Nachhaltigkeit: Denkanstöße für eine Zeit nach Corona, 2020 more… BibTeX
  • Wurster, Stefan; Michel, Alexandra: Determinanten des Lokalen-Agenda-21-Erfolgs in Heidelberg. Journal of Self-Regulation and Regulation 6, 2020, 47-68 more… BibTeX
  • Ziegler, Nicolas: Freiheit durch Rechtsformenwahl?: Verwaltungsrechtliche Rechtsformenlehre und verwaltungsgerichtlicher Rechtsschutz in der Corona-Krise. JuWissBlog, 2020 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Özvatan, Özgür; Siewert, Markus B.: Konzepte und Konzeptformierung. In: Handbuch Methoden der Politikwissenschaft. Springer Fachmedien , 2020, 31-61 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Ćetković, Stefan; Buzogány, Aron: Between markets, politics and path-dependence: Explaining the growth of solar and wind power in six Central and Eastern European countries. Energy Policy 139, 2020, 111325 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Ćetković, Stefan; Hagemann, Christian: Changing climate for populists? Examining the influence of radical-right political parties on low-carbon energy transitions in Western Europe. Energy Research &amp; Social Science 66, 2020, 101571 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )


  • Ambühl, Lukas; Loder, Allister; Zheng, Nan; Menendez, Monica; Axhausen, Kay W.: Approximative Network Partitioning for MFDs from Stationary Sensor Data. 98th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB 2019), 2019 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Ambühl, Lukas; Loder, Allister; Zheng, Nan; Axhausen, Kay W.; Menendez, Monica: Approximative Network Partitioning for MFDs from Stationary Sensor Data. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2673 (6), 2019, 94-103 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Arel-Bundock, Vincent; Peinhardt, Clint; Pond, Amy: Political Risk Insurance: A New Firm-level Data Set. Journal of Conflict Resolution 64 (5), 2019, 987-1006 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Balthasar, Andreas; MIRANDA SCHREURS ; Varone, Frédéric: Energy Transition in Europe and the United States: Policy Entrepreneurs and Veto Players in Federalist Systems. The Journal of Environment &amp; Development 29 (1), 2019, 3-25 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Bartneck, C.; Lütge, C.; Wagner, A.; Welsh, S.: Ethik in KI und Robotik. Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH Co KG, 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Becker, Henrik; Loder, Allister; Axhausen, Kay W: Will automated vehicles help to reduce congestion? Working Paper, 2019, more… BibTeX
  • Benkler, Yochai; Faris, Rob; Gasser, Urs; Schultze, Stephen; Miyakawa, Laura: Next Generation Connectivity: A Review of Broadband Internet Transitions and Policy from Around the World. The Berkman Center for Internet &amp; Society at Harvard University, 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Betz, Timm; Cook, Scott J.; Hollenbach, Florian M.: Spatial interdependence and instrumental variable models. Political Science Research and Methods 8 (4), 2019, 646-661 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Betz, Timm; Pond, Amy: Foreign Financing and the International Sources of Property Rights. World Politics 71 (3), 2019, 503-541 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Betz, Timm; Pond, Amy: The Absence of Consumer Interests in Trade Policy. The Journal of Politics 81 (2), 2019, 585-600 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Büthe, Tim: Engineers as Visionaries? Contribution to the Symposium on Yates and Murphy's Engineering Rules: Global Standard Setting Since 1880 (John-Hopkins UP, 2019). Yale Journal of Regulation, 2019 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Cheng, Cindy: Codex Alimentarius Commission. In: Ferranti, Pasquale; Berry, Elliot; Jock, Anderson (Ed.): Encyclopedia of Food Security and Sustainability. Elsevier, 2019, 50-55 more… BibTeX
  • Cheng, Cindy; Büthe, Tim: Analyzing the Consequences of Institutional Reforms Using Matched Country Pairs: A Note on a Research Method. In: Pauwelyn, Joost; Maggetti, Martino; Büthe, Tim; Berman (Ed.): Rethinking Stakeholder Participation in Global Governance. Oxford University Press, 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Cheng, Cindy; Do, Anh: Getting a Seat at the International Health Table: A Case Study Comparison of China and Vietnam. In: Pauwelyn, Joost; Maggetti, Martino; Büthe, Tim; Berman (Ed.): Rethinking Stakeholder Participation in Global Governance. Oxford University Press, 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Christoph, Lütge; Alexander, Kriebitz; Raphael, Max: Ethische und rechtliche Herausforderungen des autonomen Fahrens. In: Philosophisches Handbuch Künstliche Intelligenz. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Clark, Justin; Faris, Robert; Gasser, Urs; Holland, Adam; Ross, Hilary; Tilton, Casey: Content and Conduct: How English Wikipedia Moderates Harmful Speech. The Social Science Research Network Electronic Paper Collection, 2019 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Conceição-Heldt, Eugénia da; Mahrenbach, Laura C.: Rising Powers in Global Economic Institutions: Mapping the Flexibility-Empowerment Nexus. Global Policy, 2019 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Csehi, Robert: Neither episodic, nor destined to failure? The endurance of Hungarian populism after 2010. Democratization 26 (6), 2019, 1011-1027 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Fioretos, Orfeo; Heldt, Eugénia C.: Legacies and innovations in global economic governance since Bretton Woods. Review of International Political Economy 26 (6), 2019, 1089-1111 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Florentine Koppenborg: Umwelt- und Klimaschutz: Ist die Bevölkerung weiter als die Politik. Bento, 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Gasser, Urs; Schmitt, Carolyn: The Role of Professional Norms in the Governance of Artificial Intelligence. SSRN Electronic Journal, 2019 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Georgieva, Zlatina: EU Competition Soft Law, National Courts and Multi-Level Enforcement: Certainty and Consistency Secured? Global Antitrust Review 12, 2019 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Ghawi, Raji: On Repairing Referential Integrity Constraints in Relational Databases. Beyond Databases, Architectures and Structures. Paving the Road to Smart Data Processing and Analysis, Springer International Publishing, 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Ghawi, Raji: Interactive Decomposition of Relational Database Schemes Using Recommendations. Beyond Databases, Architectures and Structures. Paving the Road to Smart Data Processing and Analysis, Springer International Publishing, 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Ghawi, Raji; Pfeffer, Jürgen: Efficient Hyperparameter Tuning with Grid Search for Text Categorization using kNN Approach with BM25 Similarity. Open Computer Science 9 (1), 2019, 160--180 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Ghawi, Raji; Pfeffer, Jürgen: Mining Social Networks from Linked Open Data. Graph-Based Representation and Reasoning, Springer International Publishing, 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Ghawi, Raji; Pfeffer, Jürgen: Tracking Changes in Dynamic Social Networks using Event Logs and Network Snapshots. 2019 Sixth International Conference on Social Networks Analysis, Management and Security (SNAMS), 2019 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Ghawi, Raji; Pfeffer, Jürgen: Movie Genres Classification Using Collaborative Filtering. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Information Integration and Web-Based Applications and Services (iiWAS2019), Association for Computing Machinery, 2019 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Ghawi, Raji; Schoenfeld, Mirco; Pfeffer, Juergen: Extracting Ego-Centric Social Networks from Linked Open Data. 2019 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI), 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Hasse, Alexa; Cortesi, Sandra Clio; Lombana, Andres; Gasser, Urs: Youth and Artificial Intelligence: Where We Stand. SSRN Electronic Journal, 2019 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Hasse, Alexa; Cortesi, Sandra; Lombana-Bermudez, Andres; Gasser, Urs: Youth and Cyberbullying: Another Look. Berkman Klein Center Research Publication No. 2019-4, 2019 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Heckmann, Dirk: Darstellung und Bewertung von rechtlichen Möglichkeiten der IT-Sicherheitsregulierung zur Erhöhung des IT-Sicherheitsniveaus von auf dem Markt befindlichen Produkten und Diensten. 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann, Dirk: Klausuren im 3. Teil: Polizei- und Sicherheitsrecht. In: Becker, Ulrich; Heckmann, Dirk; Kempen, Bernhard; Manssen, Gerrit (Ed.): Klausurenbuch Öffentliches Recht in Bayern. C.H. Beck (derzeit: 4. edn.), 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann, Dirk: Datenverwertung und Datenethik. Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (APUZ) (Nr. 24-26/2019), 2019, S. 22-27. more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann, Dirk: Transparentes Regierungshandeln. In: Holetschek, Klaus; Männle, Ursula (Ed.): Mittelpunkt Bürger: Dialog, Digital und Analog. Hans-Seidel-Stiftung, 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann, Dirk: IT-Outsourcing der Öffentlichen Hand – 10. In: Bräutigam; Peter (Ed.): IT-Outsourcing und Cloud-Computing. Erich Schmidt Verlag (4. edn.), 2019, S. 773-870 more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann, Dirk: Digitale Bildung. Lösungsvorschläge zum Datenschutz im Schulverhältnis. Vereinigung der Bayrischen Wirtschaft e.V., 2019, more… BibTeX
