Under Review

  • Udupa, S., Koch, L. AI and Context Sensitive Datasets to Detect Misogyny.

  • Udupa, S. Ghawi, R. Non-Fringe Spatialities of Social Media: Small Platforms as Homegrown Pipelines for Right-Wing Discourses.

  • Daniel Matter, D., Schirmer, M., Pfeffer, ”I Might Start Punching Chads in the Face”: Tracing Journeys of User Violence in Incel Posts.


  • Strather, W., Pfeffer, J. 2023. Identifying Different Layers of Online Misogyny, Workshop Proceedings of International Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM).

  • Gerold, O. and Udupa, S. 2023. “Becoming Archived: Feminist Resistance to Online Misogyny in India,” Social Text

  • Souza, L., Koch, L., Russo, Riva, MP., Leal, N. 2023. Viewpoint: Protecting Women Politicians from Online Abuse. Political Violence at a Glance Blogpost.

  • Steinert, J., Koch, L., Pfeffer, J. 2023. Online Hate against Members of the European Parliament. Policy Brief. https://www.gov.sot.tum.de/fileadmin/w00bzh/gov/_my_direct_uploads/EUP_OnlineHate.pdf

  • "Why do some female candidates and victims of online violence drop out of politics while others endure?" Blogpost on the Online Website Political Violence at a Glance, March, 2023(https://politicalviolenceataglance.org/2023/03/09/viewpoint-protecting-women-politicians-from-online-abuse/)

  • "Hate messages received by black and white candidates during Brazil's 2022 elections, and their potential implications" Estudos Eleitorais v.16, n.2 from the Brazilian Electoral Supreme Court, November 2022 (https://www.tse.jus.br/institucional/escola-judiciaria-eleitoral/publicacoes/revista-estudos-eleitorais-portugues)

  • Strathern, W., Ghawi, R., Schönfeld, M., Pfeffer, J. 2022. Identifying lexical change in negative word-of-mouth on social media. Social Network Analysis and Mining 12 (1), 59.

  • Ralev, R., Pfeffer, J. 2022. Hate Speech Classification in Bulgarian. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computational Linguistics in Bulgaria (CLIB 2022).