Stefanie Walter, PhD
Raum: H.301
Telefon: N.N.
Since 2021, Stefanie Walter is leader of the Emmy Noether Research Group “The media portrayal of majority and minority groups” at the Technical University of Munich. She previously held a post-doc position at the at the University of Bremen’s Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research (2018-2020) and at the Institute of Journalism and Communication of the University of Hamburg (2015-2018). Stefanie Walter received her doctorate in political science from the University of Mannheim and her thesis focused on the topic of the European public sphere. Her research interests include political and communication, public understanding of science and technology, and climate change communication. Methodologically, her focus is on manual and automated content analysis as well as computational social science.
Walter, Stefanie (2017). EU Citizens in the European Public Sphere: An Analysis of EU News in 27 EU Member States. Wiesbaden: Springer.
Peer-reviewed journal articles
Walter, Stefanie & Brüggemann, Michael (2020). Opportunity Makes Opinion Leaders: Analyzing the Role of First-Hand Information in Opinion Leadership in Social Media Networks. Information, Communication & Society, 23(2), 267-287.
Walter, Stefanie; Görlach, Janne & Brüggemann, Michael (2020). Climate Feedback: Wissenschaft kommentiert Journalismus und entwickelt Mehrsystemkompetenz [Climate Feedback: Science Comments on Journalism and Develops Multi-System Competence]. Publizis- tik, 65, 567–589.
Brüggemann, Michael; Elgesem, Dag; Bienzeisler, Nils; Dedecek Gertz, Helena & Walter, Stefanie (2020). Mutual Group Polarization in the Blogosphere: Tracking the Hoax Discourse on Climate Change. International Journal of Communication, 14, 1025–1048.
Brüggemann, Michael; Lörcher, Ines & Walter, Stefanie (2020). Post-Normal Science Com- munication: Exploring the Blurring Boundaries of Science and Journalism. Journal of Science Communication, 19(03), A02.
Walter, Stefanie (2019). Better off Without You? How the British Media Portrayed EU Citizens in Brexit News. International Journal of Press/Politics 24(2), 210-232.
Walter, Stefanie, Lörcher,Ines & Brüggemann,Michael (2019). Scientific Networks on Twitter: Analyzing Scientists’ Interactions in the Climate Change Debate. Public Understanding of Science 28(6), 696-712.
Walter, Stefanie; Brüggemann, Michael & Engesser, Sven (2018). Echo Chambers of Denial: Explaining User Comments on Climate Change. Environmental Communication, 12(2), 204- 217.
Walter, Stefanie; De Silva-Schmidt, Fenja & Brüggemann, Michael (2017). How Twitter Turns Scientists into Journalists: Scientists’ Use of Twitter in the COP21 Climate Change Conference. International Journal of Communication, 11, 570–591.
Walter, Stefanie (2017). Three Models of the European Public Sphere: An Analysis of the Actor Structure of EU News in Light of Normative Public Sphere Theories. Journalism Studies, 18(6), 749-770.
Walter, Stefanie (2017). Explaining the Visibility of EU Citizens: A Multi-Level Analysis of EU News During the 2009 European Parliament Elections. European Political Science Review, 9(2), 233-253.
Walter, Stefanie (2016). A Network Perspective on European Union News: Explaining Relationships of Horizontal Reporting Across EU Member States. Mass Communication & Society, 19(6), 715-737.
Book chapters
Brüggemann, Michael; Neverla, Irene; Hoppe, Imke &Walter, Stefanie (2018).Klimawandel in den Medien. [Climate Change in the Media]. In: von Storch, Hans; Meinke, Insa & Claußen, Martin (Eds.). Hamburger Klimabericht: Wissen über Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Hamburg und Norddeutschland [Hamburg Climate Report: Knowledge About Climate, Climate Change, and Effects in Hamburg and Northern Germany]. Wiesbaden: Springer,243-254.
Theocharis, Yannis & Walter, Stefanie (2017) Solidarity or Antagonism? An Analysis of German News Media Reporting on Anti-Austerity Protests in Greece. In: Papaioanou, Tao. & Gupta, Suman. (Eds.). Grievances, Identities and Agency: Media Representations of Anti- austerity Protests in the EU. New York: Routledge, 95-116.
Schnaudt, Christian, Walter, Stefanie & Popa,S ebastian A. (2016) Sub-National and National Territorial Identification. In: Westle, Bettina & Segatti, Paolo (Eds.). European Identity in the Context of National Identity: Questions of Identity in 16 European Countries on the Wake of the Financial Crisis 2007 and 2009. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 63-92.
Krewel, Mona; Schmidt, Sebastian & Walter, Stefanie (2016). Wahlkampf im Mehrebenensystem: Ich und mein Land? Ein Vergleich der Plakatwerbung in den Bundestags- und Europawahlkämpfen von 2009 und 2013/14 [Me and my Country? A Comparison of Campaign Posters in the Federal and European Election Campaigns in 2009 and 2013/14]. In: Tenscher, Jens & Rußmann, Uta (Eds.). Vergleichende Wahlkampfforschung: Studien anlässlich der Bundestags- und Europawahlen 2013 und 2014 [Comparative Electoral Campaign Research: Studies on the Occasion of the Federals and European Elections in 2013 and 2014]. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 101-128.
Alice Beazer, MA
Raum: H.305
Telefon: N.N.
Alice began working as a Doctoral Researcher at the TUM School of Governance in March 2021. Before this, she completed her undergraduate studies at the University of Sheffield, a Master’s in Political Science Research at Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, and the Research Training Programme in the Social Sciences (MA RTP) at Humboldt University. Currently, her qualitative research focuses on the representation of majority and minority groups within minority media outlets. In 2019, she was awarded a Leverhulme Trust Studentship for her research examining colonial discourse in the Brexit campaign.
Research interests
- Political Communication
- Populism
- Gender and Politics
- Nationalism
- Multiculturalism
- Qualitative Research Methods
Sean-Kelly Palicki, MSc.
Raum: H.303
Telefon: N.N.
Sean-Kelly Palicki is a research associate in the Emmy Noether Research Group at the Chair of European and Global Governance at the Hochschule für Politik München / TUM School of Governance. His research lies at the intersection of social science and data science, with an interest in using big data for social good. His current research applies automated text analysis and computational social science techniques to topics in political communication and the media portrayal of majority and minority groups.
He holds a master’s degree in big data analytics from Birmingham City University (UK) and a bachelor’s degree in psychology from San Diego State University (USA). In addition, Sean worked for seven years as a professional consultant helping tech startups and innovative public sector partners build data and analytics capabilities.
Research interests
- Big Data Analytics
- Computational Social Science
- Machine Learning
- News Media
- Politics and Technology
- Social Psychology
Palicki, SK., Fouad, S., Adedoyin-Olowe, M., and Abdallah, Z. (In Press). Transfer Learning Approach for Detecting Psychological Distress in Brexit Tweets. In Proceedings of the 36th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC ’21). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA.
Palicki, SK. and Azad, RMA. (2021). GA-SVM for Evaluating Heroin Consumption Risk. arXiv preprint.
Unsworth, S., Palicki, SK., and Lustig, J. (2016). The Impact of Mindful Meditation in Nature on Self-Nature Interconnectedness. Mindfulness 7, 1052–1060.