  • Heldt, Eugenia C.; Schmidtke, Henning: Global Democracy in Decline? Global Governance 25 (2), 2019, 231-254 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Heldt, Eugénia C.: Contested EU trade governance: transparency conundrums in TTIP negotiations. Comparative European Politics 18 (2), 2019, 215-232 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Heldt, Eugénia C.: Time in Multilateral Negotiations and International Organizations in Time. In: Klaus H. Goetz (Ed.): Oxford Handbook of Time and Politics. Oxford University Press, 2019 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Heldt, Eugénia C.; Schmidtke, Henning: Explaining coherence in international regime complexes: How the World Bank shapes the field of multilateral development finance. Review of International Political Economy 26 (6), 2019, 1160-1186 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Hörisch, Felix; Wurster, Stefan: The Policies of the First Green-Red Government in the German Federal State of Baden-Württemberg, 2011–2016. Politische Vierteljahresschrift 60 (3), 2019, 513-538 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Jedd, Theresa M.: The limits of resilience in US community responses to recent drought events. Community Development 50 (2), 2019, 141-159 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Jörg Radtke, Weert Canzler, MIRANDA SCHREURS , and Stefan Wurster: Energiewende in Zeiten des Populismus. Springer VS, 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Loder, Allister; Axhausen, Kay W.: 3D-MFD-based traffic assignment. 19th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC 2019), 2019 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Loder, Allister; Bliemer, Michael C.J.; Axhausen, Kay W.: Design of urban transportation infrastructure for optimal passenger throughput. 10th Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN), 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Loder, Allister; Bressan, Lea; Dakic, Igor; Ambühl, Lukas; Menendez, Monica; Axhausen, Kay W.: Modeling multi-modal traffic in cities using the 3D Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram. 98th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB 2019), 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Loder, Allister; Bressan, Lea; Wierbos, Maria J.; Becker, Henrik; Emmonds, Andy; Obee, Martin; Knoop, Victor L.; Menendez, Monica; Axhausen, Kay W: A general framework for multimodal macroscopic fundamental diagrams (MFD). Working Paper, 2019, more… BibTeX
  • Loder, Allister; Dakic, Igor; Bressan, Lea; Ambühl, Lukas; Bliemer, Michiel C.J.; Menendez, Monica; Axhausen, Kay W: Capturing network properties with a functional form for the multimodal macroscopic fundamental diagram. Working Paper, 2019, more… BibTeX
  • Loder, Allister; Ambühl, Lukas; Menendez, Monica; Axhausen, Kay W.: Understanding traffic capacity of urban networks. Scientific Reports 9 (1), 2019 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Loder, Allister; Dakic, Igor; Bressan, Lea; Ambühl, Lukas; Bliemer, Michiel C.J.; Menendez, Monica; Axhausen, Kay W.: Capturing network properties with a functional form for the multi-modal macroscopic fundamental diagram. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 129, 2019, 1-19 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Lütge, Christoph: There is not enough business ethics in the ethics of digitization. In: Ethical Business Leadership in Troubling Times. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Lütge, C.: Panel. (Talk) 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Panel-Moderation. (Talk) 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Keynote. (Talk) 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Podiumsdiskussion. (Talk) 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Workshop “Managing Digital Disruption: Toward a Research Agenda for Organizations“. (Talk) 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Workshop “The Social Contract Tradition in Business Ethics. Ties that Bind twenty years on“. (Talk) 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Panel. (Talk) 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Panel "Artificial Intelligence: Future trends and the impact on society“. (Talk) 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Panel. (Talk) 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: AI: Ethical Challenge or Moral Opportunity? (Talk) 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Keynote. (Talk) 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Ethics and Innovation in Artificial Intelligence. (Talk) 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Keynote. (Talk) 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Podiumsdiskussion. (Talk) 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Keynote. (Talk) 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Responsible AI. (Talk) 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Panel. (Talk) 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: The German Ethics Guidelines for Autonomous Cars Revisited. (Talk) 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Panel. (Talk) 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: AI Ethics and Autonomous Cars. (Talk) 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Ethics, Innovation and Accountability in Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Driving. (Talk) 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Ethics of AI and Autonomous Decision Making. (Talk) 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Artificial Intelligence: An International Dialogue: A National Academies-Royal Society Public Symposium. (Talk) 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Über Ethik-Waschmaschinen und andere Fabelwesen. Interview about the AI Ethics Guidelines of the High Level Expert Group on AI. Tagesspiegel, 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Interview on new AI Ethics Institute at TUM. Times Higher Education, 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Aus Freude am Mitfahren. Interview on ethics of autonomous driving. Die WELT, 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Künstliche Intelligenz & Digitale Verantwortung: Wird Ethik programmierbar?, Interview. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Ethik muss Teil des Kerngeschäfts werden. Focus Business, 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Jobcenter setzen auf Künstliche Intelligenz. Business Insider, 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Facebook Backs University AI Ethics Institute With $7.5 Million, Interview. Forbes, 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Facebook Endows AI Ethics Institute at German University TUM, Interview. Bloomberg, 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Facebook lance un centre de recherche consacré à l’éthique de l’intelligence artificielle, Interview. Le Monde, 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Ordnungsethik und ihre ethischen Quellen. In: Von besten und zweitbesten Regeln: Platonische und aktuelle Perspektiven auf individuelles und staatliches Wohlergehen. Harrassowitz, 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, Christoph: The Honorable Merchant and the Corporate Social Responsibility Movement. In: Ethical Economy. Springer International Publishing, 2019 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Lütge, Christoph: Diversity and the Problem of Social Glue. In: The Praxis of Diversity. Springer International Publishing, 2019 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Lütge, Christoph; Lütge, Christiane; Faltermeier, Markus: Introduction: The Praxis of Diversity. In: The Praxis of Diversity. Springer International Publishing, 2019 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • MIRANDA SCHREURS and Elim Papadakis: Historical Dictionary of the Green Movement, 3rd ed. Rowman and Littlefield, 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Mahrenbach, Laura C.: How shared ideas may hinder lobbying success: British preference formation in the G20. Cambridge Review of International Affairs 33 (2), 2019, 252-273 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Mahrenbach, Laura C.: The Domestic Foundations of Emerging and Established State Trade Cooperation – 4. In: Li, Xing (Ed.): The International Political Economy of the BRICS. Routledge, 2019, 57-74 more… BibTeX
  • Mahrenbach, Laura C.: The International Political Economy of the BRICS. , Ed.: Routledge: Lehrstuhl für Computational Social Science, 2019, more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Mahrenbach, Laura C.: The Palgrave Handbook of Contemporary International Political Economy. Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2019 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Mahrenbach, Laura C.; Shaw, Timothy M.: Continuities and Change in IPE at the Start of the 21st Century – 1. In: Shaw, Timothy M.; Mahrenbach, Laura C.; Modi, Renu; Xu, Yi-chong (Ed.): The Palgrave Handbook of Contemporary International Political Economy. Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, 1-23 more… BibTeX
  • Mello, Patrick A.: Paths towards coalition defection: Democracies and withdrawal from the Iraq War. European Journal of International Security 5 (1), 2019, 45-76 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Mello, Patrick A.: Von der Bonner zur Berliner Republik: Die „Zivilmacht“ Deutschland im Spiegel parlamentarischer Debatten zu Auslandseinsätzen der Bundeswehr, 1990 bis 2018. In: Brummer, Klaus; Kießling, Friedrich (Ed.): Zivilmacht Bundesrepublik? Bundesdeutsche außenpolitische Rollen vor und nach 1989 aus politik- und geschichtswissenschaftlichen Perspektiven. Nomos, 2019, 295-316 more… BibTeX
  • Merkel, Wolfgang; Johannes Gerschewski: Democratic Transformation after the Second World War. In: Kollmorgen, Raj; Wolfgang Merkel; Hans-Jürgen Wagener (Ed.): The Handbook of Political, Social, and Economic Transformation. Oxford University Press, 2019, 280-292 more… BibTeX
  • Michailov, M.; Neu, E.; Birkenbihl, P.; Plattner, T.; Senn, T.; Luetge, C.; Schratz, M.; Weber, G.: On anthropology and psychosomatics in neurology. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 405, 2019, 96-97 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Michailov, M.; Neu, E.; Braun, F.; Joseph, M.; Neu, R.; Welscher, U.; Zebuhr, L.; Hofstetter, A.; Holler, M.; Luetge, C.; Schratz, M.; Weber, G.: On neurology in context of philosophical anthropology, psychology and medicine. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 405, 2019, 103-104 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Morin, Jean‐Frédéric; Dobson, Hugo; Peacock, Claire; Prys‐Hansen, Miriam; Anne, Abdoulaye; Bélanger, Louis; Dietsch, Peter; Fabian, Judit; Kirton, John; Marchetti, Raffaele; Romano, Simone; MIRANDA SCHREURS ; Silve, Arthur; Vallet, Elisabeth: How Informality Can Address Emerging Issues: Making the Most of the G7. Global Policy 10 (2), 2019, 267-273 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Mueller, Tony: Die Selbstermächtigung der Europäischen Zentralbank während der Eurokrise. In: Fuest, Clemens (Ed.): Europa neu (er)finden im digitalen Zeitalter? Freiheit, Wohlstand und europäische Integration. Hanns Martin Schleyer-Stiftung, 2019, 223-228 more… BibTeX
  • Muzaka, Valbona; Serrano, Omar Ramon: Teaming Up? China, India and Brazil and the Issue of Benefit-Sharing from Genetic Resource Use. New Political Economy, 2019, 1-21 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Neu, E.; Michailov, M.; Birkenbihl, P.; Bauer, H.W.; Gornik, E.; Hofstetter, A.; Iyengar, G.; Luetge, C.; Martin, D.; Schratz, M.; Weber, G.; Weissenbacher, E.R.; Welscher, U.; Weiss, D.G.; Zoepfl, H.: On neurology and policy. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 405, 2019, 148-149 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Neundorf, Anja; Gerschewski, Johannes; Olar, Roman-Gabriel: How Do Inclusionary and Exclusionary Autocracies Affect Ordinary People? Comparative Political Studies, 2019, 001041401985895 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Ohlhorst, Dörte: Energiewende im Wärmesektor – noch ein langer Weg. In: Energiewende. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Pagallo, U.; Aurucci, P.; Casanovas, P.; Chatila, R.; Chazerand, P.; Dignum, V.; Lütge, C.; Madelin, R.; Schafer, B.; Valcke, P.: AI4People-On Good AI Governance: 14 Priority Actions, a SMART Model of Governance, and a Regulatory Toolbox. AI4People, 2019 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Pauwelyn, Joost; Maggetti, Martino; Büthe, Tim; Berman: Rethinking Stakeholder Participation in Global Governance. Oxford University Press, 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Petz, Cindarella: Gerichtsakten als Quelle historischer Netzwerkanalyse zur Politischen Verfolgung im österreichischen Ständestaat. Workshop "Von Chancen und Herausforderungen - Werkstattgespräche zur Historischen Netzwerkanalyse", 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Petz, Cindarella: Networks of Political Judiciary in the Corporate State of Austria. 13th Workshop Historical Network Research "Networks Across Time and Space - Methodological Challenges and Theoretical Concerns of Network Research in the Humanities", 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Plunkett, Leah; Gasser, Urs; Cortesi, Sandra: Student privacy and the law in the internet age. The Oxford Handbook of U.S. Education Law, 2019, 488–510 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Pond, Amy; Zafeiridou, Christina: The Political Importance of Financial Performance. American Journal of Political Science 64 (1), 2019, 152-168 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Rachut, Sarah: „Digitaler Datenfriedhof“: Handhabung des digitalen Nachlasses unter Berücksichtigung der Facebook-Entscheidung des BGH (Urt. v. 12.07.2018 - III ZR 183/17). AnwZert ITR (4/2019 Anm. 2), 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Rachut, Sarah; Girbinger, Katharina: Section Control I: Zur Erforderlichkeit einer Rechtsgrundlage für Verkehrsüberwachung durch abschnittsbezogene Geschwindigkeitskontrolle, Anm. zu VG Hannover, Urt. v. 12.03.2019 - 7 A 849/19. JurisPR-ITR (10/2019 Anm. 3), 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Rachut, Sarah; Girbinger, Katharina: Wahl-O-Mat verletzt Recht auf Chancengleichheit kleinerer Parteien, Anm. zu VG Köln, Beschl. v. 20.05.2019 - 6 L 1056/19. JurisPR-ITR (12/2019 Anm. 2), 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Rachut, Sarah; Schwegler, Julia: Digitalisierung der Verwaltung: Veröffentlichungspflicht nach § 4a Abs. 4 Satz 1 BauGB besteht selbstständig neben ortsüblicher Bekanntmachung und Auslegung, Anm. zu OVG München, Urt. v. 25.06.2019 - 10 D 88/16.NE. JurisPR-ITR (16/2019 Anm. 5), 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Radtke, Jörg; Canzler, Weert; Schreurs, Miranda; Wurster, Stefan: Energiewende in Zeiten populistischer Bewegungen – Einleitende Bemerkungen. In: Energiewende in Zeiten populistischer Bewegungen. Springer, 2019, 3-30 more… BibTeX
  • Radtke, Jörg; Canzler, Weert; Schreurs, Miranda; Wurster, Stefan: Energiewende in Zeiten populistischer Bewegungen. Springer, 2019 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Rauschenbach, Mascha; Paula, Katrin: Intimidating voters with violence and mobilizing them with clientelism. Journal of Peace Research 56 (5), 2019, 682-696 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Redeker, Nils; Haffert, Lukas; Rommel, Tobias: Misremembering Weimar: Unpacking the Historic Roots of Germany’s Monetary Policy Discourse. Jacques Delors Institute Policy Paper Series, 2019 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • SCHREURS, MIRANDA ; Wurster, Stefan: The governance of big transformations. TATuP - Zeitschrift für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Theorie und Praxis 28 (2), 2019, 69-70 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Schoenfeld, Mirco; Eckhard, Steffen; Patz, Ronny; van Meegdenburg, Hilde: The UN Security Council Debates. 2019 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Schreurs, Miranda; Wurster, Stefan: The governance of big transformations. Zeitschrift für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Theorie und Praxis 28 (2), 2019, 69-70 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Schönfeld, Mirco; Pfeffer, Jürgen: Fruchterman/Reingold (1991): Graph Drawing by Force-Directed Placement. In: Holzer, Boris; Stegbauer, Christian (Ed.): Schlüsselwerke der Netzwerkforschung. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019, 217--220 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Serrano, Omar and Burri, Mira: TRIPS Implementation in Developing Countries: Likely Scenarios to 2025. In: Manfred Elsig, Michael Hahn and Gabriele Spilker (Ed.): The Shifting Landscape of Global Trade Governance. Cambridge University Press, 2019, 275-294 more… BibTeX
  • Tawa, John; Negrón, Rosalyn; Pfeffer, Jürgen: The measurement of interpersonal interactions with continuous spatiotemporal data: Application to a study of the effects of resource competition on racial group interactions. Behavior Research Methods 52 (2), 2019, 881-900 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Wurster, Stefan: Autokratische Varianten des Wohlfahrtsstaates. In: Handbuch Sozialpolitik. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Wurster, Stefan; Dukalskis, Alexander; Kropp, Sabine: Hierarchy and Rivalry Subnational Competition in Authoritarian Multilevel Regimes. Workshop: “Comparative Authoritarianism” , 2019 more… BibTeX
  • Wurster, Stefan; MIRANDA SCHREURS: „Governance of Big Transformations“. 8. Jahrestagung der DVPW-Sektion Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft vom 21. bis 23. März 2019 in München. Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft 13 (4), 2019, 527-532 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Wurster, Stefan; Hagemann, Christian: Expansion of Renewable Energy in Federal Settings: Austria, Belgium, and Germany in Comparison. The Journal of Environment &amp; Development 29 (1), 2019, 147-168 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Wurster, Stefan; Schreurs, Miranda: „Governance of Big Transformations“. 8. Jahrestagung der DVPW-Sektion Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft vom 21. bis 23. März 2019 in München. Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft 13 (4), 2019, 527-532 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Yang, Yanan; Lütge, Christoph: Dynamic integration paths of emerging multinational enterprises in advanced markets. Review of International Business and Strategy 30 (1), 2019, 1-23 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Yang, Yanan; Lütge, Christoph; Yang, Hongwei: Organisational culture affecting post-merger integration. Review of International Business and Strategy 29 (2), 2019, 139-154 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Ćetković, Stefan; Buzogány, Aron: The Political Economy of EU Climate and Energy Policies in Central and Eastern Europe Revisited: Shifting Coalitions and Prospects for Clean Energy Transitions. Politics and Governance 7 (1), 2019, 124-138 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Ćetković, Stefan; Skjærseth, Jon Birger: Creative and disruptive elements in Norway´s climate policy mix: the small-state perspective. Environmental Politics 28 (6), 2019, 1039-1060 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )


  • Lütge, C. : Competition and Ethics. . Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy , 2018 more… BibTeX
  • Ambühl, Lukas; Loder, Allister; Zheng, Nan; Menendez, Monica; Axhausen, Kay W.: Approximative Network Partitioning for MFDs from Stationary Sensor Data. 18th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC 2018), 2018 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Achim Brunnengräber, Maria Rosaria Di Nucci, Anna Maria Isidoro Losada, Lutz Mez, and MIRANDA SCHREURS: Challenges of Nuclear Waste Governance: An International Comparison (Vol. II). Spring VS, 2018 more… BibTeX
  • Akio Igarashi (Editing by Mark Caprio and MIRANDA SCHREURS ): Japanese Contemporary Politics. New York: Routledge, 2018 more… BibTeX
  • Allister, Loder; Brückmann, Gracia; Axhausen, Kay. W.: Mobility tool ownership of commuters in Switzerland. 15th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research (IATBR 2018), 2018 more… BibTeX
  • Altman, Micah; Wood, Alexandra; O’Brien, David R; Gasser, Urs: Practical approaches to big data privacy over time. International Data Privacy Law 8 (1), 2018, 29-51 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Ambühl, Lukas; Loder, Allister; Becker, Henrik; Menendez, Monica; Axhausen, Kay W: Evaluating London's congestion charge: An approach using the macroscopic fundamental diagram. 7th Transport Research Arena (TRA 2018), 2018 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Ambühl, Lukas; Loder, Allister; Bliemer, Michiel; Menendez, Monica; Axhausen, Kay W: Introducing a re-sampling methodology for the estimation of empirical macroscopic fundamental diagrams. 97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB 2018), 2018 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Ambühl, Lukas; Loder, Allister; Menendez, Monica; Axhausen, Kay W: A case study of Zurich’s two-layered perimeter control. 7th Transport Research Arena (TRA 2018), 2018 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Ambühl, Lukas; Loder, Allister; Bliemer, Michiel C. J.; Menendez, Monica; Axhausen, Kay W.: Introducing a Re-Sampling Methodology for the Estimation of Empirical Macroscopic Fundamental Diagrams. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2672 (20), 2018, 239-248 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Balachandran, G.; Mallard, Grégoire; Arewa, Olufunmilayo; Baccaro, Lucio; Büthe, Tim; Nightingale, Andrea; Pénet, Pierre; Pestre, Dominique; Roberts, Anthea: Governing Capital, Labor, and Nature in a Changing World*. In: Rethinking Society for the 21st Century. Cambridge University Press, 2018 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Becker, Henrik; Loder, Allister; Schmid, Basil; Jonietz, David; Bucher, Dominik; Raubal, Martin; Axhausen, Kay. W.: Usage patterns and impacts of a mobility flat rate traced with a Smartphone App. 15th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research (IATBR 2018), 2018 more… BibTeX
  • Bieger, Thomas; Achleitner, Paul; Landolf, Urs; Serratore, Luca; Breitenstein, Yannik; Dilger, Bernadette; Angélil, Marc; Fujimoto, Sou; Böhm, Andreas; Meckel, Miriam; Borth, Damian; Gasser, Urs; Lohmann, Melinda Florina; Bruch, Heike; Berenbold, Sandra; Gassmann, Oliver; Josef, Barbara; Back, Andrea; Uebernickel, Falk; Kohler, Marc; Hehn, Jennifer; Leimeister, Jan Marco; Söllner, Matthias; Brenner, Walter; Gutzwiller, Thomas; Frank, Markus; Schürer, Wolfgang; Kissinger, Henry: Böhm, Andreas (Ed.): Open Grid - Open Mind. Volume 1. Auflage. , 2018 more… BibTeX
  • Boulianne, Shelley; Theocharis, Yannis: Young People, Digital Media, and Engagement: A Meta-Analysis of Research. Social Science Computer Review 38 (2), 2018, 111-127 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Budish, Ryan; Burkert, Herbert; Gasser, Urs: Encryption Policy and Its International Impacts: A Framework for Understanding Extraterritorial Ripple Effects. Hoover Institution Essay, 2018 more… BibTeX
  • Christoph Lütge: The Eschede Train Disaster: Ethics of Risk Management in Companies. SAGE Publications: SAGE Business Cases Originals, 2018 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Cohen, I. Glenn; Lynch, Holly Fernandez; Vayena, Effy; Gasser, Urs: Big Data, Health Law, and Bioethics: Introduction (Cambridge University Press, 2018). SSRN Electronic Journal, 2018 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Cohen,I.Glenn; Lynch, Holly: Vayena,Effy; Gasser,Urs: Big Data, Health Law, and Bioethics. Cambridge University Press, 2018 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Florentine Koppenborg: Remodelling Japan’s Climate Policy. East Asia Forum, 2018 more… BibTeX
  • Floridi, Luciano; Cowls, Josh; Beltrametti, Monica; Chatila, Raja; Chazerand, Patrice; Dignum, Virginia; Lütge, Christoph; Madelin, Robert; Pagallo, Ugo; Rossi, Francesca; Schafer, Burkhard; Valcke, Peggy; Vayena, Effy: AI4People—An Ethical Framework for a Good AI Society: Opportunities, Risks, Principles, and Recommendations. Minds and Machines 28 (4), 2018, 689-707 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Floridi, Luciano; Lütge, Christoph; Pagallo, Ugo; Schafer, Burkhard; Valcke, Peggy; Vayena, Effy; Addison, Janet; Hughes, Nigel; Lea, Nathan; Sage, Caroline; Vannieuwenhuyse, Bart; Kalra, Dipak: Key Ethical Challenges in the European Medical Information Framework. Minds and Machines 29 (3), 2018, 355-371 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Frei, Fanny; Loder, Allister; Bening, Catharina R.: Liquidity in green power markets – An international review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 93, 2018, 674-690 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Ghawi, Raji; Schoenfeld, Mirco; Pfeffer, Juergen: Towards Semantic-based Social Network Analysis. The 14th International Conference on Signal Image Technology & Internet Bases Systems (SITIS), 2018 more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann, Dirk: Vom IT-Sicherheitsgesetz zu einem wirksamen IT-Sicherheitsrecht. 2018 more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann, Dirk: Wertschöpfung und Wertschätzung. Wege zur Verbesserung des Persönlichkeitsrechtsschutzes im Internet. DIVSI Magazin (3/2018), 2018, S. 6-8. more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann, Dirk: Vom IT-Sicherheitsgesetz zu einem wirksamen IT-Sicherheitsrecht. Der Landkreis (5/2018), 2018 more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann, Dirk: Verbesserung des Persönlichkeitsrechtsschutzes. Politische Studien - Orientierung durch Information und Dialog (479), 2018, S. 30-39 more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann, Dirk: Open Data – Rechtliche Bewertung. Vereinigung der Bayrischen Wirtschaft e.V., 2018, more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann, Dirk: Kommentierung der §§ 167-172, 183-193 VwGO. In: Sodan, Helge; Ziekow, Jan (Ed.): Kommentar zur Verwaltungsgerichtsordnung. Nomos (derzeit: 5. edn.), 2018 more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann, Dirk; Gierschmann, Sibylle; Selk, Robert: DGRI-Stellungnahme zum Entwurf eines Gesetzes zur Stärkung des fairen Wettbewerbs. Computer und Recht (11/2018), 2018, S. 728 ff. more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann, Dirk; Paschke, Anne: Persönlichkeitsrechtsschutz im Internet. Deutsche Richterzeitung (4/2018), 2018, S. 144 ff. more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann, Dirk; Paschke, Anne: Kommentierung der §§ 7, 8, 12 DS-GVO. In: Ehmann, Eugen; Selmayr, Martin (Ed.): Datenschutz-Grundverordnung: DS-GVO. C.H.Beck (2. edn.), 2018 more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann, Dirk; Würtenberger, Thomas: Verwaltungsprozessrecht. C.H. Beck (derzeit: 4.. edn.), 2018 more… BibTeX
  • Heldt, Eugénia C.: European Policy Failure during the Refugee Crisis: Partial Empowerment, Reluctant Agents, a Cacophony of Voices, and Unilateral Action. EUI Working Papers RSCAS, 2018 more… BibTeX
  • Heldt, Eugénia C.: Lost in internal evaluation? Accountability and insulation at the World Bank. Contemporary Politics 24 (5), 2018, 568-587 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Heldt, Eugénia C.; Mahrenbach, Laura C.: Rising Powers in Global Economic Governance: Mapping the Flexibility‐Empowerment Nexus. Global Policy 10 (1), 2018, 19-28 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Heldt, Eugénia C.; Mahrenbach, Laura C.: Rising Powers in Global Economic Governance: Mapping the Flexibility-Empowerment Nexus. Global Policy 10 (1), 2018, 19-28 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Herweg, Nicole; Wurster, Stefan; Dümig, Kathrin: The European Natural Gas Market Reforms Revisited: Differentiating between Regulatory Output and Outcome. Social Sciences 7 (4), 2018, 57 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Homann, Karl; Lütge, Christoph; Pies, Ingo; Kummert, Irina: Ethik in der Wirtschaft: Sollten Unternehmen neben einer ökonomischen auch eine soziale Verantwortung haben? ifo-Schnelldienst , 2018 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Jedd, Theresa; Bathke, Deborah; Gill, Duane; Paul, Bimal; Wall, Nicole; Bernadt, Tonya; Petr, Jacob; Mucia, Anthony; Wall, Milan: Tracking Drought Perspectives: A Rural Case Study of Transformations Following an Invisible Hazard. Weather, Climate, and Society 10 (4), 2018, 653-672 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Lagassé, Philippe; Mello, Patrick A: The unintended consequences of parliamentary involvement: Elite collusion and Afghanistan deployments in Canada and Germany. The British Journal of Politics and International Relations 20 (1), 2018, 135-157 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Lavenex, Sandra; Serrano, Omar; Büthe, Tim: Power Transitions and the Rise of the Regulatory State: Global Market Governance in Flux. Regulation & Governance , 2018 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Loder, Allister; Bressan, Lea; Ambühl, Lukas; Bliemer, Michiel C.J.; Axhausen, Kay W: Modeling multi-modal traffic in cities. 8th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC 2018), 2018 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Loder, Allister; Axhausen, Kay Werner: Mobility tools and use: Accessibility’s role in Switzerland. Journal of Transport and Land Use 11 (1), 2018 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Lubonja, Kristi; Schönfeld, Mirco: Community Analysis based on linguistic characteristics in Social Networks. European Conference on Data Analysis (ECDA), 2018 more… BibTeX
  • Luetge, Christoph: Inclusive Diversity and Business Ethics: Challenges from the European Migrant Crisis. In: Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education and Societal Contexts. Springer International Publishing, 2018 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Luetge, Christoph: The Idea of the Honest Businessman in Literature. In: Wirtschaftsethik in der globalisierten Welt. Springer VS, 2018 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Lütge, C.: Realistische Wirtschaftsethik. (Talk) 2018 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: The New German Ethics Code for Autonomous Cars. (Talk) 2018 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Business Ethics for the Digital Era. (Talk) 2018 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: There is not enough business ethics in ethics of digitization. (Talk) 2018 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Wie verändert die Digitalisierung unsere Gesellschaft? Ethische und gesellschaftliche Fragen. (Talk) 2018 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: A New EthicsCode for Autonomous Cars –Experiences from Germany. (Talk) 2018 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: The New German Ethics Code for Autonomous Cars. (Talk) 2018 more… BibTeX
  • Ethics and Innovation in Industry 4.0. (Lecture notes) more… BibTeX
  • Für eine Wirtschaftsethik ohne Illusionen. (Lecture notes) more… BibTeX
  • On Experimental Philosophy and Ethics. (Lecture notes) more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: "Der Erfolg rechtfertigt die VW-Vorstandsvergütung“, Interview. Braunschweiger Zeitung, 2018 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Interview zu Abgastests mit Affen und Menschen bei VW und anderen Herstellern. Salzburger Nachrichten, 2018 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: ¿A quién mataría (como mal menor) un coche autónomo? Statement. El Pais, 2018 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Saudi-Arabien: Haltung gefragt, Interview., 2018 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: „Bei VW galten nur Ansagen von oben“. Interview zu Abgastests mit Affen und Menschen bei VW und anderen Herstellern. Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung, 2018 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Wie sollen Manager mit Autokraten und zweifelhaften Demokraten umgehen? Interview. Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 2018 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Plädoyer für realistische Wirtschaftsethik. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 2018 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: La ética del orden y la tesis Böckenförde: ¿En qué supuestos de fondo se basan las sociedades modernas? In: Ética y filosofía política: Homenaje a Adela Cortina. Editorial Tecnos , 2018 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Teaching Ethics –How Digitization Affects the Way We Teach Business Ethics. EFMDConference for Deans and Directors General, 2018München more… BibTeX
  • Corporate Social Responsibility for Sustainable Development. (Lecture notes) more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.; Uhl, M.: Ethik der Digitalisierung. Wisu Magazin , 2018 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.; Uhl, M.: Wirtschaftsethik. Vahlen, 2018 more… BibTeX
  • Mahrenbach, Laura C.: Conceptualising Emerging Powers. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Contemporary International Political Economy. Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2018 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Mahrenbach, Laura C.: The Promises and Challenges of Digitalization and Development in Major Emerging Markets. Lehrstuhl für Computational Social Science, 2018, more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Mahrenbach, Laura C.: Do Domestic Ideas and Interests Impact Coalition Structure? Emerging Powers in the Doha Round. International Studies Association Annual Meeting, 2018San Francisco, USA more… BibTeX
  • Mahrenbach, Laura C.; Mayer, Katja: [BigDataSur] Challenges and opportunities of studying big data in the Global South. Lehrstuhl für Computational Social Science, 2018, more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Mahrenbach, Laura C.; Mayer, Katja; Pfeffer, Jürgen: Policy Visions of Big Data: Views from the Global South. Third World Quarterly 39 (10), 2018 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Mello, Patrick A.: National restrictions in multinational military operations: A conceptual framework. Contemporary Security Policy 40 (1), 2018, 38-55 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Mello, Patrick A.; Saideman, Stephen M.: The politics of multinational military operations. Contemporary Security Policy 40 (1), 2018, 30-37 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Mello, Patrick A; Peters, Dirk: Parliaments in security policy: Involvement, politicisation, and influence. The British Journal of Politics and International Relations 20 (1), 2018, 3-18 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Mircea, Maria; Pfeffer, Jürgen: Galois lattice and positional dominance. Statistica Applicata - Italian Journal of Applied Statistics 30 (1), 2018, 11--31 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Niemeyer, Clemens; Schönfeld, Mirco: Reputation through Observation: Active Lurkers in Online Communities. European Conference on Data Analysis (ECDA), 2018 more… BibTeX
  • Nissim, Kobbi; Bembenek, Aaron; Wood, Alexandra; Bun, Mark; Gaboardi, Marco; Gasser, Urs; O'Brien, David R; Steinke, Thomas; Cadhan, Salil: Bridging the gap between computer science and legal approaches to privacy. Harvard Journal of Law &amp; Technology 31, 2018 more… BibTeX
  • Petz, Cindarella: Between Tartan and Tallit? On Zionism in Scotland. In: Collins, Kenneth E.; Newman, Aubrey; Wasserstein, Bernard (Ed.): Two Hundred Years of Scottish Jewry. Scottish Jewish Archives Committee, 2018, 239--262 more… BibTeX
  • Petz, Cindarella; Pfeffer, Jürgen; Wenninger, Florian; Tzaferis, Philipp: Networks of Political Prosecution. 38th SUNBELT Conference, 2018 more… BibTeX
  • Pfeffer, Jürgen: Creating a Conference Poster with High-Resolution Network Figures. Connections 37 (1-2), 2018, 95--100 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Pfeffer, Jürgen; Schönfeld, Mirco: Towards an Understanding of Perception of Network Visualization. Sunbelt XXXVIII Conference, 2018 more… BibTeX
  • Rachut, Sarah: Beseitigungs- und Unterlassungsanspruch des Mieters bei Videoüberwachung auf einem privaten Grundstück, Anm. zu AG Detmold, Urt. v. 01.03.18 - 7 C 429/17. JurisPR-ITR (13/2018 Anm. 6), 2018 more… BibTeX
  • Rachut, Sarah; Gerstmayr, Benjamin: Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO) und Fotografie: Was seit dem 25.05.2018 wirklich anders ist. AnwZert ITR (18/2018 Anm. 2), 2018 more… BibTeX
  • Rachut, Sarah; Heudecker, Claudia: Anforderungen an die journalistische Verdachtsberichterstattung, Anm. zu OLG Dresden, Urt. v. 21.08.18 - 4 U 255/18. JurisPR-ITR (20/2018 Anm. 3), 2018 more… BibTeX
  • Radtke, Jörg; Canzler, Weert; Schreurs, Miranda; Wurster, Stefan: Die Energiewende in Deutschland – zwischen Partizipationschancen und Verflechtungsfalle. In: Radtke, Jörg; Kersting, Norbert (Eds.): Energiewende. Politikwissenschaftliche Perspektiven. Springer, 2018 more… BibTeX
  • Redeker, Dennis; Gill, Lex; Gasser, Urs: Towards digital constitutionalism? Mapping attempts to craft an Internet Bill of Rights. International Communication Gazette 80 (4), 2018, 302-319 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Rommel, Tobias: Foreign Direct Investment and the Politics of Autocratic Survival. University of Zurich, 2018 more… BibTeX
  • Schmidtke, Henning: Elite legitimation and delegitimation of international organizations in the media: Patterns and explanations. The Review of International Organizations, 2018 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Schönfeld, Mirco: Decoding-Bias in Network Visualization and Context-Aided Countermeasures. European Symposium Series on Societal Challenges in Computational Social Science 2018: Bias and Discrimination (Dataset Challenge), 2018 more… BibTeX
  • Schönfeld, Mirco; Eckhard, Steffen; Mooiseva, Alena; Patz, Ronny; Meegdenburg, Hilde van: The UN Security Council Transcripts: from Automated Topic Modeling to Speeches-As-Network. European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), 2018 more… BibTeX
  • Schönfeld, Mirco; Eckhard, Steffen; Patz, Ronny; van Meegdenburg, Hilde: The UN Security Council debates on Afghanistan. 2018 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Schönfeld, Mirco; Pfeffer, Jürgen: Networks are so much more than graphs: Context is king! 38th SUNBELT, 2018 more… BibTeX
  • Serrano Oswald, Omar Ramon: The new architects: Brazil, China, and innovation in multilateral development lending. Public Administration and Development 39 (4-5), 2018, 203-214 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Thouvenin, Florent; Hettich, Peter; Burkert, Herbert; Gasser, Urs: Part I Introduction. In: Law, Governance and Technology Series. Springer International Publishing, 2018 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Thouvenin, Florent; Hettich, Peter; Burkert, Herbert; Gasser, Urs: Part V Design Guide. In: Law, Governance and Technology Series. Springer International Publishing, 2018 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Thouvenin, Florent; Hettich, Peter; Burkert, Herbert; Gasser, Urs: Part II Normative Concepts of Information Management. In: Law, Governance and Technology Series. Springer International Publishing, 2018 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Thouvenin, Florent; Hettich, Peter; Burkert, Herbert; Gasser, Urs: 2 Search Engines. In: Law, Governance and Technology Series. Springer International Publishing, 2018 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Thouvenin, Florent; Hettich, Peter; Burkert, Herbert; Gasser, Urs: 3 Remembering and Forgetting in Social Media. In: Law, Governance and Technology Series. Springer International Publishing, 2018 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Thouvenin, Florent; Hettich, Peter; Burkert, Herbert; Gasser, Urs: 4 Web Archives. In: Law, Governance and Technology Series. Springer International Publishing, 2018 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Thouvenin, Florent; Hettich, Peter; Burkert, Herbert; Gasser, Urs: 5 Mobile Internet. In: Law, Governance and Technology Series. Springer International Publishing, 2018 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Thouvenin, Florent; Hettich, Peter; Burkert, Herbert; Gasser, Urs: Remembering and Forgetting in the Digital Age. Springer International Publishing, 2018 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Troncoso Parady, Giancarlos; Loder, Allister; Axhausen, Kay W.: Hetereogenous travel activity patterns in Japan: Accounting for interdependencies in mobility tool use. 97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB 2018), 2018 more… BibTeX
  • Wurster, Stefan: Radtke, Jörg. 2016. Bürgerenergie in Deutschland. Partizipation zwischen Gemeinwohl und Rendite. Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft 12 (3), 2018, 597-599 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Wurster, Stefan; Hagemann, Christian: Expansion of Renewables in a federal setting – Germany, Austria, and Switzerland in comparison. Federalism and Energiewende: Germany, Switzerland, and California/the United States, 2018 more… BibTeX
  • Wurster, Stefan; Hagemann, Christian: Two ways to success expansion of renewable energies in comparison between Germany's federal states. Energy Policy 119, 2018, 610-619 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )


  • Ambühl, Lukas; Loder, Allister; Menendez, Monica; Axhausen, Kay W.: A case study of Zurich’s two-layered perimeter control. Working Paper, 2017, more… BibTeX
  • Ambühl, Lukas; Loder, Allister; Menendez, Monica; Axhausen, Kay W.: Empirical Macroscopic Fundamental Diagrams: New insights from loop detector and floating car data. Working Paper, 2017, more… BibTeX
  • Ambühl, Lukas; Loder, Allister; Menendez, Monica; Axhausen, Kay W.: Performance of dynamic urban traffic allocation. 17th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC 2017), 2017 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Ambühl, Lukas; Loder, Allister; Menendez, Monica; Axhausen, Kay W.: Empirical Macroscopic Fundamental Diagrams: New insights from loop detector and floating car data. 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB 2017), 2017 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Balachandran, Gopalan; Mallard, Grégoire; Arewa, Olufunmilayo; Baccaro, Lucio; Büthe, Tim; Nightingale, Andrea; Pénet, Pierre; Pestre, Dominique; Roberts, Anthea: Governing Capital, Labor, and Nature in a Changing World. In: International Panel on Social Progress (Ed.): Rethinking Society for the 21st Century: Final Report of the International Panel on Social Progress. Cambridge University Press, 2017, 491-522 more… BibTeX
  • Becker, Henrik; Loder, Allister; Schmid, Basil; Axhausen, Kay W.: Modeling car-sharing membership as a mobility tool: A multivariate Probit approach with latent variables. Travel Behaviour and Society 8, 2017, 26-36 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Born, Mareike; Michel, Alexandra; Zacher, Christoph; Wurster, Stefan: Change processes in civil society: Antecedents of change supportive behaviour in civil groups. The 18th conference of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, 2017 more… BibTeX
  • Büthe, Tim: Competition Law and Policy as an Emerging IPE Issue. In: Shaw, Timothy; Mahrenbach, Laura; Modi, Renu; Yi-chong, Xu (Ed.): The Palgrave Handbook of Contemporary International Political Economy. Palgrave, 2017, 447-463 more… BibTeX
  • Büthe, Tim: Die transatlantischen Beziehungen unter der Präsidentschaft von Donald Trump. Zeitschrift für Politik 64 (3), 2017, 289-316 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Büthe, Tim; Cheng, Cindy: The Effect of Competition Law on Innovation: A Cross-National Statistical Analysis. In: World Bank (Ed.): A Step Ahead: Competition Policy for Shared Prosperity and Inclusive Growth. World Bank, 2017, 187-224 more… BibTeX
  • Büthe, Tim; Cho, Moohyung: Power and Institutionalized International Regulatory Cooperation: A Multi-Method Analysis of Antitrust Agreements. European Foreign Affairs Review 22 (2), 2017, 115-136 more… BibTeX
  • Csehi, Robert: Horizontal coordination in federal political systems – non-centralization in the European Union and Canada compared. Journal of European Public Policy 24 (4), 2017, 562-579 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Di Nucci, Maria Rosaria; Brunnengräber, Achim; Isidoro Losada, Ana Maria: From the “right to know” to the “right to object” and “decide”. A comparative perspective on participation in siting procedures for high level radioactive waste repositories. Progress in Nuclear Energy 100, 2017, 316-325 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Florentine Koppenborg: Will the Silent Comeback of Coal Threaten Japan’s Climate Goals? East Asia Forum, 2017 more… BibTeX
  • Florentine Koppenborg: Ausstieg oder Wiedereinstieg? Abes widersprüchliche Atompolitik. In: Japan in der Ära Abe. Eine politikwissenschaftliche Analyse. München: Iudicium, 2017 more… BibTeX
  • Gasser, Urs; Almeida, Virgilio A.F.: A Layered Model for AI Governance. IEEE Internet Computing 21 (6), 2017, 58-62 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Gasser, Urs; Cortesi, Sandra: Children’s rights and digital technologies: Introduction to the discourse and some meta-observations. Handbook of Children’s Rights: Global and Multidisciplinary Perspectives., 2017, 439–458 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Gasser, Urs; Gassmann, Oliver; Hens, Thorsten; Leifer, Larry; Puschmann, Thomas; Zhao, Leon: Digital banking 2025. University of St. Gallen - Research Platform Alexandria, 2017 more… BibTeX
  • Günnemann, Nikou; Pfeffer, Jürgen: Cost Matters: A New Example-Dependent Cost-Sensitive Logistic Regression Model. In: Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. Springer International Publishing, 2017 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Haase, M.; Lütge, C.; Pies, I.; Priddat, B. P.: Stellungnahme: Wirtschaftsethik als Teil der Managementlehre. Information Philosophie, 2017 more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann, Dirk: IT-Sicherheit als Lebensader der Digitalen Gesellschaft. Der Wirtschaftsführer für junge Juristen (10/2017), 2017 more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann, Dirk: Die Vorratsdatenspeicherung: Ein besonders schwerer Grundrechtseingriff bisher unbekannten Ausmaßes. In: Menzel, Jörg; Müller-Terpitz, Ralf (Ed.): Verfassungsrechtsprechung. Mohr Siebeck (3. edn.), 2017 more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann, Dirk; Paschke, Anne: Datenschutzrechtliche Aspekte von Big Data-Analysen im Gesundheitswesen. In: Datenschutz, Stiftung (Ed.): Big Data und E-Health. Erich Schmidt Verlag, 2017 more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann, Dirk; Schmid, Alexander: Rechtliche Aspekte automatisierter Systeme. Informatik-Spektrum Sonderheft Autonome Systeme (10/2017), 2017, S. 430 ff. more… BibTeX
  • Heckmann, Dirk; Schmid, Alexander: Die „FAN ID“ im datenschutzrechtlichen Abseits? juris AnwaltZertifikatOnline ITR (16/2017), 2017 more… BibTeX
  • Heldt, Eugénia C.: Regaining Control of Errant Agents? Agency Slack at the European Commission and the World Health Organization. Cooperation and Conflict 52 (4), 2017, 469–484 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Heldt, Eugénia C.: Multiple Principals’ preferences, Types of Control Mechanisms, and Agent’s Discretion in Trade Negotiations. In: Tom Delreux; Johan Adriaensen (Ed.): The Principal Agent Model and the European Union. Palgrave Macmillan, 2017 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Heldt, Eugénia C.: Shaping Global Trade Governance Rules: New Powers’ Hard and Soft Strategies of Influence at the WTO. European Foreign Affairs Review 22 (Special Issue), 2017, 19-36 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Heldt, Eugénia C.; Mello, P.A.: Two-Level Games in Foreign Policy Analysis. In: Cameron Thies (Ed.): Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Foreign Policy Analysis. Oxford University Press, 2017, 1-31 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Heldt, Eugénia C.; Schmidtke, H.: Measuring the Empowerment of International Organizations: The Evolution of Financial and Staff Capabilities. Global Policy 8 (S5), 2017, 51-61 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Hoffmeyer, Pierre; Simmen, Hanspeter; Jakob, Marcel; Sommer, Christoph; Platz, Andreas; Ilchmann, Thomas; Grossen, Erik; Ryf, Christian; Christofilopoulos, Panayiotis; Schueler, Michael; Lassen, Michael Rud; Rimle, Markus; Gasser, Urs E.: Rivaroxaban for Thromboprophylaxis After Nonelective Orthopedic Trauma Surgery in Switzerland. Orthopedics 40 (2), 2017, 109-116 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Hörisch, Felix; Wurster, Stefan: Das grün‐rote Experiment in Baden-Württemberg. Springer , 2017 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Jauernig, Johanna; Uhl, Matthias; Luetge, Christoph: Voluntary agreements between competitors: trick or truth? Journal of Business Economics 87 (9), 2017, 1173-1191 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Kailitz, Steffen; Wurster, Stefan: Legitimationsstrategien von Autokratien. Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft 11 (2), 2017, 141-151 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Kailitz, Steffen; Wurster, Stefan; Tanneberg, Dag: Autokratische Regimelegitimation und soziale Entwicklung. Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft 11 (2), 2017, 275-299 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Kinder-Kurlanda, Katharina; Pfeffer, Jürgen; Weller, Katrin; Zenk-Möltgen, Wolfgang; Morstatter, Fred: Archiving information from geotagged tweets to promote reproducibility and comparability in social media research. Big Data & Society 4 (2), 2017, 2053951717736330 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Loder, Allister; Ambühl, Lukas; Menendez, Monica; Axhausen, Kay W: The MFD and the built environment: A new perspective on traffic problems in towns. 6th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART 2017), 2017 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Loder, Allister; Ambühl, Lukas; Menendez, Monica; Axhausen, Kay W.: Traffic problems in towns: An empirical analysis with macroscopic fundamental diagrams from cities around the world. Working Paper, 2017, more… BibTeX
  • Loder, Allister; Ambühl, Lukas; Menendez, Monica; Axhausen, Kay W.: Network features and MFD parameters. 17th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC 2017), 2017 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Loder, Allister; Axhausen, Kay W.: Mobility tools and use: Accessibility’s role in Switzerland. World Symposium on Transport and Land Use Research (WSTLUR 2017), 2017 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Loder, Allister; Ambühl, Lukas; Menendez, Monica; Axhausen, Kay W.: Empirics of multi-modal traffic networks – Using the 3D macroscopic fundamental diagram. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 82, 2017, 88-101 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Loder, Allister; Tanner, Reto; Axhausen, Kay W.: The impact of local work and residential balance on vehicle miles traveled: A new direct approach. Journal of Transport Geography 64, 2017, 139-149 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Lütge, C.: Wissensökonomie und Wettbewerb. (Talk) 2017 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: The New German Ethics Code for Autonomous Cars. (Talk) 2017 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Fairness from a Business Ethics Perspective. (Talk) 2017 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: The SDGs and the Fight Against Modern Slavery. (Talk) 2017 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Warum nützt Wettbewerb der Ethik? (Talk) 2017 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Ethische Aspekte von Industrie 4.0. (Talk) 2017 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Wettbewerbsethik für die Soziale Marktwirtschaft. (Talk) 2017 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Quellen der Ordnungsethik. (Talk) 2017 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Ethics and Innovation in Digital Technologies. (Talk) 2017 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Ethical Issues of Bitcoin and Blockchain Technology. (Talk) 2017 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Podiumsdiskussion. (Talk) 2017 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: A New Ethics Code for Autonomous Cars: What Can it Achieve? (Talk) 2017 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Invited Panelist. (Talk) 2017 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Ethics and Innovation in Industry 4.0. (Talk) 2017 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: The New German Ethical Code for Autonomous Cars. (Talk) 2017 more… BibTeX
  • Experimental Business Ethics. (Lecture notes) more… BibTeX
  • On Experimental Ethics. (Lecture notes) more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Professoren-Profil Prof. Dr. Christoph Lütge und Interview zu den Themen: Dieselskandal, soziale Netzwerke und Wirtschaftsethik an deutschen Universitäten. Wisu Magazin , 2017 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Wirtschaftsexperte erklärt, warum wir auf Millionen-Gehälter für Manager nicht verzichten können,. Huffington Post, 2017 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Zelfrijdende auto’s mogen niet beslissen over leven en dood., 2017 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Auto senza pilota, arriva il Codice etico, Interview., 2017 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: "Salvo i miei passeggeri o i pedoni?". Un codice etico per i robot al volante, Interview. la Repubblica, 2017 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Automobilbau: Riesen im Straucheln, Interview., 2017 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Auto nemůže rozhodovat, koho v mezní situaci zabije. Vznikl první etický kodex pro vozy bez řidiče. Auto, 2017 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: „Mäßigung ist schädlich“. Interview zum Thema Managergehälter. Handelsblatt, 2017 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Millionen für Air-Berlin-Chef: Verständnislosigkeit für großzügige Klauseln in Winkelmanns Vertrag, Interview. Welt am Sonntag, 2017 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Niedersachsen und VW: Interessenkonflikt per Gesetz, Interview. Süddeutsche Zeitung, 2017 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Der Widerstand gegen hohe Boni in der Schweiz wächst, Interview. Badische Zeitung, 2017 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Gierige Manager? Wie sich Schweizer Aktionäre gegen Millionen-Boni wehren, Interview. Der Standard, 2017 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Gefährliche EZB-Zinspolitik: Draghi riskiert, dass die EU weiter hinter den USA zurückfällt, Interview. Huffington Post, 2017 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Compliance ernst nehmen! Geleitwort. Arbeit und Arbeitsrecht: Die Zeitschrift für das Personal-Management, 2017 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Umwege. In: Nosaltres – per un mon millor. LaBGC , 2017 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Bemerkungen zu ethischen Argumentationen in der Flüchtlingskrise. In: Frau Merkel hat mich eingeladen"!? Impulse für eine offene Debatte in der Flüchtlingsfrage. LIT, 2017 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Responsibilities of Online Service Providers from a Business Ethics Point of View. In: The Responsibilities of Online Service Providers. Springer, 2017 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.: Der ehrbare Kaufmann und die Corporate Social Responsibility-Bewegung. In: Zwischen Bescheidenheit und Risiko: Der Ehrbare Kaufmann im Fokus der Kulturen. Springer VS, 2017 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, C.; Strosetzki, C.: Einleitung. In: Zwischen Bescheidenheit und Risiko. Springer VS, 2017 more… BibTeX
  • Lütge, Christoph: Überlegungen zu einer experimentellen Ethik. In: Berechenbarkeit der Welt?. Springer VS, 2017 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Lütge, Christoph: The German Ethics Code for Automated and Connected Driving. Philosophy & Technology 30 (4), 2017, 547-558 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Mahrenbach, Laura C.: When Does Power Matter? Emerging Powers in Formal and Informal Governance. 11th Pan-European Conference on International Relations, 2017Barcelona, Spain more… BibTeX
  • Mello, P.A.: Curbing the Royal Prerogative to Use Military Force: The British House of Commons and the Conflicts in Libya and Syria. West European Politics 40 (1), 2017, 80-100 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Mello, P.A.: Qualitative Comparative Analysis and the Study of Non-State Actors. In: Andrea Schneiker; Andreas Kruck (Ed.): Researching Non-State Actors in International Security: Theory & Practice. Routledge, 2017, 123-142 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Mello, P.A.; Peters, D.: Parlamente in der Friedens- und Sicherheitspolitik: Parlamentarische Kontrolle von Streitkräfteeinsätzen im Licht der Forschung. Sicherheit und Frieden 35 (2), 2017, 53-59 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Menendez, Monica; Ambühl, Lukas; Loder; Allister; Axhausen, Kay W.: Macroscopic estimation of multimodal traffic using loop detectors and transit data. 3rd International Workshop and Symposium: Research and Applications on the Use of Passive Data from Public Transport (TransitData 2017), 2017 more… BibTeX
  • Nissim, Kobbi; Smith, Adam; Vadhan, Salil; O'Brien, David; Wood, Alexandra: NCRN Meeting Spring 2017. In: Formal Privacy Models and Title 13. , 2017 more… BibTeX
  • Pond, Amy: Worker Influence on Capital Account Policy: Inflow Liberalization and Outflow Restrictions. International Interactions 44 (2), 2017, 244-267 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Pond, Amy: Protecting Property: The Politics of Redistribution, Expropriation, and Market Openness. Economics &amp; Politics 30 (2), 2017, 181-210 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Pond, Amy: Financial Liberalization: Stable Autocracies and Constrained Democracies. Comparative Political Studies 51 (1), 2017, 105-135 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Rachut, Sarah: Sicherheit und Schutz persönlicher Daten. BayWiDI Newsletter (6), 2017, S. 4-6 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
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  • SCHREURS, MIRANDA: Multi-level Climate Governance in China. Environmental Policy and Governance 27 (2), 2017, 163-174 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • SCHREURS, MIRANDA: The European Union and the Paris Climate Agreement: moving forward without the United States. Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment 15 (3), 2017, 192-195 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Schmidtke, H.: The Differentiated Politicisation of European Tax Governance. West European Politics 39 (1), 2017, 64-83 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Schmidtke, H.; Wilde, P.d., Leupold, A.: Introduction: The Differentiated Politicisation of European Governance. West European Politics 39 (1), 2017, 3-22 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Troncoso Parady, Giancarlos; Loder, Allister; Axhausen, Kay W.: Hetereogenous travel activity patterns in Japan: Accounting for inter-dependencies in mobility tool use. Working Paper, 2017, more… BibTeX
  • Woods, Kristina; Pfeffer, Jürgen; Klein-Seetharaman, Judith: Chlorophyll-Derivative Modulation of Rhodopsin Signaling Properties through Evolutionarily Conserved Interaction Pathways. Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences 4, 2017, 85 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Wurster, Stefan; Dukalskis, Alexander; Kropp, Sabine: Regional competition in hybrid and authoritarian regimes. ECPR General Conference , 2017 more… BibTeX
  • Wurster, Stefan; Hagemann, Christian: Two ways to success. Expansion of renewable energies in a comparison between Germany's federal states. the conference of the section Policy Analysis and Administrative Science of the DVPW, 2017 more… BibTeX
  • Wurster, Stefan; Hagemann, Christian: Two ways to success. Expansion of renewable energies in a comparison between Germany's federal states. The 3rd International Conference on Public Policy, 2017 more… BibTeX
  • Wurster, Stefan; Radtke, Jörg; Hagemann, Christian: Challenges of the German energy turnaround by European multi-level governance. The 24th International Conference of Europeanists 2017 , 2017 more… BibTeX
  • Wurster, Stefan; Kailitz, Steffen: Legitimationsstrategien von Autokratien. Befunde und Perspektiven der Forschung. Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft 11 (2), 2017, 349-363 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Yanan, Y.; Lütge, C.: Integration Model Framework for Chinese Corporations and German Enterprises. Aussie-Sino Studies, 2017 more… BibTeX
  • Ziegler, Nicolas: Der Lehrling als „blinder Punkt“ der demokratischen Legitimation der Handwerkskammer? Wirtschaft und Verwaltung, 2017, 216-224 more… BibTeX
  • van Schoor, Berta; Luetge, Christoph: Conditions of collective commitment in sector-specific coordinated governance initiatives. Crime, Law and Social Change 71 (2), 2017, 129-150 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )